《Sweet Disaster》3| Gift


I walked out of my last class of the day, heading to my apartment, ignoring Reece. I hate that he's in most of my classes but he is and I've learned to deal with it now. We're old enough to act mature, even if we aren't. Nineteen-year-olds don't bicker like we do. They shouldn't anyway. 

I know that Chloe has a huge art project that she's working on and she won't be coming back to the apartment. She told me that she'll be at Candy's starting her project. It's a big project apparently with multiple art pieces and she has until the end of the year to work on it. 

I started walking to the apartment. I had a little bit of work to do from some classes and then I was planning on calling Landon to check up and confirm our plans for tonight. I unlocked the apartment and walked in, going straight to my room. 

I set my stuff down and then went back to the kitchen, making myself some yogurt. I put some strawberries in it and then went back to my room, opening my closet, and started looking for a dress to wear tonight. 

Our plan was to go to dinner and then crash at his place. He told me that his roommates would be out tonight and we haven't hung out at either one of our places overnight in a while. 

I picked a classy black dress that wouldn't make me feel like I was naked but still showed off my curves. I shut the closet door and hung the dress on the handle, plopping down on my bed and grabbing my laptop, watching some Youtube videos, doing some homework, and killing time. 

Then I hopped in the shower. I washed my hair, shaved my legs, got out, blow-dried my hair, and kept blow-drying until I was convinced I did my best to make it look like a salon blowout. I let out a tired sigh, shaking my arm. 

Why are blowout brushes so heavy? 

I only had the towel wrapped around my body, and I kept it that way as I did my makeup. Then I put on some lotion which smelled like roses, and I won't lie, I like everything that's rose-scented. I then put on the dress, some medium-sized gold hoops, perfume, and then the matching black heels. I stopped, grabbed my phone, and dialed Landon's number to ask when he would be here to pick me up. 

"I should have confirmed it all earlier," I mumbled to myself, grabbing my keys, phone, and a small Chanel purse that I got for my eighteenth birthday. My mom had this shipped here because she couldn't come with my dad. 


I tucked everything in it, even my pepper spray, just in case, and then I headed downstairs while putting the phone to my ear, waiting for him to answer. 

He wasn't picking up though and I repeatedly heard the dial tone. When I called again, I got his voicemail. That means he just denied the call instead of letting it ring. I frowned, sitting in our lobby, on the couch. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees, and waited it out. 

Maybe he's driving and that's why he can't answer the phone. 

I huffed in frustration while a middle-aged man sat right across from me. I sat upright and crossed one leg over the other, texting him. 

Where are you? 

I didn't get a reply. I waited five minutes before texting again. 

Should I just get a cab and meet you there? 

Still no reply. 

I looked up, catching the man staring. I gave him a disgusted look and then stood up, walking out of our apartment building. I hailed a cab, sticking one arm out. I was about to get in when my phone rang. 

I thought it would be Landon, but it was Chloe. 

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, holding the phone to my ear while opening the cab door and climbing in. 

"Where are you?" 

"I'm leaving to go meet Landon, why?" 

"Where are you meeting Landon?" 

I frowned in confusion while the taxi driver patiently waited for me to tell him where the hell I'm supposed to go. "The Capital Grille, why?" That's the most popular fancy restaurant around us. 

"The Capital Grille? Not Candy's Coffee?" 

"It's a date, why would we go for coffee at night on my birthday eve? Chloe—" 

"Then why is he here?" 


The driver turned to look at me. 

"Two seconds, please," I mumbled. "Chloe, what are you talking about? It must be someone else." 

"No. I'm right here, I can see him and his shaved head. It's Landon. Are you sure your guys' plans didn't change or something?" 

"I've been calling and texting, he just isn't answering. Is he there to grab something?" 

"No," she said slowly. "He's sitting at a booth, I think he's waiting for someone." She went silent for a minute and then I heard her sigh, cursing under her breath. "What a dick. Indie, time to dump him. Break up. Cut the cord. Throw him out." 


"Ma'am, could you get another cab?" 

I sighed, "Sorry." I climbed back out, standing there on the sidewalk. "Chloe?" 

"It's a girl." 



"He's here with another girl. Hangmun," she said through gritted teeth, calling him an asshole in Korean. Thank god I've picked some words being around her. Especially the curse words. (항문) 

I worked my jaw, looking around. It was only six months, it doesn't fucking matter. 

"What are you thinking?" she asked. 

"It was only six months, it doesn't fucking matter," I groaned. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. "Oh, but of course it matters! I'm standing out here, ready, dressed, waiting for his ass to come pick me up on my fucking birthday, Chlo! My birthday. What a fantastic birthday gift I just got," I scoffed, looking around, noticing that some people were looking at me weirdly. 

"Gift? You call this a gift? Let me go punch him, give him a real gift," she said, sounding angrier than I was. 

"Don't," I huffed. "Don't bother." 

We both paused for a second. "Are you going to call him?" 

I stared at the bakery across the street. "No. I'm not going to call him. I won't text him. And tomorrow in class, I won't even fucking look at him. Today is April thirteenth, right? Not the first?" 

"Huh?" she mumbled. 

"Then why do I feel like such a fucking fool?" I whined, stomping. 

The entrance to our building opened and the same middle-aged man from earlier stepped out. He stopped, looking at me again. 

"What?" I snapped at him. "I have a taser too, want to see?" 

He turned around and quickly walked the other way. 

"Chloe," I whined. 

"I know," she whined with me. "He didn't even act weird, right?" 

"I wish he did, I would have dumped him right then," I frowned. "What do I do?" 

"Do you want me to come home?" 

"No, no, don't do that. I know how important your project is. I'll just... I'll head back or something. Eat some ice cream or something." 

"No. Ice cream is for the heartbroken. You will take hot pictures to post tomorrow when you're ignoring him, okay?"

I chuckled, "Okay. I'll see you later." 

"Later. Bye." 

"Bye." I hung up, slipping my phone into my purse. I stuck my arm out, hailing another cab. I thought I'd go and get a drink since I'm dressed anyway. I climbed in, closing the door behind me. 

"Where to, miss?" 

"Queen Of Hearts," I sighed. That's the best bar in the area anyway. I know I'm not twenty-one and I probably won't even be let in, let alone be served a drink. But I have to try. 

He started driving and I stared out the window, falling into thought. I don't want to cry and weirdly enough, I don't even have the urge to. I've had a few relationships before and I never cried when they ended. I think something's wrong with me. I'm not emotionally attached to... anyone, honestly. Except for Chloe. 

She's been with me since freshman year of high school and we got so lucky because our college offers a lot for artists and business students, both. 

I didn't know what to study. I like English and writing. And business seems practical. So I opted for those. Plus, most degrees end up collecting dust on walls anyway. 

I blinked, seeing the familiar gate of Reece's apartment building. I blinked again, straightening up as we drove past the building. Reece. Reece! That motherfucker had to know. "Stop, stop, stop!" 

The car pulled to a halt on the side. 

"Sorry. I'll stop here. Really, sorry. I changed my mind." 

"No problem. It's only two dollars so far. I'll let you off." 

I took out a five-dollar bill and handed it to him. "Keep the change, thank you," I smiled before climbing out. I walked back a few feet to the apartment building and was stopped at the entrance. I don't have the keys to let me in and I don't want to buzz him. 

So, I waited there. I lingered around until a resident who was walking their dog came in. I snuck inside behind them and followed them into the elevator. I know his apartment because I've been here a few times with Landon, and even otherwise when he hosts some parties and game nights. 

He always keeps the crowd small, never too chaotic. I haven't been here in a few months though. I know Reece is only really friends with Caleb and Landon, but Landon is friends with everybody, so his circle is pretty big. And when we became official, I became well acquainted with all of them. 

I pressed the button to the fifth floor, where he lived, and then waited. I filed out of the elevator and then started walking to his door. It's this one. K6. 

Wait. Why am I here? 

I pulled my hand away from the bell and leaned on the door, falling into thought. Let me get it together first. Am I here to kill him because he didn't tell me? But he's not obligated to. He's Landon's friend, not mine. Why would he throw his friend under the bus for the girl he hates? 

Then why am I here? 

I blinked twice, an idea sparking in my head. I may be doing something so incredibly shallow and selfish but I am fucking pissed. At Landon, at my parents, at Reece, at the fucking world. And it's my birthday in a few minutes. Yeah, that's how long I waited for Landon. 

I groaned, turning around and ringing the doorbell twice. 

Fuck everybody.






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