《Sweet Disaster》2| Whiskey


I unlocked the apartment, pushing the door open with my hip while holding the cup of iced tea to my lips. I pushed the door open, putting my bag down on the floor. "Whiskey!" I scanned the room, my eyes stopping on the couch that had the pillows thrown everywhere. I walked over to the couch, looking over the back of it where Whiskey was sleeping.

I poked his belly and he jumped up, sneezing and shaking his head before looking up at me. "Haha," I said blankly. "Good morning, little shit." I sighed, scratching his ears while he climbed on top of the couch; trying to climb me. I scratched him, looking at the mess he had made on the couch, all the couch cushions and throw pillows were scattered across the floor. I looked down at him. "Clean up with me now."

He was so freaking tiny and still new there, I was surprised he understood most of the things I said to him. I'd gotten him about five months ago. I didn't even get him, actually. I got back from campus one day and found him tied up, sitting with our security guard. When I asked, he said that some random girl just left the puppy here. He was only two months old back then. That was what the vet said anyway. I took him in after that. I didn't think the landlord even knew I brought in a dog, and I couldn't remember if according to the lease, I was allowed to or not. But I had one anyway now. Plus, he was so tiny.

I thought it would be hard to take care of him and train him but it really wasn't. He was one lazy motherfucker. He slept all the time, ate, ran around a little on the couch and across the apartment, and I took him for a walk thrice a day.

Speaking of, it was time for his walk now. I threw all the cushions back on the couch and then grabbed his leash, hooking it onto his collar. I grabbed my keys, phone, and earphones and then left. I plugged in my earphones while walking to the elevator and hit play. I pressed the button to the lobby while Whiskey sat beside me, both of us heading out when we reached it.

I walked around our block. There was a small park at the very end of our block. Apparently, that neighborhood had a lot of kids that liked to go to that park. This part of our block had apartment buildings since it was near campus. That end had houses, one and two stories, both. I opened the gate to the park and walked in, strolling around with him.


After a while, I sat down on the swing set and unleashed him. It was a small park, it was fenced and gated; there was nowhere for him to run but in circles, and that's exactly what he did.

The music slowed down to a stop and was replaced by my ringtone. I clicked my tongue and answered, talking with my earphones in. I stared at Landon's name that was flashing on my phone.

He was such a pain in the ass; how did we become so-called friends?

I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Reece, where are you at?"

"On my deathbed." I squinted a little under the sun, keeping an eye on Whiskey.

"Help me out, will you?"

"No." I sighed, pushing the swing and gaining some momentum.

"Come on. Help me out."


"I had plans to go to dinner with Indie tonight. For her birthday."


"I can't go."


"I'm too busy to take her tonight."


"So, if she calls to ask where I am, don't tell her."

"I don't even know; what am I going to tell her?" I rolled my eyes, swinging higher.

"I'm going with Abigail."

I blinked, stopping the swing. "Abigail who?" I asked.

"From the cheer team."

I didn't reply and waited for him to continue or hang up. Whatever he wanted to do because I didn't give one fuck.

"I'm taking her to Candy's."

"You're taking a cheerleader to the diner instead of taking your girlfriend to dinner on her birthday?"

"Dude, her birthday's tomorrow; I'll take her then."

"Why are you going with Abigail?"

"It's a date." He chuckled. Why was I surprised? I should have known he was cheating on her. "Ay, don't tell Indie, okay?"

"Why the fuck would I even talk to her? Indigo's just annoying."

"Her name isn't Indigo. Why do you always call her that?"

I rolled my eyes. That was her fucking name. It was the name she was born with, even I knew that. But her boyfriend didn't. "I'm hanging up."

"Fine. Just don't tell her, okay?"

"Whatever." I hung up, shoving my phone into my pocket, ripping the earphones out. "Whiskey!" I whistled once.

He stopped running around and looked at me, his ears perking up.

"Let's go!"


He ran over, sitting in front of me. I hooked his leash back on and started heading back. I had about twenty minutes left now till my next class, so I'd eat a snack and then head out. When I got back to the apartment, I lay down on the couch, sighing in exhaustion.

After practice that morning, I was exhausted. I had basketball with the team. I wasn't on the team but I ended up joining whenever they needed extra help or someone couldn't make it.

Whiskey climbed on, laying down on top of me.

"Don't fall asleep, I have to go in ten minutes," I said, staring at the ceiling.

He whined, climbing up higher, licking my chin. I groaned but let him lick a little anyway. I pushed him away, letting him lay down on my stomach for a while.

After ten minutes, I stood up, grabbed an orange to eat, and then left, kissing Whiskey goodbye. I made sure his food and water were there too. I walked back to campus and headed to the hall where my class was. The class already inside wasn't over yet, so we were all waiting outside. I leaned against the wall, scrolling through my phone. I tucked it into my pocket and was looking around when I saw Indigo walking back.

She caught me checking her out and stopped in her tracks. She looked behind her, left and right, and confirmed that it was her I was staring at.

God, I really hated her. Honestly, sometimes I felt bad for Landon. I mean, from what I'd seen, she was such a clingy girlfriend, she was always texting him, always calling him, always kissing him. I imagined it to be fucking annoying.

"Should I poke those out for you?" She smiled, pointing to my eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"Jesus says if your eyes cause you to sin, gouge them out and throw them away."

"Who's sinning after you?" I asked, lifting a brow at her. "Other than Landon," I mumbled under my breath, adjusting my bag on my shoulder. I was wondering if I should tell her that he was about to cancel dinner plans with her. But I was also thinking it was none of my business and if I got involved, I'd have to pick a side, I'd have to be a shoulder to cry on, and I didn't want that shit or anything to do with it. "Where's your sidekick?" I asked.

"What is wrong with you? She's my best friend. She doesn't take this class, she's got pottery."

"Reece!" We both looked forward as the doors to the hall opened and Jessica came out. Wait, her name was Jessica, right?

I turned to Indigo. "That's Jessica, right?"

She shook her head. "Jackie."

I frowned, narrowing my eyes at her. "Are you lying to me?"

She shook her head again.

"Hey," Jessica or Jackie, whatever the fuck her name was, said. She walked over, linking her arm with mine. "Long time no see."

"I saw you last weekend at the party," I cleared my throat, pulling my arm out of hers. "Jessica," I said slowly and very doubtfully.

"Yeah?" She looked at me, grinning.

I glared at Indigo. "You—"

She ignored me and walked into the classroom.

"Gotta go," I mumbled, pushing myself off the wall and walking past Jessica. I found Indigo and started walking over to sit beside her.

She saw me and quickly put her bag on the chair to her right. I walked behind her and she put her hand on the other chair. Then I moved her bag and sat down anyway. She huffed, glaring at me.

"Shut up," I scoffed, rolling my eyes and taking out my laptop, sliding her bag onto her table.

She put it on the other seat and took out her laptop and a notebook.

"So, tell me."

"I knew you were going to talk to me," she mumbled.

"What's your plan for tonight? Celebrating with Chlo, or are your parents coming?"

Her jaw ticked.

"Oh, wait, they're probably not coming, right? They never do, huh?" I chuckled, watching her.

"Move your seat. Or I'll move mine."

"Answer me first." I watched her while she scribbled down the date and took out the textbook. "They're not coming, are they?" I asked, my eyes scanning her face, trying to read her expression.

She must have been upset about it. No wonder she'd been snappy since the cafe. "No. No, they're not," she sighed, leaning back in her seat and staring at the front of the room where our professor walked in.

I watched her for a minute longer, feeling bad for her. Just a bit. Only a little bit. Only a little, I swear.

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