《DDLG Academy: Double Life》Chapter 1


"Yeah I'll call you later I just got home and I have a lot of work to do for tonight's video" My voice being a bit more high pitched than usual due to the excitement I'm trying to hold in.

"Alright, you're still gonna be in my stream today right?" He said as I was about to hang. "Yup I'll talk to you in a couple of hours" I smile and hang up.

I put my phone in my pocket twisting the door handle opening the door. As I walk in I step on a pile of a large pile of mail and roll my eyes. My dad must have forgotten to pick it up again. I grab it and walk over to the living room and plop myself down onto the sofa turning the TV on so there's some sort of noise in this house.

Reading through the mail there's a lot of bills and advertisements for the same old things which come in every day. Then one thing caught my attention with my name on it. It was a big white envelope. Interesting I never get these types of packages unless they're from Twitch or youtube but then again those always correspond with the companies color. So this can't be from one of them.

I turn it around to see a large logo on it. A raven standing tall and proud with the words "Ravenwood Academy" circling around it. I've never heard of this place and I haven't applied to any colleges or universities since I got out of high school a couple of months ago.

I decide to squish it a bit and I feel a stack of papers is in it. I open it dumping its papers down on the glass table. The papers scattered around the table as I throw the package they came in onto the floor. I pick up one of the papers and began to read it, "Congrats you have been accepted! Welcome to the Ravenwood team. We are very excited to have you join us in learning not just academic lessons, but also lessons on yourself on being a little!"


As I said before I have never applied to attend this school. Wait...being a little...? The only people who know I'm a little are my friends and my parents. My friends wouldn't apply for this for me. The only reasonable explanation for this is that my parents must have applied for me.

I shake my head a bit annoyed because I don't want to even attend this school. I'm comfortable being a little without a daddy. I drop the paper, back down on the table, and get up. I check the time and head to my parent's office.

I knock on the door when I hear my mom say I could come in. I walk into their office and stare them both down. My mom looks at me innocently as if she did nothing wrong and my dad just smiles at me. He motions his hand down to the chair in front of him so I could sit down. I shake my head no to him.

I sigh, "Why did you apply me to Ravenwood Academy?". My mom smiles at me while my dad drops his smile and looks at my mom.

"Oh that yes dear...well honey you're always locked up in your room and you haven't been having any social interactions with any humans lately, and I think it'll be good for you to go there." Her voice was coming out innocently as if she didn't do anything wrong. Knowing my mother she only did it because she loved me, but still, she had no right to do this.

"I do have human interaction thank you very much, but we just don't live in the same country mom plus I don't think I have time for school work with all the editing I have to already do plus the streaming," Crossing my arms over my chest trying to fight the urge to just leave the room and not come back.


"We get that love we truly do, but this could be good for you and you haven't had a daddy for well a while honey and maybe you could find the one here at that academy. Look at me and your father we've been together since we were attending that academy." My dad smiles at that comment my mom through in. His eyes sparkle and he speaks up for the first time in this conversation.

"I agree with your mother Carmen this could be good for you. And you do need to get out of that room you coop yourself in all day." He stands up and walks towards me. He puts his hands on both my shoulders and says, "Mira, lo hacemos porque te queremos mucho Carmen" (Translation: Look we do it because we love you so much Carmen) He pulls me in for a hug and I hug him back and I could just see my mother beaming at this.

"Fine I'll go but on one condition," I tell them. My mom looks up hopeful at me as I pull away from my dad.

"You guys have to arrange me a room kind of far from the other littles because we all know how I get when I start streaming and I don't want any of their doms getting mad at me for my bad behavior okay?" I tell them as sternly as possible. My mom stands up and hugs me, "Of course amor" I pull away from her.

I look at the time and see I'm running a bit late, "Now if you excuse me I'm running late to Liam's stream" I run out the door and I could hear faint laughs as I run to my room.

I quickly turn on my PC and join Liam's VC putting on my headset and turning on his stream on my other monitor seeing the chat going by so quickly. I unmute myself and both me and Liam get things going...

Word count: 1013


Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you guys in the next! :D

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