《Life as i Didn't Know it》Chapter 14


Chapter 14

Marissa’s POV

“So yea after being thrown out of a car half a mile from this town and having to walk here made me find this coffee shop, I'm kind of glad they threw me out of the car because otherwise I would have never stopped in this small town for anything” I was laughing so hard by now, he got thrown out of a car by another pack’s alpha.

“Wow you make quite an impression” I took another sip of my coffee and look up at Zane to see him staring at me intently. “What?” a small smile was set on my face as I looked at him, this is the first real bonding experience we’ve had. And the scary part is that I actually enjoy it, I don’t know where this is going really

“Nothing” he mumbled and seemed to snap out of his little trance. “So you want to go for a run now?” he asked. “Yea that sounds great” I stood up and threw the empty cup away, which was some of the best coffee I had ever tasted.

Zane’s POV

We walked out the door together and I couldn’t help but stare at her yet again, she looked so beautiful and even know I didn’t want to admit it I was mesmerized by her. she was glowing and I loved seeing her smile. we got into the car and I drove a little more outside of town, there was the perfect area of woods to run in that didn’t belong to any pack so we could run freely.

Twenty minutes later I stopped the car along the side of the road, we could walk the rest of the way into the woods. I looked over at her too see that she was looking out the window deep in thought. “Marissa” I said softly. she seemed to snap out of it and looked over at me. “Ready?” she nodded and got out of the car.

We each went behind a tree and stripped out of our clothes and shifted into out wolves. I looked at her beautiful brown wolf with a mix of black in it and she was still beautiful, the size of her wolf was bigger than a normal female as if her wolf had some power that she didn’t know about.

I nodded and started running slowly then eventually picking up speed. We had quite a long run before stopping somewhere in the middle of the woods. It was a small clearing with trees lining the outside of it and long green grass in the middle. It was rather plain but very clean and had a peaceful feeling.

We laid there for a little before I looked over at her and saw that she was looking into the woods. I don’t know what came over me but I got up and moved closer to her, I laid down next to her and rested my head a couple inches beside hers. She looked over at me and stared into my eyes but made no movement to move away.

We just laid there looking at each other, it was a peaceful moment, one that I didn’t want to end. I don’t know how long we simply laid there looking into each others eyes but before we knew it the night was already turning a shade of midnight purple.

To think that we went out for breakfast and spent hours in the woods running and laying down, just enjoying each other’s company.

My dad was probably wondering where I was the whole day. we ran back to the spot and got changed. When I saw her in her human form I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. I don’t know what to say about what happened today but I don’t want to ruin it.


We got into the car silently and I saw that it was already around eight. She must be getting hungry now, we could go back and eat at the pack house. or we could go out for dinner…. Hmm I would get her for myself for another couple hours if I took her out.

Marissa’s POV

We rode silently in the car, to be honest I enjoyed today a lot. I don’t know what happened between us but it was really nice. None of us has said a word yet but I don’t want to be the first. “Do you want to go out and get some dinner before we go back to the pack house?” he spoke up.

I looked over at him to see him looking at me with a hopeful glint in his eyes. “Sure” I said with a small smile, the smile seemed to be contagious because soon enough we were both fully grinning. “Thanks for today” I added. some part of me knew that this wouldn’t last forever though, this doesn’t change the fact that he didn’t want me, nor does it change the fact that he’s still going to be going out with other girls. It’s like that one perfect day when everything else doesn’t matter, a day outside of the reality of our separate lives.

But I didn’t want it too be like that. I wanted this to continue, like we could get along and have fun with each other like we did today. I have nothing else to lose so I might as well tell him that over dinner, if he doesn’t like the idea it’ll hurt but I’ve already been rejected as his mate, it won’t be to much of a surprise.

A couple minutes later we pulled up at some restaurant, I really didn’t care where we ate as long as I was with him. my mind is having a silent argument if I should tell him or not what I was thinking about. But then again I have nothing to lose and I wasn’t that type of girl that kept things bottled up so why not?

As we were walking in he did something that surprised me but also fueled my decision to tell him. he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. I didn’t look at him as he did it but I could feel his warm hand around mine and it felt so right. it felt like something I didn’t know was missing until I had it.

We walked in to the quite but busy restaurant as a waiter seated us. he was a tall boy with blond hair and a scruffy look. he took us to a table of two and handed us our menu’s although his gaze lingered on me a little longer, making me feel slightly uncomfortable . “I want to say something but I don’t know how so I'm just going to get right to the point ok?” he looked up from the menu with a raised eyebrow waiting for me to continue.

I took a deep breath and figured it was now or never. “I had fun today but what about when we get back? are we just going to pretend like we don’t care about each other? Because I don’t want it too be like that” I was just getting stared there.

But I didn’t miss the intense look in his eyes. “Marissa- I held up my hand, I wanted to get this all out before he said anything.

“you’ve been going out with people and yea it’s been driving me insane but I cover it up. I'm being honest here and I don’t want it to go back to normal. I guess this is all kind of sudden but I don’t want to go back to hating each other and having nothing to do with each other” ok now I was done. It was all off my chest.


Yea it bothered me a lot when he went out with other girls because I was jealous that they were good enough and I wasn’t. what did they have that I didn’t? he sighed and looked at me with a unreadable look in his eye.

As soon as I saw that look my heart broke even more, I knew something was coming that I didn’t want to hear. “Marissa you know how it is, as much fun as it’s been today the reason we are not together is still the same. That doesn’t mean that we need to hate each other though because –

“Just stop ok? I get it” my voice broke all over the place but I didn’t want to hear anymore. Being rejected once was enough but twice was just too much. “I think we should just go home” I said quietly. I didn’t want to look at him so I stared into my lap.

“if that’s what you want” he said quietly. We got up and walked out silently and into his car. The whole car ride was quiet and awkward. I wouldn’t look at him and none of us made any attempt to talk. At least I now know that nothing will change the way that he feels about me.

When we pulled up at the pack house I jumped out of the car fast and walked into the house, not looking back to see if he was behind me. I went straight to my room and jumped onto my bed. I didn’t want to see anyone right now, especially not him


My eyes opened sometime later, I guess I must have fallen asleep while I was laying here. I got up and noticed that my stomach was hurting, we didn’t end up eating so I haven’t eaten since the morning. I looked at the clock and noticed it was already around nine, it was time to get some food.

I managed to pull myself out of my bed and change into a pair of sweat pants and I sweater. Just as I was about to walk out of my room the door opened, revealing just about the last person I wanted to see right now.

I simply stared at him waiting for him to say something. “I just wanted to come and make sure you ate, I came up earlier but you were sleeping” why the hell would he care what I did and if I didn’t eat? “I'm going to get some food now” I pushed past him and tried to make my way down the stairs but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to face him.

“Please don’t be like this, I don’t want to throw everything me made today out the window.” Did he really just say that? “There’s a reason things are the way it is and that reason is still there” I used his words back on him and ripped my hand out from his grip.

If he wanted to be like that then I would too. I told him how I felt about everything and he responded with telling me that he still didn’t want me, he doesn’t have the right to say he cares about me and still wants to be friends, because we weren’t meant to be friends. I over looked the rejection and put my heart back on the line, and what does he do? he crushes is again.

I walked down the stairs to see a plate covered with my name on it. his neat handwriting was on it but all I could do was sigh, why did he even care? I took the plate of pasta and chicken and warmed it up in the microwave. Even know I was mad I would have to remember to thank him for the food later. I grabbed my food, sat on the couch and began eating while watching some TV. sometime in the next half an hour Zane and Derek came down the stairs.

I looked over at him to see him already looking over at me with a sad look on his face. “Thanks for the food” I said simply. He nodded with a small smile on his face but I turned away after that. I could feel him still looking at me but I didn’t bother look at him, I don’t want too see him right now. “hey we’re going out again” Derek said. where could they possibly go at like ten on a Sunday? They have school in the morning, but I bet it has something to do with girls.

“Where are you going on a Sunday or are you planning on skipping tomorrow?” at this point I really didn’t care, I’ve walked to school enough times so I'm used to it. “We’re going to be back within the hour or so, so we’re going to be going tomorrow” I nodded, I didn’t even bother asking where they were going because I already had my suspicion.

And If he told me for sure that they were going out then it would break me knowing he was out with another girl already, this way I had some hope in me that wouldn’t be completely crushed and broken.

“Ok then are you still going to give me a ride in the morning?” I need to know now if I was going to walk, because if I had to walk I would have to wake up a bit earlier. “Uh I have to meet with the alpha, he wanted to talk to me about you for some reason so no, Zane can give you a ride though” why did he have to know about my training?

“Nah it’s ok ill just get Kyle or Sean to give me a ride don’t worry about it” I dismissed it, I would do anything to avoid riding with Zane right now. “No your riding with me tomorrow” Zane said as if he had any say in it.

“Nah I think I’ll go with Sean and Kyle” I was still looking at the TV while I was talking to him because I still didn’t feel like looking at him. “Marissa just go with him ok? I don’t really know Sean and Kyle so at least I know your actually going to go with Zane” my brother asked so nicely it was hard too say no.

We had started acting like real family lately and I guess I could go through with one ten minute ride with Zane for him. “Fine” I sighed, tomorrow morning was just going to be another awkward car ride that I didn’t want… yay me.


i think im getting back on track with uploads, they're faster now that i have time. this is where Zane and Marissa start having the drama and the feelings get deep, comment and vote please! next upload wednesday or thursday!

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