《The Alpha Broke the Omega》away


Morning finally came and I wasn't able to catch a glimmer of sleep. I'd been up all night thinking about what my mate told me. Come to think of it, I don't even know his name.

Anyways, he told me that we would be leaving today, but after everything that happened, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go with him. But I also didn't want to stay here. So in the end, I decided to go with him... for now.

I packed a few pair of clothes, the only ones that were proper and waited. Actually, I don't even know if I should stay here and wait for him or go at the pack house and meet him. But then again, what if this is all just a trick? What if he actually won't take me with him? What if he's just setting my hopes—

A knock on the door disturbed me. I didn't even notice the smell that came, I was so deep into my thoughts.

I tried to figure out who it was at first, but it was an unfamiliar smell. No, it wasn't my mate, but a faint scent of his can be also be smelled.

I got up and opened the door.

The man that stood there had a combed back brown hair and his hazel eyes pierced me as he observed. He was probably the height of my mate and probably just as broad and lean. It didn't take a genius to know that he was a high-ranking wolf.

"Hannah Davis?" he spoke. I felt goosebumps all over, his deep voice scared me. I nodded, but then he laughed. "Hey, are you scared of me? Gosh, don't be. I'm just your regular wolf." he says and walks past me.

Baffled, I watch him as he looks around and when his eyes found my small bag, he carried it. "I'll tell you everything on our way." he says and starts walking out of my house. He beckoned me to follow him in which I responded with a flat stare.

He didn't even let me say a word, he just barged in and now telling me to go with him.


But I found it hard to move from my place. I took a few steps away from my house and immediately felt the sadness. Although I hated this place, my little house was my comfort. It sheltered me away from everything. And now I have to leave it.

I'm diving into a new world with a blindfold, I don't what will happen to me from now on. Will I be fine?

"Hannah?" the man called out softly. I turned to him and saw him smiling. He put the bag down for a while and walked towards me.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I stared at the house.

"It must feel hard right? To leave this place? But sometimes, we have to let go."

I was taken aback by what he said and I couldn't help but look up to him. Again, he showed me that smile of his that seemed so encouragingly.

"Thank you." I whispered quietly and smiled, showing him that I will fight.

As we walked, I noticed that we weren't even going towards the pack house. In fact, we were going at the opposite direction. When we finally got out of the forest, I saw a black jeep parked right in front of the forest.

My companion took out something from his pocket and the car engine started and although we were still a bit far from it, the trunk started opening slowly. He walked ahead of me and put my bag inside.

Finally, he went by the passenger seat's door and opened it, signalling me to get in. "Th-thank you." I whispered, a bit shocked by the gesture. No one has ever done that to me so I found it really nice.

I got in and buckled myself as I waited for him to get into the driver's seat.

Honestly, I'm confused. Where was my mate? Why am I with someone else? But I didn't ask any questions, I shouldn't talk when I'm not spoken to. That way, I won't be hurt.

As he started the engine, he pressed something and music started blaring in. Somehow, I'm thankful that he put the music in because an awkward silence would be intolerable.


We started driving away until we saw the pack gate. The guards stood upright and had their hands on salute as the car left the gates. As for my companion, the moment the car left the gates, he looked relieved. And then he turned towards me and laughed.

"That was rough!" he says. My eyebrows meet in confusion. "Man, you are way too quiet. Are you okay?"

"I-I'm alright." I answered right away.

"Ah, by the way, I'm Alec. Panselinos' beta. Nice to meet you, mysterious Hannah Davis." he introduces.

"W-well I guess you already know me, but I'm Hannah."

He starts moving his head with the beat of the song. "So, you're my Alpha's mate, huh? Well, he didn't exactly tell me, but why else would he take you away all of a sudden?" he chuckled to himself.

This guy is... weird.

"Uhm, I hope it's not much trouble, but can I ask where he is?" I asked, summoning my courage. I hope he doesn't find me disrespectful for asking.

Instead, he turns towards me with a knowing grin on his face. "Missing him already? Well, I hate to disappoint you, but he's still in your pack taking care of business. He's an Alpha, you know. That's why I'm surprised that he's mated to you."

He probably didn't mean any harm from what he said and he probably didn't mean to say it offensively, but what he said hurt me.

'Ugh, what does this wolf take us for?' I hear my wolf complain inside my head.

"You know, it's such a rare thing to happen. Is that even possible?" he fires away. He's really talkative. "I mean, c'mon. He's an Alpha and you're a— " the car stops abruptly and we both jerk. "I— I didn't mean it that way. It's just—"

I laughed.

It was a surprise to me as well because although I didn't know the consequences of it, I laughed. I waited for the impact, the punch and the kick, but it didn't come. All I got was a beta staring shocked at me, but it didn't take long for him to smile proudly.

"Hey, you've got a nice laugh." he says. That catches me off guard, but it put another smile in my face.

Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

"Alright, so from now on, I'll tell you everything you need to know about our pack. So listen well okay?"

Before he started talking, I interrupted him, putting my life on the line, because I had a feeling that he might not stop talking until we reach our destination.

"C-can I just ask one thing?"

He snaps his head towards me for a while and nodded.

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath before asking my question because honestly, I thought that it was an embarrassing question.

'Should I ask him?' I mentally asked my wolf.

'Just ask him already!' she barks.

'Okay, okay. So snobby!' I threw at her.

"Uh... you might find it as a weird question."

"Okay, the fact that you're saying that is already making me feel weird." I couldn't help but giggle again, but a bit nervously.

"Uhm..." I contemplated.

"Just spill it."

"Alright! Here goes. What's my mate's name?" I finally asked. My heart was beating loudly and I didn't even realize that I was holding a breath.

But then, Alec's loud laugh beamed in the car. He was laughing so hard and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Ugh, this is why I didn't want to ask him.

"Wow, and here I thought you were gonna ask me how to kill." Alex continued laughing. My cheeks were warm and I knee I was blushing from embarrassment.

Ugh, I wish the ground would just swallow me whole.

I mean what's the big deal? I just asked what his name was because I didn't know.

"Ian. Ian Fortis is your mate's name." Alec finally answered, but he still kept laughing.

And for a moment, I stopped and repeated his name.


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