《Come over》Sleep


"Psst! Billy, are you still here" I whisper as I close my door

"No, I got killed in the 5 minutes you were gone" He says, chuckling

"You're not funny, you can come out now" I'm expecting a smart ass joke

"I already did that, like years ago" He says as he walks out of the closet, I was expecting that

"You're so unfunny" I say, trying to not giggle

"Awh thanks" He comes over and lays down beside me, I put my arms around him and lay on his chest.

I hope he doesn't mind

There's some silence for a minute as we lay together, his body is so warm and he whispers something but I don't hear it.

Before I can catch myself, I fall asleep

• • •


I jump out of bed, scared shitless and I feel my heart thumping out of my chest. It takes a moment to clue in and realize I'm getting a call and not being murdered

Unknown caller,

I answer just incase it's Billy, I really hope he didn't get caught walking home

"Hey.. Billy?" I ask the phone, trying not to fall asleep once again

"Who is this Billy you keep talking about?" It's the deep voice again, "Ghostface"

"Oh fuck off, it's literally 4 in the morning. Let me sleep" I say as I dramatically hang up,

There's silence for a minute and I think about calling him back to apologize, but I can't do that. He needs to stop messing with me

I hear a footstep from the end of my bed and I look up, I already know who it is, I look up and roll my eyes

"Sorry, to loud?" Ghostface chuckles

"Please just let me sleep, I don't have the energy right now" I say, I know he won't go away but at this point I don't care


"Fine, you win" He crawls onto my bed and lays there with his arms out

"What do you want?" I say, confused

"I won't tell Billy, don't worry" He says, as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, I stay still for a moment trying to prove a point but it's not like I haven't pictured this moment before.

I finally give in and lay me head on his chest, he's so warm and I can hear his heartbeats. I count them as I drift off, once again.

• • •

My eyes flutter open and I lay in bed remembering the night before, with Billy and with Ghostface,

Holy shit.

I fell asleep cuddling Ghostface

What the fuck.

I try to focus on the memory of Billy.

Maybe the Ghostface thing was just a dream. He is a sociopathic murderer, there's no way that would actually happen, right?

I decide to finally get out of bed for school,

My brain clicks and I realize that my alarm didn't go off, I check my phone and panic when I see the time



I rush to get ready, throwing on whatever clothes I can find and running out the door, before eating breakfast.

I make it to school around second period, the day goes on as usual.

It was freezing out so I rush to my car, but when I get to it I notice that someone had painted on it, why the fuck would someone do that, this isn't a movie.

I move to the side to read it better

"Fag" it says,

I'm beyond pissed, who the hell would do something like this

"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?!" I shout, aiming for the group of boys laughing

"Me, what're your gonna do about it? Shoot me with a rainbow" one guy says, giggling like a first grader


I stomp over to him, fuming.

"Are you gonna pay for the cleaning?" I say, trying to control my anger

"Hmmm, no I don't plan on it. Why don't you get your boyfriend to?" The guy says, continuing to giggle with his friends

"Fuck you!" I scream as I lose control,

I black out for a moment and once I'm able to ground myself, I see him holding his nose, blood dripping down.


I've never been in a fight before, I don't even know how to fight,

"Bad idea" the guy says, giving me a bloody smile as he swings, his punch is hard and it's hard to stay up, he throws another hit and I fall over,

his friends jump in and I'm just laying there, freezing and unable to move.

After a minute of getting kicked around they finally stop, I notice a crowd around me but no one helps, I get up and drive home. It's definitely not safe to drive considering that my head is pounding and my entire body stings.

Once I get home I just go in my room to lay down, I know I need to clean myself up, but I'm to tired, I just wanna sleep..

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