《Come over》I want you


We walk up to my room and sit on my bed, it's very awkward.

"I'm sorry" Billy says, his voice sounds shaky

"It-" I try to speak but Billy cuts me off

"Don't say its ok, I shouldn't have done anything with Sidney. It was a stupid mistake and I feel nothing for her, it's you that I want, not her" His voice starts to crack

"It is ok though, I shouldn't have been upset, I want you too" I say quietly

I don't know what I will tell Ghostface, but it doesn't matter right now.

We keep eye contact for a few seconds before Billy kisses me, he pushes me down and slowly climbs on top of me, he starts to kiss my neck and slowly takes my shirt off at the same time, he begins kissing my chest before he takes his own shirt off.

I feel his hand grab my thigh as he starts slowly grinding on me, he moves back up to my neck and bites me again, a lot harder this time, I think he broke the skin, I let out a moan and he comes up to my ear

"Remember what you said last time?" He whispers, looking down

"How could I forget" I whisper as I flip him over and get on top

I kiss him for a minute before I move down to his neck and start running my hands on his inner thigh, I hear him let out a gasp as I bite his neck and move my hand over his bulge

"Knock knock I brought you some-"

"OH MY GOD GET OUT" I scream as I jump off Billy and cover us with a blanket

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" My mom starts to yell before I cut her off


"GO AWAY" I scream, again

"PUT CLOTHES ON AND GET OUT HERE NOW!" My mom screams at me before closing the door

"Fuck" I sigh

"So, do I just like wait here.." Billy says chuckling

"Yes, sure, I don't know" I sigh again as I put my shirt on and go out the door

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, I see my mom and dad at the table,

"I-I bought you some new jeans" My mom says pointing towards the bag on the counter

"Can we please just pretend that didn't happen?" I blurt out, hoping they will agree with me

"You want me to pretend I didn't walk in you your fucking someone" She says, trying to keep her cool

"We still had pants on" I say rolling my eyes

"It's the same thing. I don't care what you do, but keep it out of our faces. And why the hell is your neck bleeding" My mom is clearly struggling to remain calm but she looks like she's about to explode

"We were cosplaying earlier, bye" I say as I run back upstairs

I see Billy still laying on my bed when I walk into my room

"So-" He starts to say something sarcastic before I cut him off

"I don't wanna hear it" I say

I fall on top of Billy and just lay there for a few minutes

"That was so fucking embarrassing" I mumble, I feel like crying

"You're gonna be ok, it happens to everyone at least once" He says, I can hear him trying not to laugh

Billy starts playing with my hair and eventually I fall asleep

• • •

I open my eyes and thankfully Billy is still here, I check the time


I was only asleep for like an hour or so,


I get up to use the bathroom and get some water

"W-Where're you going?" Billy mumbles, half asleep and rubbing his eyes

"I'm just getting water" I say, trying to leave

"No come back" He says, jokingly giving me puppy dog eyes

I sigh and go back to him, I lay down and almost instantly he lays his head and hand on my chest, I play with his hair for awhile until I drift off again

• • •

My eyes slowly open and I realize Billy is no longer laying on me, I look beside me and see him curled up in a ball

"Good morning" I say as I wrap my arm around him and kiss his head

"It's like 4am, go back to sleep" He says as he turns around and tightly wraps his arms around me

"You can't sleep forever" I say trying to break free of his grip

"Watch me" He says as he pushes his head into my arm, I assume he's blocking the sunlight out to

After a few minutes of silence I get up and slowly lay Billy on the bed, I can't tell if he's sleeping or not, but he stays silent

I get ready for the day and head downstairs, I get ready to make breakfast, but then realize how much work it is and just grab a glass of water

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" Billy says, coming down the stairs

"Welp, sucks for me" I say sarcastically

"I have to go but can I see you later? Preferably when you parents aren't here, I don't think I can look at them ever again" He chuckles but sounds serious

"Yes, just be here before 5:30" I say

"Ok, I'll see you later then" he says as he heads for the door,

"See ya" I say back as I walk back up to my room, I lay down and pretend Billy is still here, I miss him already


I want to ignore my phone but I feel like that's mean,

Unknown number

"See you soon" The message says

I know it's Ghostface, what do I tell him?

I was drunk and sobbing into his arms about Billy 2 days ago, and now I'm dating Billy

I think we're dating, I hope we are

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