《Ballet With The Bad Boy》Chapter 12


Leo drove me home when we woke up.

We were supposed to be in school but it was the last thing on my mind right now.

Neither of us spoke a word to each other as we got dressed, left his house and drove to mine.

I didn't know what to say to him and I don't think Leo really wanted to say anything anyway.

As we pulled up to mine, I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't a load of mess all over the front garden like there usually was when Harvey throws a party. Several black sacks sat out on the pavement waiting to be collected by the bin men.

If this was Harvey's way of an apology, he's gonna have to try a lot harder than that.

I mumbled a quick goodbye to Leo as I got out his car and made my way up the driveway. The sound of his tires screeching along the road showed that he probably wanted to 100 miles away right now.

I didn't blame him. I wanted the same thing.

The spare key that we kept hidden was under its usual plant pot which I used to let myself in and I honestly had to take a moment to take in what I saw seeing.

Everything was immaculate. Down to the hoovering and dusting being done. Not a single piece of rubbish could be seen.

This was crazy, even I haven't cleaned the house to this standard before.

As I made my way through the living room, a letter on the table caught my eye and I picked it up, noting my brothers immaculate handwriting straight away.


I'm so sorry for what happened. I don't know why I did, I was just off my face and listening to any dumb thing my stupid friends were saying. Hunter is sorry too, he didn't know why he agreed to it but he did it anyway.


I've gone to school but I imagine I won't see you there. If you're home after your ballet then I really want to talk to you then. Please.

Love, Harvey.


Of all the times Harvey said he was sorry to me for all the stupid pranks and reckless behavior, this was the most sincere one.

And for once I actually believed him.

A meow from beside me snapped me back into reality when I discovered Loki standing at my feet, rubbing his face against my leg.

"Hungry?" I sighed to him, at the exact moment my stomach began to growl "It seems we both are."

I left the letter on the table and picked up Loki, snuggling into him before taking him to the kitchen.

His food bowl was half empty but because he could see the bottom of the bowl, in his weird cat brain that means its empty.

Topping up his food, I watched him merrily crunch through the dried biscuit as I started to make myself a sandwich.

It didn't take me long to eat it and before I knew it was back in my room and undressing for a shower.

A ping from my laptop distracted me from my travels to my wardrobe for some new clothes. Opening it and flicking on the switch, several notifications came up from Facebook.

I had been tagged in a couple of videos which made a horrible feeling form in the pit of my stomach. What made it worse is that it was Harvey who posted and tagged me in them.

There were already hundreds of likes and comments which only made my finger shake more as I clicked the play button.

I was expecting it to be the video of me and Hunter kissing and being interrupted but to my surprise, that part of the video was missing and it cut from me raging over to Harvey and decking him straight in the face.


I imagined people would have been filming as I was Harv was filming himself but why did he upload this?

The caption on the video made me even more confused "Siblings till the end... Even if she does have a mean right hook."

What the hell was all of this?

Most of the comments were about how great the party was last night and not much about the video itself which I was thankful for.

Shaking my head, I closed my laptop down and went for my shower.


I was surprised to see Leo already in the ballet studio when I strolled in at 10 to 3. Not many other people were here either but I usually liked to be early so I could warm up before having to be put through Miss Lacey's challenging routines.

He caught my eye as I placed my gym bag against the wall and gave me a small nod, as if to show he was better than this morning.

I made my way over to him, stretching my arms over each other to loosen them up.

"Hey." His voice was quiet as he stretched down to his toes and slowly brought himself back up again.

"Hey." I replied in the same tone, pulling my leg up to the bar and leaning into the burn that started to brew behind my knee.

"How you feeling?" Leo questioned, tightening the bun that his hair was tied into.

"Better than last night. The whole house was spotless and Harvey left a note apologising about everything."

Leo nodded "I saw his Facebook post."

I shrugged my shoulders "I just don't know whats gotten into him recently. He's been so weird to me and others."

It was really starting to bug me. How Harvey was acting differently with me, with his friends and even getting involved with Ivy.

It seems that ever since he's made friends with Leo he's become a completely different person.

"He hasn't said anything to you has he?" I asked Leo, pulling my leg down from the bar and repeating the same stretch with the other. By this point, more of the class started to file in and chatter filled the once quiet hall.

Leo looked down and for a split second I could have sworn I saw guilt flash over his features, but it was gone in a moment before he copied my shoulder shrug.

"Don't know. Haven't really known him long. I mean, I consider him a close friend but I don't think I would notice." He explained, giving the back of his head a scratch at the same time.

Huh... I guess that does kind of explain itself.

Looks like I'm going to have to grind it out of him later...

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