《Ballet With The Bad Boy》Chapter 10


"You live here?" I questioned, trying to not sound too shocked.

"Yea, my Mum has a good job." He shrugged his shoulders and I remembered. Of course, his Mum is a high level teacher. I still hadn't said to Leo that his mother basically forced me to spy on him.

She catches me in school every once in a while after English to check up on things but I just give her basic answers, not wanting to breach Leo's privacy.

Like after the whole dealing episode, there was no way in hell that I was going to tell her.

Leo guided me through the small gate that lead to a mini pathway to the front door. Picking a key out his jean pocket, he opened the door and pressed some buttons on an alarm system.

I guess he was meant to be staying at my place tonight.

He didn't say a word as I came through the door and stood, soaking wet, in his front room.

Which looked immaculate by the way.

Everything was decorated to perfection and I felt bad just standing there and getting the floor wet. Thank god it was laminate flooring and not carpet.

It didn't hit me until I was in the warmth of the house that I realised how cold I was.

Not cold, fucking freezing.

My body began to shiver within seconds and goosebumps stuck out like a sore thumb on my skin. Jesus, I felt terrible.

"Follow me." Leo whispered, kicking off his combat boots and taking my hand. He lead me up some stairs which had a large hallway at the top.

There were four massive white doors in different directions and Leo pulled me to the closest one.

Upon opening it, it revealed Leo's very clean and tidy bedroom.

A large double bed sat in the corner of the room with a small bedside cabinet beside it.


Other usual things like a wardrobe and desk occupied some of the other spaces in the room but it was still massive. I'm sure you could fit my room twice in here.

The walls were covered in art and posters. Some of bands that I recognised and others of artwork but artists I didn't know. What caught my attention was that pretty much all of the artwork was dance related.

Silhouettes of ballet dancers and tap dancers where the main pictures but there were some others with colour on them.

"This art is so cool." I said quietly, not thinking that Leo would be listening. He was currently rummaging through a chest of drawers.

Only when a towel hit me in the face did I realise what he was looking for.

"Thanks." I said bluntly, trying hard to not show that my teeth were chattering as I slowly squeezed the water out of my hair and into the towel.

"No problem." He smirked, grabbing a towel for himself and chucking it over his head, vigorously drying it for a few seconds before wiping his face with it.

I had to hold back a laugh as his once smooth and straight hair was now all over the place. It looked like a mane.

Holy shit. Leo. Mane. Like a lion. That's why those guys called him Lion! It was a link to his shortened name.

How was I that slow in realising it?

He chucked me something else which I caught this time. It was a plain grey top.

"You can get changed in there," He nodded his head to a door that was behind me "I'm sure you don't want to stay in those wet clothes and there's no way in hell you're sleeping in my bed in wet clothes either."

"I'm sleeping in your bed?" I questioned nervously. I'd never slept in a bed with another guy before. Sure, I had naps in bed with Brendon but we never stayed round each others houses.


One because of my brother and parents, and two because he had younger siblings that he had to share a room with.

"Unless you wanna sleep on the floor?" Leo shrugged his shoulders and shrugged off his extremely wet looking denim jacket off his body and placing it in a laundry basket.

His top came off next so I finally turned my back and made my way to the door he pointed to before.

Of course, an en suite bathroom.

It was small, but had enough room for a bath, toilet, separate shower, sink and a couple of cabinets.

When I glanced at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but look horrified. My make up from the day had streamed down my face which gave me panda eyes and blotchy skin.

God, I was a mess.

I practically peeled my tank top off my body as it was that wet. I annoyingly had to take my bra off too as it was also soaked through.

Just to make things better, because I was still so cold, I was, how you say, keying a car right now.

I held my hands over my boobs in an attempt to warm them up slightly so I didn't have such a nipple on.

After a minute or so, I chucked Leo's grey top over my body and wasn't surprised when it reached over my butt.

Because of this, I slipped off my shorts and placed them on the radiator when I'd placed my top and bra so they'd hopefully be dry by the time I woke up.

I thanked the lord that my underwear wasn't too wet so I could keep them on. Well, there was no way in hell that I was going to take them off when I was going to be sleeping in a bed with Leo.

I splashed my face with water quickly, wiping all the make up off my face and freshening myself up before I made my way back into the room.

I found Leo lying on his bed, his hair was now tied up in a bun and his eyes were glued to his phone.

"Your brother's text me." He said, typing something on the screen "He wants to make sure you're ok."

I scoffed, making my way over to the bed and climbing on the side closest to the wall "Yea right. That fucker doesn't give a shit about me."

As soon as I was lying down, I pulled the covers over me and practically cocooned myself.

"Told you you'd get cold." Leo said in a matter of fact way, pressing a few more buttons on his phone before turning it off and placing it on his nightstand. He turned his head and looked at me.

His cheeks were flushed pink slightly, probably from the drastic change in temperature as my face was the same when I went into the bathroom.

"Shut up Lion." I grumbled, turning my body so my back was to him.

I was still angry from earlier. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated that Leo cared enough for him to let me stay at his, but I was pissed. And I didn't want to drag other people into a family feud.

"You know, they only call me that because they don't know my actual name right?" He explained and I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, what you're doing is illegal so I suppose you have to smart even if what you're doing is dumb."

I heard him laugh from behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight Eliana."

"Goodnight Leo."

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