《The Alpha Broke the Omega》run


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The First Run made me feel something that I can't explain. My stomach turned about here and there, power flowing through my veins as all of these people followed me.

The sound of paws hitting the ground as we ran, the wind blowing through our fur, the branches snapping as we stepped on them, I made sure to remember the very feeling.

I made sure that I never forget this moment.

I could feel the unity of the she-wolves and their happiness, they truly followed me.

After an hour, we stopped by the lake to take a drink. I climbed up a rock which let me oversee everyone. When I had everyone's attention, I howled to the full moon up above.

I sang a song of gratefulness.

The moon goddess would have heard me with this sincerity right?

Everyone joined and I could feel the goosebumps making my fur stand straight. It was the prettiest sound.

Surely now, the moon goddess would hear right?

We continued the run for another hour and I started running back to the pack house. The run would soon be over and I was leading the way back.

When we arrived in front of the pack house, I stood again at the very front. Not long after, the males arrived and stayed in the back, however Ian came over to the front and stayed by my side.

The night would be over soon, after the First Run, all pack members must bow their heads before heading home and it was done by family.

The Beta's family came first. Alec came with his parents behind beside him as they bowed down for a bit and stood back up. I smiled at the bak of my head.

Next came Elliot and Andrea as well as Elliot's family.

We were in the middle of bowing our heads when I felt it. All of a sudden, the giddy, happy feeling left. Panic and alertness made me look around nervously.

Something's going to happ--

All our attention turned towards the side, where we heard a very loud explosion coming from. My heart beat erratically at this point, Ian and I both stood up trying to assess the situation.


What is going on?!

Then we see the pack members who have already gone home running back towards the pack house, some of them even newly shifted back to their human form.

The others instinctively stood back and like us, trying to understand what was going on.

And then the scent hits me. Rogues? No, I mean yes, but not regular rogues. I closed my eyes to get a better whiff, to try and locate them.


Ian was quick to mind link the pack. He commanded all the young and elder wolves to go look shelter while those who were able to stay and fight.

Not long after, a part of the pack started to move out, those who were commanded to leave and seek shelter.

'I rather you go too.' Ian started. I looked to him and growled.

'I can fight too, Ian.' I say.

'Fine, but if ever it gets too dangerous, you stay out of it.'

It didn't take too long before the Strays found where we were. My heart pounded as I stared at the unnatural creatures. They looked like werewolves, but something about them didn't feel right.

Although they looked like one, they didn't smell like a werewolf, their scent was still human. Their eyes were red with rage as they ravaged whatever was in front of them. I smell smoke and knew immediately that fire is being started somewhere.

The other wolves started to lunge at the strays. Ian and I went too.

I jumped on a stray who was smaller than me, I could tell she was female too. I was expecting more of a fight, but no, with just a scratch, life slipped away from her eyes.

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe it.

D-did I just kill someone?

I looked up and observed around me. Although the Strays were destructive, angry creatures, they didn't put up much of a fight. They were easily defeated with just a bite, a kick or a claw.

I smelled another one coming from behind me. With my right hind leg, I kicked that Stray. I looked back, same thing. I went closer and put my ear closer to his chest where his heart should be beating.


No heartbeats.

What is going on?

In just a matter of minutes, our enemies were swiped up. They were all defeated and now, their lifeless bodies lay all over.

I tried to find Ian, he wasn't here. My heart was still beating hard and fast but when I couldn't find him, my heart stopped.

Did he get hurt?! Wh-where is he?

I tried to pick up his scent, but the dead strays's bodies is what I smelled most in the air. I forced myself to concentrate. No, there's no way Ian could get hurt.

But then I see him emerging from one of the alleyways and I sigh in relief. I started to run towards him when Elliot linked me.

'Luna, we have injured men here, could you possibly help?' he asked.

'On my way.' I said as I stopped running towards Ian and went to where I was needed.


After healing two injured pack members, I learned that I wasn't used to healing in my wolf form yet, so I left and had Katelyn bring me clothes.

I quickly changed behind the pack house and went back to where everyone was. Almost everyone had already shifted back except those who were injured.

Sam and his helpers first tried to minimize the bleeding of the injured members while I went and healed them completely.

On the other hand, the border guards came and helped with the Strays' bodies. To be honest, I didn't know where they were going to bring them and I had no intention of knowing.

Ian, Alec and Elliot were already investigating as they were holding a meeting with the elders and some of the head of the border guards.

Everyone else were sent home and the two families that lost their homes to the fire were giving rooms in the pack house for now.

I tried to think, how did the Strays get inside the pack borders? If the barrier was ever opened, Ian would surely know of it. And the border guards would make sure to notify him, Alec or Elliot about any irregularities around the pack barrier. They notified every little thing to their leaders so this event was very strange, taking into consideration that Panselinos' security would be extremely hard to breach.

But no-- this attack caught all of us by surprise.

Was it just the guards' mistake for not watching carefully? No, because the three would have most likely felt it if the barrier was opened forcibly.

The barrier was opened when the Council came in... could it be?

I turned around, my eyes looking for any trace of them. When I couldn't find them, I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, I kind of remember their scent. I tried to locate it, but it was hard.

It was like a bad phone connection, just when I begin to have a grasp of them, I lose it again.


"Oh my goodness!" I jump at Sam who came to see me. I was taken by surprise, I was focusing too much on trying to find the delegates from the Council.

"A-are you alright?" Sam asked, startled by my reaction. I took a deep breath.

"Y-yes, I'm fine." I lied, but in truth, I was starting to feel light headed.

"Here is the last injured pack member, Luna." he told me as he turned to a young she wold who looked about Katey's age. She had a claw marks by her neck and body and my heart sank for her.

She was crying silently, but I tried my best to calm her down.

I healed her instantly and as she was thanking me, I started to feel my world spinning, my vision blurring until I felt my body drop onto the ground the black starry sky was what I could see.

Before my vision blackened, I could see the moon above. Luminous and enticing, as if calling me to be there.

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