《The Alpha Broke the Omega》ceremony


Today was the big day. I would finally be recognized as the Luna of the pack. The ceremony was to start this afternoon. Members of the Council were going to attend and that's why the preparation has lasted for the last three days.

The Council will also be delivering news on what will happen now that they have found out that the legend is becoming true. At the mean time, I've been learning a lot about myself... or who I used to be.

Chàri is a strong warrior and I felt that all the more now. I could create barriers at will now, I could fight even stronger now. However, the power that stood out the most was the healing power.

When I get bruised, it healed right away. No matter how deep the wound is or who inflicted it. I haven't much tested until where my healing powers could take, but I was feeling good about it.

I went to the pack infirmary the other day and I finally found the reason why I used to feel irritated at how slow Sam was when treating patients. It's because the power in me knew that I could do much better than Sam.

"Now, we know why you always looked like you wanted to kill me." Sam even joked. Needless to say, I apologized many times.

Katey and nine other helpers helped me with the ceremonial stuffs that Lunas of Panselinos have to undergo through for the ceremony. I first had to take a bath at the lake with the waterfalls. It was so awkward getting watched at by around ten helpers as I washed myself. But apparently it was part of the tradition.

I then had to be dolled up by the very same ten helpers. They made me wear a white dress that was so pretty it was almost a waste to make me wear it. The sleeves were long, but the material was so soft and transparent that it didn't seem like I had sleeves.

My arms were covered with flowery linings that went till the upper part of the dress and then it was the long flow-y chiffons.

My helpers had made a crown of curls with my hair with a few loose strands here and there that made it look so effortless, but only we knew how time it took to get it to look so perfect.

They put on a bit of makeup and to finish the look, I slipped on a short white heel.

By the time we finished, there was just an hour left before the ceremony. I was getting even more nervous, my heart constantly beat so fast as I tried to take slow, but paced deep breaths. If not, I'm convinced I would have fainted.

Katey served me enough food to get me full because she said that the ceremony will take at least two hours in total especially that the Council is here.

I still have a weird feeling about the Council, I feel like I shouldn't trust them. I've never met them, that's true, but my instincts told me to keep my guards up.


"Luna, it is time." Katey came to me. I was busy trying to hide the grey strand, but it still stood out. I turned around and took a deep breath.

Katey was already wearing a white dress too, and I learned that it was tradition that all the females of the pack have to wear white at the ceremony of Lunas to show that they are in submission.

I smiled at her and followed her. The hallways of the pack house were practically empty as we walked towards the hall. I could hear and smell all the wolves that gathered inside.

I could also now distinguish the unfamiliar smells of the Council. There were three of them.

I had to stay at the back first before Ian calls me.

'Ready?' Ian links me. He was already at the stage.

Again, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. 'Ready when you are.'

I heard the tapping on the mic. "Welcome, Panselinos. Tonight, you will welcome your new Luna. I understand not everyone was in favour of her at first, but she has rightly earned her place as your Luna." Ian started, but had to stop because the crowd was already cheering. "Moreover, we have learned that the legend is coming true, your Luna happens to be one of the warriors of the moon goddess. Your Luna is Chàri." he said. Again, the crowd cheered happily.

I took deep breaths and waited for him to call me up. Ian continued speaking, acknowledging the presence of the Council. Until finally, I hear him call me up.

At first, I felt like both of my feet were glued on the floor, but I forced myself to move. It worked because even if my mind was totally going blank and my heartbeat defeaned me, I still found myself walking up the stages.

After another deep breath, I stepped out and the crowd cheered ever more loudly. I met Ian's eyes and saw him smiling at me encouragingly. It was infectious because my lips automatically smiled up and I hurried to be by his side.

He was wearing a dress suit and his hair was gelled back neatly. Goodness, he dressed to impress.

'You look beautiful.' he said and smiled.

I laughed lightly. 'I can't say the same for you.' I lied. Ever so slightly, he raised an eyebrow but then I eyed him the crowd that just finished cheering and were waiting for the next announcements.

Ian turned back to crowd. "As you all know, Panselinos has kept its tradition for the ranked wolves of our pack. Tonight, Hannah Davis must receive our pack mark to become the pack's Luna and that is only if all of you and your wolves agree to make her part of the pack. Those who do not accept are assumed to want to challenge the Luna again and will be put to death at their loss." he explained again. "So I must ask you and you must be truthful in your answer. Those who do not answer truthfully will be revealed and also put to death."


I gulped. This pack's tradition are still so old. Ian shew his wolf, his eyes have changed colours to pure gold and immediately, everyone in the audience bowed down.

Tension settled and the atmosphere became really heavy. I could feel the power that emanated from Ian. His presence was so strong and I'm sure that it forced others to bow down if their rank is low or if they are considerably weaker than their Alpha.

"Panselinos, do you accept Hannah Davis to be your one and true Luna?" his voice was rasp and authoritative, full of power and strength, it amazed me.

"Yes, Alpha." the pack said in unison. At their approval, I feel a burning sensation right under my left collarbone.

I winced in pain and looked. A mark was starting to form.

"Do you vow to be loyal to your one and true Luna?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"Do you recognize her as your one and true Luna?"

"Yes, Alpha."

Those were the three questions that the pack had to answer and right as they said their last approval, the mark finished on my collarbone.

It was a crescent moon with a figure of a wolf. It stung for a bit more as I looked at it and I could feel everyone's eyes on the mark as well.

After a while, the mark disappeared, but I knew that it would always be there.

Immediately, I felt the pack's link open and I could hear all of them in my head and it was full of congratulatory messages. I felt warm, I felt so happy. I don't really know how to explain it, but I felt rather... content.

I looked at the people, a lot of them smiled back at me. Slowly, I returned the smile. This, this is worth protecting.

I knelt down and bowed to the pack.

"Thank you, I will do my best." I recognize back. After I said that, the whole room was filled with cheering and clapping. I could feel the joy in the atmosphere. I could feel so much more now. The pack is happy.

I looked up towards Ian who now extended his hand to help me stand up. I saw his eyes shifting from gold and his blue ones. I smiled and took his hand onto mine.

I stood up. "Now, females of Panselinos, it is time for the First Run with your Luna." Ian announced again. I almost forgot, the First Run of the Luna was with all the girls of the pack and while all the men would run too, but from further behind, with the Alpha.

"But before that, the Council must deliver the decision made regarding Chàri."

I see the three members of the Council stand up now. Two men and a lady all wearing the same capes. They kept their eyes on me as they walked up the stage.

Before going up the podium, the lady took her eyes off of me and faced the pack members.

I knew it, I feel like there's something weird with these people. There's something telling me that I shouldn't trust them.

"The Council sends their greeting to Panselinos on your new Luna. Surely, your pack grows stronger by the days." she starts and the pack cheers happily at the recognition that their pack is strong.

"Your Luna is a warrior of the moon goddess by the name of Chàri. She is a strong warrior that has amazing healing capabilities and you are her people here, you should be proud. The members of the Council has held a meeting regarding the legend and about what will happen from now on. As you all know, Strays have become rampant and attacking many more packs. They are also becoming stronger by the days. Their goals are unclear at first, but with the appearance of a warrior of the moon goddess, it has become clear now. They seek the end of the were-kind."

I felt goosebumps. Well, that is what the legend said. The legend said that the reason why the moon goddess was sending her warriors was because of an existence of an enemy that wanted werewolves to be gone.

However, Strays are also werewolves, so why would they want to end the were-kind?

I felt the sudden change of the pack's emotions. Most of them were scared with a few prepared for battle.

"We now ask the help of Chàri to help the Council find the three other warriors: Dynam, Elpída and Effyía. We must find them as soon as we can to insure the survival of our kind. At the mean time, we ask that Panselinos will help the Council with fighting against the Strays. Thank you." she says and steps down the podium.

Everyone, including me, was shocked. I mean, what can you really say after that?

I was going to start feeling worried too, but then Ian came and stood in the centre again.

"Rest assured, Panselinos, we will take all necessary measures to protect our pack before sending help to others. Be joyful, your new Luna awaits for the First Run." Ian finishes and looks toward me.

My eyes caught his and I could only smile. As expected of an Alpha, right when his pack was starting to worry, he eases their fear and assures them that we will be all in this together—as a pack...

I nodded towards him and walked down the stairs. Katey was already waiting for me with a new dress, one that was more simple and comfortable.

As soon as I changed, I went outside and saw the many female wolves, old and young. I could feel their excitement as they waited for me.

At this point, my smile was already plastered on my face. I went at very front and before shifting, I face all of them. I let my wolf show through the surface so everyone knew that it was both my wolf and I that were speaking to them.

"Let's go."



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