《The Alpha Broke the Omega》heat


| heat |

It's hot. Too hot.

I opened my eyes slowly, the white ceiling welcomed me. I stared at it for a good while then moved on to the room. My eyes widened, wait this is-- this is my room back home. When I was still a child.

The door opened and I saw my dad entering. He noticed that I was awake and smiled.

"Oh dear, why are you still awake?" he asked. Wh-what's going on? Am I in a dream?

N-no, this feels too real to be a dream. Sadness overwhelmed me as he approached me and sat at the edge of my bed. I pulled the blanket away and went to him.

"Dad, I missed you!" I say and hugged him, I noticed that my voice was high and squeaky. I looked at the mirror and my eyes widen even more as I realize that I was a seven-year old child.

My dad laughed and then I see my mom coming in the room. She smiled as she approached dad and I. She hugged me also. "Hannah, we're going to be gone for a while, you be good with your teachers, okay?"

Oh right, this was the night before they left and never came back. I have to warn them.

"C-can you not go please? Or bring me with you, I don't want to be alone here." I say, tears already falling down my cheeks. I can't let them go, they won't return.

My dad smiled sadly and wiped my tears. "Remember Hannah, we're doing this for you."


The scene changed. It was my 18th birthday, the day I was surely going to get my wolf. But she never came. Because of that, I became the lowest of the lows. The other Omegas at least had a wolf, but me...

The news spread in the pack and I welcomed the bitter life that I would live.


Soon, I became the official punching bag and scapegoat for anything.


Again, the scene changed. I was now standing in front of the pack house. I had just met my wolf and this... this was the very first time that I met my mate. I remember feeling so happy, but as soon as I laid eyes on Ian and realized that he was an Alpha, I sprinted away.


I opened my eyes, it's hot. Too hot.

My surroundings became very familiar. I'm in Ian's room in the pack house.

But then I feel it. The burning sensation started in my neck and spread everywhere. The pain was bearable, but I could feel the pain getting stronger.

"Hannah! Are you okay?!" I only noticed now that Ian was beside me. He appeared in my field of view and although I could see him, my vision started having black spots all over.

As his scent filled my nostrils, it seemed relieve the pain a bit, but then it came back even stronger than before. Seeing Ian, I knew that there was only one way for the pain to stop.

Although the pain tortured me, I sat up. However, I was too weak and almost fall down the floor. Luckily, Ian was quick to catch me.

The moment our skins came into contact, I knew.

I was going through my heat.



Damn it, Hannah's on her heat.

As I held her in my arms, the electric current that I was getting used to shocked me. It was way stronger than before, the attraction towards my mate was also as strong. Her scent that filled the room was now slowly becoming a drug.

This was the effect of the heat.

The attraction you feel towards your mate would be multiplied. I could feel my body getting hot too, but it wasn't as bad as Hannah's. Although she was in a weakened state right now, she tried her best to hold onto me tightly.


I'm actually surprised that her heat didn't come sooner. It should have happened shortly after we met, it was her body and wolf demanding to be marked after meeting their mate. The longer you are with your mate and haven't marked each other yet, the pain would be greater and longer when the female enters her first heat.

The only way to stop the heat was marking her... through our first mating process.

I cursed mentally.

"I...Ian. H-h-heat..." she said weakly as she panted. Sweat dropped from her forehead, I could lightly feel her pain, so I could only imagine of how painful she must be feeling right now.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, lifting her head to touch my forehead. Her hot breath fanned my face and her touch ignited flame that spread everywhere. Suddenly, the room became hot too.

Although she looked disheveled, there was no doubt that she's still the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. I murmured my gratefulness to the moon goddess for giving her to me.

As she looked at me with those unusually grey eyes, it was getting harder for me to avoid the tempting thoughts in my head. It didn't help that my wolf was getting wild although I am trying my best to keep him under control.

"I'll prepare the tub fo--"

I couldn't even finish my phrase because then Hannah pressed her lips onto mine. It took me a moment to respond, I kissed her back, trying to comfort her pain even if it was just for a while.

She tightened her embrace around my neck and it was like my arms had minds of their own, they automatically held Hannah by the waist as I pulled her closer to me.

My hands already started its ways under her shirt and taking them off of her. We pulled away for a second, but it didn't take long for our lips to find their way back together.

Damn it, I need to stop.

Ian, stop.

But it was hard to do so.

Freakin stop it!

Despite it being hard, I pulled away before I could do anything more. We were both panting and Hannah looked at me confused. It must've been because she was going through an excruciating pain, but her mind wasn't guarded and some of her thoughts slipped into mind and her emotions poured through the mate bond.

I immediately regretted pulling away from her because she started doubting herself, asking herself if she did anything wrong. She was starting to feel confused, angry and even insecure.

"Hannah, it's not like that." I said calmly, but it seemed to be too late. Some tears already starting forming.

"Y-you don't want me?" she asked, every word seemed to be a dagger in her heart. With one hand I held hand and the other caressed her face, wiping her tears.

"Goodness, Hannah, you don't know how much I want you, especially now. But I'm afraid you're not ready yet, it's just your heat." I explained as calmly as possible. Her tears slowed their flow as she stared at me, her eyes clouded with thoughts which I couldn't read anymore.

Hannah looked away and turned away. She started going pale again, our intimacy must've provided some sort of relief to her heat, but now that we were apart and she felt rejected, the internal pain must've started again.

I approached her slowly when I noticed that she started swaying, her eyes slowly dropping. I was quick to get by her side.

Without delay, I carried her off the ground and brought her to the bathroom. Her eyes were already closed, her consciousness drifted away again, the pain must've been intolerable.

I laid her gently into the tub and started running the cold water. This should help her... for now.





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