《Ballet With The Bad Boy》Chapter 22


As if my day could get any worse, I had to wear a skirt to school.

There wouldn't be any point of putting on jeans or leggings since I would have to change my dressing on my leg every few hours at school so it would just make it easier if I wore a skirt. Plus shorts are just uncomfortable for me to wear.

I have never, ever, worn a skirt to school.

I made sure I woke up early to have a shower and shave my legs, which was awkward as hell, so I didn't have to wear tights.

Staring at my bed, the red, tartan, pleated skirt in front of me was making my head hurt.

Sighing for the millionth time this morning, I picked it up and pulled it on. I'd paired it with a plain black, long sleeved top and some black flat pumps.

I decided to leave my hair down as well so I could use it to cover my face. Nothing like a bush of long black hair to hide myself.

I've always found comfort in wearing jeans and leggings to school so I would be comfortable and relaxed through the day but wearing a skirt was going to throw me out completely.

Luckily Harvey said he was going to give me a lift in this morning so I wouldn't have to walk to and from.

I said I'd have to let him know about going home after detention to see if I could go to ballet or not depending on how much my leg was going to hurt me.

The large purplish bruise was slowly turning a yellow and green colour in some places which looked even uglier then yesterday.

I had to walk with a limp as I made my way to the kitchen where Harvey was waiting for me. Hunter also stayed the night so he was chatting with my brother as I entered the room.


Their talking silenced however when they both noticed me.

Both of them stared at me in confusion as they stared at my legs.

"Don't laugh." I groaned, moving to the kitchen and grabbing some snacks for lunch.

"Uh, your leg looks a bit better." Harvey commented, probably in disbelief that I was wearing a skirt.

I think in our whole lives he'd only seen me in a dress or skirt like 3 times and that was when we were both little. Nothing in the more recent years. And since he didn't bother coming to watch any of my ballet performances, he never saw me in that attire either.

"Still feels like shit." I sighed, shoving some crisps in my bag and grabbing an apple to eat quickly. I slung my bag back over my shoulder and joined Hunter and Harvey who made their way to the front door.

It seems England felt my pain and bright sunshine hit us as we stepped outside. At least I'm actually dressed for the weather.

The drive to school was quiet, only music playing from Harvey's shitty sound system and me trying to finish off my math homework.

I only had two questions to answer on the worksheet so I wasn't worried about not finishing it on time.

By the time we made it to school, the pit in my stomach only felt worse. I don't think I've ever felt so self-conscious before in my entire life.

Harvey parked up by the front of the school so it was less for me to walk which I appreciated.

Like normal, Harvey's usual group of friends were hanging around waiting for him so they could catch up with each other even though they literally saw each other less then 24 hours ago.

Hunter made his way around to the side of the car that I was on and opened the door, giving me a hand and helping me out the car so I didn't have to put too much pressure on my leg.


"Thank you." I flashed him a grateful smile and he returned one.

After a few moments, I started making my way into school, waving goodbye to my brother and his friends that I didn't mind.

Just as I expected, eyes started looking to me as I made my way down the corridor.

I swear I heard some girl say "Who's that? Is she new?"

Is that really how different I look? I have to admit I found it funny.

My locker was my first destination as I needed to grab some books for my next class.

The organisation that I had in place in my small locker always made me happy when I opened it. It wasn't decorated or majorly over the top, just simple enough for me to like it.

As I traded some books around, I closed the locker and practically jumped out of my skin when I saw Leo standing beside me.

"What happened to your leg?" He questioned immediately. Great, of course the first thing he asks is about my leg.

Wait, does that mean the first thing he was looking at was my legs? Charming.

"I fell over walking home last night." I said, pulling my bag back over my shoulder and starting to walk, well, limp, towards my Philosophy class.

Leo was also in my class so he joined me in my travel, even changing his walking speed so he would keep at the same pace as me.

"You should've waited for me after detention, I was gonna give you a lift home." He replied and I shook my head.

"It's ok. I like walking."

"Yea, not anymore though," Leo laughed and I couldn't help but laugh a little with him "Are you sure it definitely happened falling over?"

I stopped and glared at him "Why does no one fucking believe me? I fell over. You really think I want to wear a skirt to school so it doesn't get irritated?"

I shouldn't have snapped so suddenly, it was giving it away more and more.

I'm pretty certain that no one will actually find out the truth. Unless Ivy wants to go around and gloat to everyone.

Deciding I didn't want to have this conversation anymore, I carried on walking down the hall towards the art wing.

"Looks nice though."

I turned back to Leo with a furrowed brow "My bruised leg? Great, thanks."

"No. The skirt. Looks good on you." Leo explained and I couldn't help but let heat go to my cheeks. Thank god my hair was down and covering my face.

No way in hell I want Leo to see my blush.

I mumbled a thanks and sat down in my seat in the middle of the class. Leo's seat was across the room from me so I appreciated the space.

I just hoped that Ivy didn't have any of her friends spying for her. They would instantly let her know that we were talking and it would be another bruise in my leg.

I'd rather not be completely useless for ballet.

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