《Ballet With The Bad Boy》Chapter 26


Smoke was the first thing I noticed when I got to the park. The small burst of orange light from the end of the cigarette was the only illumination I could see as most of the street lamps in the park were either broken or on their way out.

From what I could see, Leo and I were the only people in the whole park and I appreciated the privacy.

He was sitting in the swing and breathing onto the cigarette as if it were the only thing keeping him alive.

The cold air around me nipped at my open skin but it wasn't enough to make me shiver. Hopefully this wouldn't take too long.

When I had finally trudged through the damp grass and onto the actual playground, Leo stood up from the swing, taking a few last drags of the cigarette before stubbing it out on the floor below him.

His hand went to his hair, brushing the strands out of his face and tucking a few behind his ear.

God, that hair. Watching him do that only made me remember when I put my hands through it. And how much I wanted to do it again.

"Hey." Leo spoke first, breaking the silence of the park.

"Hi." I replied, joining him at the swings and sitting in the one next to him. He copied my actions, returning to his original seat in the swing.

Silence fell once again but it wasn't uncomfortable. After not seeing Leo for a few days now, it was nice to just be near him again.

"I... I know I asked you to come here but... I don't really know what to say." Leo said with a small laugh and I couldn't help but laugh a little too.

"It's ok. It's nice seeing you again." I couldn't not but be honest with Leo now. I didn't want to hide my feelings and not be truthful to him.


He scratched the back of his head "Yea, sorry about not showing up for practice. My Mum was on my case about something."

Ah, good old Ms Hardman.

Now this was a problem... Do I tell Leo about his Mum? About Ivy as well?

I want to be truthful with him and not telling him could affect him badly.

"Leo... There's something you need to know." I turned to face him, only to find him offering me a cigarette. I've smoked before, at parties that my brother has thrown when he's wanted me included but I would never get hooked on them.

Given the current situation, it might calm me nerves a bit.

I think Leo was more surprised than me when I slid the stick out the box, holding my hand out for his lighter as well.

If my Mum could see me right now, she would skin me alive.

After lighting it and taking a drag, I gave the lighter back to Leo and tried to adjust my body to the new intake in my lungs. The nicotine rush hit me for a second but then it just reverted back to the normal small burn in the back of my throat.

"Your Mum asked me to spy on you when she found out we were dancing together." I blew out a deep breath and watched for Leo's reaction "I never told her anything, just about the dancing."

He was quiet for a moment, before he let out a laugh "Why am I not fucking surprised. I'll be honest, you're not the first person she's asked to keep an eye on me and you won't be the last."

Jesus, and I thought my parents were bad.

"I suppose at first it was all to do with my Dad, but now its getting annoying." Leo sighed, joining me with the smoking.


"She recently asked me to stay away from you though. Something about not wanting to get close to you." I explained further, flicking the ash off the end of the cigarette and taking another drag.

Once again, Leo took a moment to reply. The only noise that could be heard was us breathing from the smoking.

"I have a feeling it's because of my Dad. She thinks I won't tell anyone about it and in a few months, he gets released from prison."

My eyes widened at him "Holy shit. You think he'll do something? That's why your Mum is so eager to watch you all the time?"

"Fuck knows. All I know is that if he does try something, he's going to be very surprised when I beat his ass back behind bars." Leo abruptly threw his cigarette on the floor, exhaling deeply at what he just said.

I didn't want to point it out, but he sounded scared. As tough as Leo is, there's a part of me that thinks that if he ever saw his father again, he wouldn't be as confident as he says he would.

"What are we gonna do then?" I questioned with a sigh, moving past the subject as I could tell it was probably a dead end for Leo.

"I don't want to stay away from you Eliana. I don't think I'll be able to." Leo turned to face me again, those deep brown eyes cutting into mine and making me melt inside.

"I want us to work, Leo. But ruining my relationship with my brother is something I really don't want to do." I stood up from my seat, moving so I was standing in front of him.

Leo understood what I wanted. He's always known that it was going to be a choice for me and it hurt me so much to have to keep reminding him about it.

His hands moved slowly, reaching up to my hips and holding themselves there. His grip tightened slightly when I put one of my hands on his.

"I'll take care of it. I'll sort it out with Harvey." With one fluid movement, Leo was also standing, towering above me.

"It might take some time." I whispered, my free hand placing itself on Leo's cheek. He nuzzled into the contact, causing my heart to melt.

"You're worth the wait."

Those final words made me knees go weak and if he wasn't holding me, the kiss that followed definitely would have put me on the floor.

Ecstasy. That's what it felt like.

I don't know what it was about kissing Leo that made me feel like this, but I couldn't get enough.

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