《Sweet Disaster》16| Tricks


I came back with everything she asked for in a plastic bag and two slushies in my hand. Red for her, blue for me. But when I walked in, she was gone. I kicked my shoes off and then noticed hers were still there. So she didn't leave. "Indigo!" I listened for her reply but I didn't get one. I frowned in confusion and then went into my room. I pushed the door open and froze in the doorway.

What the fuck?

"Hi," she smiled, glancing at me. She was standing there in nothing but a towel and looking through my closet. She then grabbed my shirt, my sweatpants, my socks and then went back into the bathroom.

What is she doing? She doesn't own the damn place, why is she just taking my things?

The door opened up after a while and she came out with towel-dried hair and my clothes on her body, fitting very loosely. She stood in front of me and pecked my lips while taking the bag from me. She gasped, "Slushie!" She took the red one, the straw immediately falling between her lips. She smiled at me and left the bag on the kitchen counter, brushing past me.

I followed her out, watching her with utter confusion. "Indie."


I watched as she opened cabinets, looking for something to eat. "What are you doing?" I asked, walking over to her. I put the slushie down, almost glaring at her.

"What am I doing?" She opened another cabinet.

I slammed it shut.

She jumped, looking at me. "What?"

"You're acting like you own the place."

"Should I ask for your permission before finding something to eat?" she snorted.

"Who said you could wear my clothes?"

"You did, actually. At the mall." She slurped her drink, looking at me innocently. She then turned to the bag and looked inside. "Do you mind if I leave one of each here? Just in case I get my period while I'm here?"

I looked at her in disbelief. "You want to leave a pad and tampon here for yourself?"

She nodded.

"Um," I stuttered.

"Thanks," she grinned, pecking my lips again.

What is she doing? What the hell is she doing?

She's acting... What's the word? She's being... clingy. That's it. She's being dramatically clingy. Drastically different from what she was when I left a little while ago.


"You showered," I mumbled, smelling my soap on her.

"Yeah, why?" she mumbled, poking the shaved ice and then slurping it down.

I pulled the cup away from her lips and she choked a little, looking up at me.


I put the cup down beside mine and trapped her between me and the counter. I hate clingy. Clingy pisses me off. Clingy is something I don't want. Indie is what I want. But she's making me doubt that by acting clingy.

She pulled herself up on the counter and I stepped back, only for her to grab my shirt and pull me closer, wrapping her legs around my torso, securing them there. She put her arms around my neck. "What?" She tilted her head to one side, almost talking in a puppy voice.

"Stop it," I blurted out.

"Stop what?" She laughed softly. "Are you okay?"

Am I okay? Did she really just ask me that?

She leaned forward, pecking my lips again.

No, no, no. What the hell is she doing? She's acting like a... like my girlfriend.

She kissed me again and she kissed me longer this time.

I pulled away and pushed her arms off. "Indie."

"Hmm?" She blinked innocently.

"Why are you playing tricks on me?"

"I'm playing tricks on you?"

"Aren't you?"

She rolled her eyes. "Give me my slushie."

I handed it to her and leaned on the counter across her while slurping my own slushie. She's being clingy and it's turning me off. "Are you fucking with me?"

"Reece, what are you talking about?" She laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. We both just had our slushies in silence like that, with her staring at me with puppy eyes and me watching her suspiciously. I threw the cups away and then resumed analyzing her. "Reece," she sang, grabbing my shirt and pulling me closer, locking her legs around my waist again.

"What?" I asked, watching her warily.

She leaned forward and kissed me, diving right into it. It's kind of hard not to kiss her back especially when she tastes so good. So I couldn't resist but I pulled away when I was composed enough to. She whined, pouting at me.

"Are you being clingy or horny?" I asked, holding her wrists in my hand.

"Horny," she said nonchalantly.

I sighed, narrowing my eyes on her, her words echoing in my head.


I am a clingy girlfriend. I like being a clingy girlfriend.

But she isn't my fucking girlfriend, why is she acting like it?

"Indie, stop."

"Stop what?" she asked while playing with my hair.

"Stop acting like this." I pulled her hand down, pinning her wrists together behind her back.

"Like what?" she whispered.

"Like a girlfriend," I mumbled.

"No," she said slowly, leaning forward and kissing me before I could pull away. She giggled, looking at me. "What? Why do you hate clingy girlfriends so much, huh?"

"You're not my girlfriend."

"So? I'm practically your girlfriend when we're having sex."

"No," I said quickly. "You're my fuck-friend."

She stared at me. "Well, sorry to disappoint. Nobody's perfect. I'm clingy like this. If you don't like that, just let me go. I'm sure you can find another fuck-friend. If not, use your hand."

I frowned, my eyes scanning her face and trying to read her.

"You know, I wouldn't be clingy like this if we weren't together all the damn time," she whined. "Don't you remember what I said to you when we started doing this? Let's act like we always have unless we're having sex. But you're always with me and you're nice to me now."

"So it's my fault you're clingy?"

"Yes," she nodded. I held her wrists tighter and she winced. "Ow," she complained, arching her back and trying to free herself but I didn't let her.

"Stop playing games."

"Let go of me. I'm clingy, okay? Take it or leave it."

I let her go and stepped back, looking up and down.

She huffed, looking anywhere but at me while she had a frown on her face and her brows were furrowed in anger and frustration.

I blinked in realization. I finally got it. She's been telling me that I'm acting like a boyfriend and I haven't been listening. She's been telling me she's clingy and she likes being that way. She knows I would leave and end this if she gets clingy. And now she's getting clingy. She must either be trying to make me end this for some reason, or she's just testing me. I don't know which one it is and I don't care. I'm not letting her go just yet. I'm going to have to try another tactic. So she knows she can't get rid of me so easily.

I sighed and stepped closer. "Indigo."

She refused to look at me.

"Indigo," I sang softly, trying to get her to look at me. "Indie." I grabbed her chin gently, bringing her face in level with mine, her eyes in place with mine.

She stared at me.

"You want to be clingy?" I asked.

"Yes," she huffed.

I nodded slowly, "Okay. Be clingy."

She frowned in utter confusion. "Huh?"

"I don't mind."


I leaned forward and kissed her slowly, gently. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. "I don't mind," I repeated, slower this time. I started trailing kisses down her neck and lifted her arms, dropping them around my neck.

"But you said," she mumbled breathlessly. "You hated clingy."

"Mm-hmm," I hummed against her skin. "But I don't care with you." I slipped my hands under the shirt, resting them at her waist, and then looked at her again. "It doesn't matter. Clingy or not, I still want you as my fuck-friend. And if it gets annoying, I'll learn to deal with it. I'd rather keep clingy Indie around than not have her around at all. Get it?"

She swallowed, sobering up.

"Yeah," I nodded. "So, don't try that trick on me again. If you're not clingy, you're mine. And even if you are clingy, you're still mine. Haha. your plan failed," I smirked, leaning in.

She clicked her tongue and pushed me away.

I chuckled, scanning her up and down. "What were you trying to do though? I didn't get it. You were acting clingy but why? So I'll let you go home?"

"No," she mumbled.

"So I'll... have sex with you?"

"That makes no sense, no," she scoffed.

"So I won't ask to have sex again?"

"No, Reece!" she groaned.


"Because." She hopped off the counter and ran into my room, climbing on the bed.

I followed her, climbing in beside her. "Because?"

"Just because. It's my secret. I wanted to see something. I had to test it."

"Well, did it work?" I threw my shirt off.


"What? We might as well have sex again, there's nothing better to do. But at least tell me if it worked." I tugged her shirt off and was over the moon when I saw she wasn't wearing a bra.

"It didn't," she whined while I straddled her, hovering on top.

"Does that mean we can't have sex?"

"No, I never said that," she said quickly. I smiled, leaning down and kissing her.

She kissed me back with more intensity than she usually does. She must really want it tonight. But then why was she fighting it? I never understand her. "Condom," she panted against my lips.

I reached over and grabbed one, ripping the packet open with my teeth.






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