《My Pet Mate》Chapter 26


*Adam's POV*

Waking up next to my mate always brings a smile to my face. It's my new favorite part of the day. Cade and I have been over the moon these past days. We marked her. She told us she loves us. What else could I need in life? Everything has been absolutely perfect.

I took in a deep breath, taking in her intoxicating scent. It was still as sweet as last night, maybe even sweeter, and Cade purred at the scent.

I looked at her, she was sleeping peacefully. It was Monday morning but her first alarm hadn't gone off yet. I couldn't help but lean over her and planting a kiss in the crook of her neck. She squirmed a bit in response. I chuckled and kissed her mark next, making her moan.

I groaned at the sound as I kept peppering kisses along her neck and shoulder. The soft moans that left her even in her sleep had us craving for more, but I held myself back of course.

"Adam." The sound of my name coming from her lips as a moan almost broke all my resolve. God that sounded heavenly.

"Good morning, mate." I whispered into her neck. Her arms went around my back as she pulled me closer.

She felt warm, almost too warm, but I guess she still has to get used to me laying next to her. I trailed my kisses from her neck to her jaw until I reached her lips. She returned the kiss immediately, making me go insane inside my mind.

She was so responsive to my touch this morning, squirming under my every touch and moaning at the slightest contact.

'Mate.' Cade groaned softly in our mind.

I hummed in response as I continued kissing her. Neither of us caring that we hadn't brushed our teeth yet.

'Mine.' Was Cade's next possessive claim.

'She's ours.' I responded contently.

I felt Anna's hands explore my chest. But froze when she reached lower before grabbing the waistband of my sweatpants.

Cade purred in response to her gesture but I frowned and broke the kiss. The marking often makes it harder for mates to resist each other but I didn't think it would work this fast on her.

"What's wrong Alpha?" She whispered as her finger teased the waistband. I was definitely hard for her, and I knew she could feel it too.

I almost felt my resolve crumble as Cade shot forward. "Anna, are you sure you want this?" I asked her, my voice sounding rough as Cade was on the surface.

I looked at her hooded eyes, they were slightly dazed, making my frown deepen.

Her hand shot underneath my shirt and she trailed her nail across my spine, making me groan and shiver, "I am Adam. Please."

'She's ready!' Cade exclaimed. I took in another breath, her arousal hit me like a truck and I continued kissing her.

Fucking hell this is all I could ever dream off. I kissed her neck and noticed how hot it had gotten. Her entire body felt like it was on fire and I felt the sweat dripping from her back as I held her.

In a moment of clarity I pulled away again. There are so many things wrong with this. It's a Monday morning, she told me she was getting her period, she told me that she wasn't ready for sex two days ago.

I looked her in the eye again as I tried to piece things together. Something was wrong.

Her entire body was getting clammy now, and her eyes were still in a lust filled daze. Her sweet smell... Wait a minute. It's been two days since the marking.


I was off her and against the wall within a second.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

Anna softly sat up and raised an eyebrow at me, "What's wrong?"

"A-Anna..." I started as I gave her another look. All the signs were right. "Anna I think you're in heat."


I groaned as I tried to ignore her scent. Now I realize why it was so sweet. It's the scent of a female in heat. And since it's my mate, it's a scent made especially for me. And man did I want to give in to it.

"You're in heat. It's something she-wolves go through a few days after they're marked." I explained.

"What is it?" Anna asked.

I let out a breath as I raked my hand through my hair, "It's a way our species tries to force us into completing the bond."

Anna frowned for a second, "Then why don't we?"

Cade agreed in the back of my mind and I reminded her that we literally gave her silver because she was afraid we'd take advantage of her. He whimpered at those words, seemingly shot from his own heat induced haze.

"Because it's not what you want." I saw Anna try to defend herself but I cut her off to continue, "Anna, during heat the she-wolf will get a high fever. Her scent will change to attract her mate and drive him into mating. Your own hormones will become a complete mess as well, making you think that you want this."

Anna didn't seem convinced so I looked at her bedside table, "Anna look right next to you. Remember the silver I gave you? That was because you weren't ready. You're not ready Anna. I'm not having sex with you this week."

Anna grabbed the necklace and it seemed to shake her from her daze. "You're right... I don't want to have sex." She mumbled. It sounded more as if she was trying to convince herself than me.

Anna looked at me, "How long does this last?"

"Usually 4 to 5 days." I responded. Fucking hell, am I going to be able to hold back that all that time while she's like this?

"Why didn't you tell me?" Anna asked.

I sighed, "Because I've never heard of a human going through heat." My own words made me think. Was it because I was an Alpha that she was still affected? "Ugh, I can't think like this." I groaned.

"What can I do to help?" Anna asked.

I looked at her worried eyes. It seems the situation has fully dawned on her now. "Nothing Anna. And it's not me who's going to need help it's you. The fever is only going to get worse and you're going to be cramping and in pain. I've heard it's excruciating."

"Great." Anna mumbled.

An idea popped into my head, "Anna, there is actually one thing you can do." She looked at me expectantly, "Tell me to stop. I don't want to scare you and I will fight it with everything I have but this week is going to be a constant struggle for control for the both of us. Our hormones are literally trying to force us, we can't let them win. So tell me to stop, ok? And don't give in yourself either."

Anna gave a shaky sigh before nodding. Her first alarm went off. It's 6AM. "Anna you're not going to work today."

"I'm fine for now Adam." Anna countered.


"I know you're fine now. But that's because I've just been next to you. Mates help each other heal faster and feel better. It's not going to take long before the pain sets in. I promise you Anna you can't go to work today and maybe the rest of this week." I told her, forcing her to understand.

"Shit, I can't skip a whole week of work." Anna muttered.

I let out a breath, "I know it sucks but you really can't go. If the pain wouldn't be bad enough your scent is currently intoxicating to unmated werewolves. Any of your werewolf students will go absolutely crazy if they smell it."

"Yikes, ok that would be awkward." Anna spoke as she started scrolling through her phone, "I'll call in sick."

I nodded and made my way into the kitchen. I paused there for a full minute before remembering that I was going to get her some water. Shit, this heat is already messing with my mind.

When I returned she had just hung up the phone, confirming how long it took for me to get my shit together. I gave her the glass of water and she basically downed it. "We've got to keep you hydrated. That's the most important thing I think."

Anna nodded, "Can I call Isa?"

Of course! Her sister! "Oh thank god." I mumbled. Anna raised her eyebrow at me, "I was already panicking. You're gonna need someone to get you through this but as much as I love you I don't think I'll be able to control myself the full 5 days."

"That's fine. You have work anyway." Anna said.

I nodded reluctantly. Right... work. That must be the last thing on my mind right now.

Anna was scrolling through her contact when she suddenly doubled over in pain. She let out a hiss as she clutched her stomach. "Shit, are you ok?" I asked as I carefully got closer.

"Anna?" I heard Isa's voice. Apparently Anna had already hit the call button.

I grabbed her phone as Anna was still trying to process the pain. "Isa?"

"Adam? What's going on? Is Anna ok?" Isa's voice had immediately switched to worried.

I looked at my mate who was still groaning in pain, "No, she's not. Listen Isa I don't know how much you know of this but Anna is in heat. You need to get here ASAP."

"She's what?" I heard Will exclaim on the other side.

"Heat." I repeated, "I don't know how either but she's not ready to complete the bond so she will need her sister."

"Fucking hell." I heard Will's voice.

Isa didn't waste a second, "We'll be over as soon as we can."

"Control yourself Alpha." Was Will's fantastic advice before they ended the call. I groaned and looked back at Anna.

She was still in pain, "Isa is coming soon sweetheart."

I could see her nod slowly, "O-k." she breathed out.

The next twenty minutes were pure torture. Anna was doubling over in pain the entire time. I ended up controlling myself enough to sit down next to her and hold her hand. However this somehow ended up in a heated make out session, which I barely managed to pull away from.

This wasn't going to be easy. Not at all. Anna seemed to be just as eager as I was in completing the mate bond now. And it didn't help with control. Cade was also under the effects of Anna's heat. He had tunnel vision at this point. Only having eyes for her and completing to claim what was his.

I had never run to the doorbell as fast as I did that day. Opening it to see Will and Isa. Isa didn't waste time pushing past me into the apartment and Will scrunched up his nose, "Oh fucking hell."

"I know what you mean." I responded in a sigh.

"Yeah, but for you it smells good no?" I nodded and he shook his head, "For me it's not good at all."

Cade purred with satisfaction at his comment and I scolded him. This was not the time to be a possessive mate.

"When did it start?" Will asked to change the subject.

I was rapidly tapping the floor with my feet, hoping it would somehow calm my raging mind. "I didn't realize till this morning but her scent had already changed last night." I told him.

Will nodded and let out a breath, "This is gonna be a rough week." He said before entering the apartment.

I couldn't agree more as I closed the door and her smell hit me again. I could hear Isa give Anna some reassuring words as Will made his way to the bathroom. He walked out with a wet towel and handed it to his mate.

How hadn't I thought of that yet? Fuck I'm out of it.

Will looked at me and gave me a soft smile, "Go sit on the couch Alpha. We'll take care of her."

I let out a shaky breath as I agreed and walked to the couch. As I passed Anna's bedroom I made eye contact with my mate. I winced as I saw the pain in her eyes.

'I'm so sorry.' I linked her.

She gave me a pained smile, 'It's fine. You didn't know. We'll get through this.'

I nodded and walked away. It pained me to do so. All I wanted was to be next to her, and not just because the heat was telling me to. Just seeing her in pain hurt me like someone stabbed me in the heart.

The hours went by torturously slow. I was glad when I could head to work, but even there I was an absolute mess.

I managed to do my classes just fine, but my mind was constantly on her. On Anna. I wonder how she's doing now. Better? Worse?

When I left work I was exhausted, and I decided that I needed a run to work off some tension. I don't know how long I had been running, but it had gotten dark out. Cade had killed a rabbit which we ate for dinner. It was almost as if we were living in the forest again. Just living as a wolf as the darkness of going rogue slowly surrounds us.

I returned to my old den and laid down. Maybe I should just stay here for a few days. That way I can't lose control. With those thoughts I drifted off to sleep.

I woke when I heard someone else enter the den. Cade quickly got up and growled at the intruder.

"Calm down Alpha, it's just me." The familiar voice of Will spoke.

We relaxed, and I shifted and put on my sweatpants so I could talk to him. "How is she?"

"I don't know, you tell me. You're her mate." Will spoke with annoyance.

"I can't be around her right now it takes every inch of me to control myself." I explained.

Will sighed, "So? Because you can't control yourself you can spend five days in a den while your mate is in constant pain?"

I cringed at his words. He was right, I couldn't run away from this. I sighed, "You're right. Sorry. I just don't want to fuck this up."

"Dude, you were rogue for six years. If anyone can control himself it's gonna be you." Will reassured me.

I let out a chuckle, "Wanna become my Beta William? You're hitting it with all this advice."

Will let out a laugh as well, "No thanks. I'm happy where I am in my current pack. But now, back to yours. Your Luna needs you."

I nodded, "Yeah, she does." I sighed, "If only I could shut out that scent. It drives me crazy."

"You can always silver yourself." Will suggested as a joke.

I had an epiphany though. "You're a genius!"

'Uh... what?' I heard Cade disagree in my mind.

"What? I was joking about the silver. That's fucking dangerous." Will suddenly sounded worried.

"No, I'm not going to silver myself." I searched for my phone, "There are other ways to shut out your wolf." I mumbled as I sent Jasper a text. If he managed to get Absinthe, he can get this too.

"What are you planning Alpha?" Will asked carefully.

I grinned and looked up, "Wolfsbane."


That night was absolute torture. Jasper needed some time to get it so he would give it to Will the next morning. He was utterly confused as to why I needed wolfsbane until I explained that Anna was in heat.

I woke up on the couch. All the windows were open, trying to air out Anna's intoxicating scent. It didn't work at all. I had woken up a few times that night because Anna was hurting. Isa had stayed by her side and would always soothe her. I wish I could be that. I'm going to be that.

I took a very very cold shower and might have jacked off twice before I just aimlessly walked around the living room until Will arrived. I couldn't go into the bedroom, not with Anna's scent like this.

The doorbell rang and I ran to get it. Will stood there holding a bag, looking uncomfortable. Isa joined me by the door and eyed the bag, "It's in there?"

Will nodded and handed her the back. We all went into the kitchen. I sighed as I saw Isa take out the plastic bag filled with the purple flower. "Are we sure this isn't some illegal drug?" Isa asked.

Will shrugged, "For wolves it is a drug."

Isa nodded, "Explain to me why we're doing this again?"

"Wolfsbane will cut off Cade. Without Cade my senses will become human so I won't be able to smell Anna's heat. I'll be able to get closer to her." I explained for the tenth time.

Isa sighed, "Ok... whatever floats your boat. I just need to put it into a smoothie or something right?"

Will and I nodded. Isa prepared everything before opening the plastic bag. Will immediately took a step back as the scent surrounded us. "How much?" Isa asked me.

I took a gulp before getting closer, the scent of the flower didn't waste any time in taking effect on my body, making me feel dazed within seconds. "Uh... I don't know, not too much?"

"Yeah, thanks for that. Real helpful." Isa spoke as she just guessed and placed some of the flower in the mixer and turned it on.

'Adam are we really doing this?' Cade asked with a whimper. He wasn't fond of this idea. I mean, I totally get it. We're basically poisoning him.

'If we can just lay next to her, her pain will lessen. We can't do that right now.' I explained.

I heard Cade grumble, 'Fine. For out mate.'

'Thank you Cade. I'll make it up to you.' I told him.

The mixer turned off again and a minute later, a drink was in front of me. It looked like a regular banana peach smoothie. I let out a sigh and glanced at Will and Isa. They both looked at me in concern.

Come on Adam, we're doing this for Anna.

Without wasting any more time I took a big gulp of the drink. It tasted fine, but I knew it was going to affect me. Wolfsbane works quickly. It wouldn't take long.

Once I finished the drink I was already woozy. I placed it back on the counter before steadying myself. Fucking hell everything is hazy.

"Did It work?" I faintly heard Isa ask.

I blinked and with great difficulty, turned to the duo. "Y-yeah." I managed to breathe out.

"Maybe you should sit down man." Will spoke up.

I nodded. Sitting down seemed like a great idea. I walked to the bedroom. It was as if I was on autopilot. I felt completely dazed as I reached the door. I heard Isa call someone. Was she calling me?

I opened the door and my eyes fell on my mate. My beautiful mate. My Anna. God, I love her so much.

I gave her a lopsided grin as she frowned. "A-Adam what are you-"

"Shhh." I shushed her as I walked over. I climbed into bed with her and pulled her closer, "I'm here now. I'll take care of you."

"Adam I-"

I shushed her again as I felt my eyes become heavy, "I love you, mate. I'm never letting you go again." I mumbled, before I nodded off.


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