《Sweet Disaster》18| Abused


After freshening up and eating, I grabbed my phone, trying to think of someone to call and hang out with. I called Caleb and he answered briefly, only to tell me he was at the skate park with some guys who he skates with. Then I texted Ryan who is captain of the basketball team but he was out with the team. He invited me but I didn't want to go so I said no thanks.

I stared at Whiskey who was digging my stomach over my shirt. I don't know why he's trying to dig a hole in me today, but he is. "Whiskey."

He stopped abruptly and looked at me in confusion.

"Indie?" I asked.

He blinked, tilting his head to one side. He's so lost.

"Indigo?" I swear he smiled and then continued digging me up. I chuckled and dialed her number. It was nearly one in the afternoon, she only left a few hours ago. And if I'm lucky, she'll be back here right now.

She didn't answer though so I frowned and dialed once more but she didn't answer, so I dropped her a text.

Indigo, answer the phone.

Still nothing.


Nope. Why is she ignoring me though?

It's an emergency.

The phone screen lit up instantly with her name flashing. I answered it quickly, putting it to my ear.

"What happened?" she asked, sounding extremely worried.

"I'm bored," I sighed, staring at the ceiling.

She huffed, "I'm hanging up."

"Indie," I whined.


"I'm horny."

"Use your hand."

"That doesn't seem right. Come over," I said.

"Reece, I started my period today."

Fuck me. Such impeccable timing. "Still. Come over."

"For what? I'm not doing anything else with you."

"So no head?"

"Kneeling is degrading, sweetheart. I don't kneel for boys, they kneel for me." She sounded hot over the phone as she said that.

I stared at the ceiling. "Indigo, come over."



"No," she sang.

"Then I'm coming to you."


"See you in five, bye." I hung up quickly and put my phone on airplane mode so she couldn't call me. I decided to take Whiskey with me. I hooked his leash on and then we left. I got to her apartment building and then snuck in behind a resident. I don't even know what floor she stays on though.

"Wait, wait, wait, Tim!" The elevator doors opened back up as the guy beside me held the doors open. And then Chloe slipped through with a bag full of art supplies. "Thanks," she smiled at the guy and then froze, her eyes meeting mine. "Griffin."


"Huh?" I frowned.

She blinked, snapping out of it. "Griffin. Reece Griffin."

I saluted her with two fingers. "Your roommate wasn't coming over so I decided to grace her with my presence," I smiled.

She pressed the button to their floor. Third floor. The guy stepped out on the first floor and then it was just us. She looked down at Whiskey. "Cute puppy."

"Thanks," I said.

"I'm kind of allergic though," she mumbled, her nose getting itchy.

"That's a sad allergy, sorry about that."

"Not to dogs."



I blinked in confusion and she pointed to the bag in her hands. I peeked inside and saw a bunch of flowers and flower petals. "The project?"

She nodded, sneezing.

"Do you want me to take those?"

She thrusted the bag toward me and I caught it as the doors opened. I followed her into the apartment. I set the bag on the counter and she sneezed again.

"Honey, I'm home!" She called out to Indie before turning to me. "Be right back," she mumbled, going into her room. I was still standing there and looking around when her door opened back up. She came out with a huge canvas in her hands and set it on the coffee table. She went back into her room and came out again, this time with a surgical mask and rubber gloves on. "Give me the bag."

I handed it to her and she poured everything onto the couch, looking and investigating all the flowers. She started working on her art but stopped and turned to me. "She doesn't know you're here. Go. Just don't fuck too loud."

"She started her period."

"Oh, by all means then," she laughed, gesturing to the door.

"I'll watch the puppy whose name is...?"


She pulled her mask down just to smile at Whiskey and then she sneezed once more. She groaned, "Fuck's sake." She pulled the mask back on and then worked on the art.

I left Whiskey with her and then walked into Indie's room. I noticed that her apartment, while it was different colors, its design was exactly like Monica's apartment from Friends. Don't know if they intended for that to happen or not.

Indie was lying in the middle of the bed, on her back, staring at the ceiling. She had a heating pad on her stomach too. I walked over and straddled her, hovering on top. She jumped, getting extremely startled, and grabbed onto my shirt. She let out a shaky breath. "You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?"

"You wouldn't come over, so I did."


"Why? I'm on my period."

"So? We can still fool around and makeout."

"Reece, I signed up for sex. This isn't sex," she whined.

"You're on your period though."


I blinked in confusion. "You still want to?"

She nodded. "Will you?"

"Yeah," I said slowly and uncertainly. It seemed like a trick question. Like a test.

She whined, covering her face with her palms, and then she shook her head. "Leave."


"Because while I'm on my period, we can't have sex. I don't actually do period sex. And if we can't have sex, we have no reason to see each other, okay? So for the next week, bye-bye."

"The whole week?" I asked in shock.

She nodded.

I pouted, staring at her. "So what if we can't have sex?"


"We can still fool around."

"No. No, no, no," she chuckled humorlessly. "No," she said sternly. "No sex. No fooling around. No meeting each other. We shall now keep a distance."

My brows furrowed.

"What?" she sighed.

"I feel used and abused."

"You are being used and abused. So am I, aren't I? It's what you said."

"When did I say that?"

"You did—"

"I never said that, Indie. We are using each other, it's true, but that doesn't mean it has to be in such a shitty and rude and cold way. Just because we're not having sex doesn't mean we can't see each other at all."


I shrugged everything she just said off and listened to it through one ear and then threw it out the other. "Indigo Bloom Easton." I squeezed her cheeks together, looking down at her.

She stared at me and I won't lie, with her cheeks squeezed together like that and her lips pouting like that, she looks very adorable and very kissable. She looked like a sweetheart.

I smiled, chuckling softly.

"What?" she asked, her words muffled.

I pecked her lips, still holding her cheeks.

"What happened to used and abused?" she asked, her brows furrowing.

I grinned, looking at her. "You look cute."

"I hate you," she groaned, trying to pry my hand off but I grabbed her wrists, pinning them over her head, both her wrists fitting in one hand of mine. She grunted.

"Indie," I said sternly.

She stopped struggling and blinked up at me.

"Shut up and let me kiss you." I slowly let go of her face while leaning in and my lips touched hers.

She kissed me back quickly, returning the intensity I was giving her. This is what I don't get. She tries pushing me away but then when I give to her, she takes it. And not only that, she gives back with just as much power and lust. She feels what I feel, I know that. But I can see through her act and facade. She's doubting it now. Or she's having doubts about something, maybe it's not necessarily about what we're doing. Maybe it's something else, but she's getting confused about something. She's trying to sneak away from the situation we're in and she wants to use her period as a convenient excuse.

But I won't let her. Not without getting answers at least.

I pulled away to look at her and she whimpered and then groaned in frustration. "Reece," she scolded. "Why would you stop?"

"Why are you running from me, Indie?"

She stared at me, getting very quiet. "I'm not," she said softly.

I leaned back in, my lips brushing against hers. I didn't kiss her though. I then moved down to her jaw and then up to her ear. "Liar," I whispered. I saw goosebumps on her skin and I heard her breath hitch in her throat. "Why are you running?" I whispered before trailing kisses down her jaw.

"I'm not in the right mind," she said, stumbling over her words, struggling to talk. She's extremely sensitive right now. Everywhere.

I held her waist and I lifted my eyes, watching her while I kissed her neck.

Her eyes were closed, her head was tilted up, and her hands that I was holding above her head were balled into fists. She's very sensitive right now. Must be the period. "Reece," she moaned.

I smiled against her skin. It's rare for her to moan my name. She's always about to moan it and then she stops herself. She bites her tongue or her lip and she swallows down the word. My name. Like she doesn't want to allow herself that pleasure. I stopped and looked up at her.

Her eyes snapped open, wide, confused, and curious.

"Don't try running from me. You won't get that far. And if you do, I'll drag you back."

"This is like making a deal with the devil," she sighed. "The devil is an asshole," she said, glaring at me.

"The devil is and always has been a gentleman," I said, smirking. "Diane LaVey. That's her quote."


"The devil is and always has been a gentleman. She said those very wise words."

She blinked and then her face took over one of surprise. "Diane LaVey. The... Isn't she the founder of the Church of Satan?"

I nodded. "They say she called herself a sorceress, you know."

"You know a lot," she said, watching me, seeming impressed.

"I studied her."


I shrugged, "For fun. I like reading about the devil."

"Why? 'Cause, you are the devil in practice?"

"Hmm," I nodded, trailing a single finger down her jaw and then tracing her bottom lip with my thumb.

"I'll remember that," she said, cracking a smile.

"What?" I inquired.

"The devil is and always has been a gentleman," she grinned.






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