《The Dark Side of the Moon》F I F T Y - N I N E



A week has passed since Grayson and I completed the mate bond, and I feel so much closer to him. Not just because of the sex, even though that was mind blowing, but because we are constantly in contact now.

Gray loves mindlinking me throughout the day, even if I'm right next to him.

The night we had dinner with the pack after we mated was an interesting one... Gray kept sending dirty thoughts through the bond and I had to fight to keep a straight face as Evie told me about all of the exciting ideas she had for when we got to Venice.

We decided that we would travel during Christmas break so I could be back in time for school to restart. We plan to spend about a week away and come back in time to spend Christmas with the pack.

I know Axel and Cooper should be together for the holidays. They've been through so much in the past few months, and they deserve time off together.

When I offered Cassidy the plane ticket to Italy, she screamed my head off and crushed me in her arms, then spoke about all of the hot Italian men she was going to hook up with.

When Grayson overheard that conversation he became more grumpy than usual and hugged me a little tighter to him. He's so sensitive, sometimes.

Cooper was also very excited to go on the trip, and even though Axel had to stay back, he decided it would be an amazing break from the "stupid shit" he's had to deal with. He also said he was going to visit his older sister who wanted to meet him in Italy with her mate. I wasn't even aware that Cooper had any siblings, but apparently they had a rocky relationship and he chose not to talk about her that much.

Axel didn't seem to be her biggest fan.

After long goodbyes and a makeout session between Axel and Cooper that I could definitely do without, the six of us- Cass, Cooper, Evie, my mom, Gray and myself- all boarded the flight. First class!

I could tell my mom felt weird being the passenger instead of the flight attendant, but I think she was overall excited about the whole experience. It took us about nine hours to finally land at the Marco Polo airport in Venice, and thank goodness that Evie and Cooper slept for most of it. Those two have really been getting along because they're both so childish.

I also really hope I didn't overhear Cooper teaching Evie curse words...

When we land, the first thing we do is grab our luggage and sluggishly get two taxis to take us to our hotel. We ended up taking another water taxi because our hotel was right on the canal.

The room situation was a whole other conversation. Grayson insisted that he pay for the hotel, but of course he had to pick a luxury hotel that costs more per night than what we pay for our house each month. Each room is enormous and filled with granite countertops in the bathroom and a huge bed that is much larger than a king size.

And, he insisted that my mom and Evie share a room, I stay with him, and Cass and Cooper each have their own room. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking of what that will cost per night, let alone for the weeklong trip.

"Grayson, this is ridiculous," I say, once again trying to get it through his thick skull that four hotel rooms is way too much and completely unnecessary.


"I want everyone to be comfortable, baby," he repeats, handing over his ID to the man at the front desk who is preparing to hand us our room keys and direct us to our rooms which are all on the same floor.

I groan as I play with the handle of my oversized suitcase. I made sure to pack extra clothes as well as a few books for before bed. It was a little on the heavy side, but that's why I have a werewolf mate who can lug it around for me.

Once the employee confirms that Grayson made the reservation, he tells us to leave our luggage where it is and it will be brought up to our respective rooms in a short while.

This place is fancy.

The employee then goes over the amenities offered in the hotel and I just stand there frozen in shock. We can get massages here?

I want one.

This place is fancy.

The more the man explains about the hotel, the more excited I get. I'm still mad that Grayson is spending so much money, but it's already spent and I really just want to enjoy this trip. I can't wait to order room service and drink some fancy champagne while enjoying a beautiful view of Venice- after actually exploring Venice, naturally.

This is one of the places on my bucket list, and as promised Grayson is making my dreams come true- in more ways than one.

We are directed to the elevators which take us up to the top floor of the bougie hotel. All four of the rooms are next to each other, but the room Grayson and I have is a little further away and at the very end of the hallway.

I send a curious glance his way, and he only grins in response.

My mom holds my sleepy sister in her arms as she tells us that she's going to take a nap with Evie and then they'll join us in a few hours. We had an early morning flight and now that it's around four in the afternoon, we're all tired and want to rest.

We decide to eat at the restaurant attached to the hotel tonight and then we'll explore Venice for the rest of the week. I hug my mom, Cooper and Cass goodbye. I'm just really excited to be here!

"I may be downstairs when it's time to eat so just text me," Cass says.

"Why are you going downstairs? Do you not want to be alone? I'm sure you could hang with us-"

"Relax, girl," Cass laughs. "I want to go down to the bar and find a hot Italian mafia man or something. Trust me, I'm definitely happy not to share a room with anyone."

"Oh my," I say, my eyes widening unnaturally at Cass' words. "Just- be safe, okay?" I tell her. We're in a foreign country so I want her to be careful.

"I'll hang with her for a little while," Cooper reassures me.

"I'm fully capable of looking out for myself, bitch," Cass complains, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

I try really hard not to show a reaction, but it's nearly impossible. Cass still has no idea that Cooper and Grayson are werewolves, and unfortunately, she never can. My mom and Evie shouldn't even know, but since they're family of the Luna, the council made an exception.

Apparently, I'll have to visit said council and meet with the werewolf representative. I think they just want to reassure that I'm an honest and true Luna and won't reveal that the supernatural exists- hence the reason that Cass can't know.


I was nervous about this encounter, but Grayson assured me that it was just a formality and he'll be by my side the entire time.

"Well I'm still coming, bitch," Cooper sasses back.

"Alright you two, glad to see you're getting along. See you in a few hours," my mom interrupts, then heads into her and Evie's room.

Gray grabs my hand and tugs me towards our room at the end of the hall.

"They'll be fine," he says lightly, then drags me towards our door all while Cass and Cooper are arguing back and forth.

I roll my eyes but decide that escaping into the safety of our hotel room is much better than witnessing my two best friends fighting over who is stronger.

Gray slides the key in and opens the door. I'm met with a room that reminds me of royalty- all navy blue, gold and velvet designs. The bed is huge, and when I walk into the other room- yes, there are multiple rooms in the same hotel suite- there is a sitting area with a beautiful view of the canal. I can see gondolas passing by with lovesick couples holding hands and enjoying the beauty of the city. I now see why this room was further away from the others- it seems that he booked us a suite. Of course he couldn't just buy us the normal sized room in a luxury hotel...

"Do you like it?" Gray whispers in my ear, his hands wrapping around my waist as he walks up behind me.

"No," I say, turning around to face him. "I love it. And you."

I reach for his face and bring his head down to my level so I can kiss him. I'm so grateful for everything Grayson has done for me. He's allowed me to experience a love so strong and passionate and fierce. He has opened up a side of myself that I thought only existed in fictional characters. He's the perfect man for me.

Well, wolf-man.

He kisses me back immediately, his hands traveling around to my sides as he holds on to me like he never wants to let go. The next thing I know, my legs hit something soft and I fall back onto the bed. I didn't even realize we were moving.

Grayson wastes no time moving us up the bed until he's hovering over me. I reach for his shirt and tug at it, wanting to see his smooth golden skin once again. He's so freaking hot, I'm so lucky I get to say that he's mine.

He growls and bites my bottom lip.

I'm the lucky one, Gray says through the mindlink, his lips never leaving mine.

Whoops, I must have said that last bit through our bond.

In a few seconds, all of our clothes are discarded on the floor. Gray is running his hands all over my body as he kisses my neck, my breasts, my stomach, and finally his lips come right in between my legs.

Before he can latch on and make heaven come down to Earth, I stop him.

"Wait," I say, which causes Gray to stop immediately. He looks confused and partially worried, like he did something wrong.

"What is it, baby?" he asks, looking me in the eyes.

"I just- I want to make you feel good first. You payed for this whole trip and have made all of my dreams come true. I want to show you how grateful I am." I lick my lips and he immediately knows what I'm talking about. His eyes follow my tongue, and when I purposefully bite my bottom lip to tease him, he groans and pulls me towards him.

"I like making you feel good," Gray says before he kisses me. "I have an idea that will make us both happy. Let's make it a competition." He shares a cheshire grin.

"What?" I ask, completely confused.

He flips me over so that my face is aligned with his dick and his face is aligned with my pussy- yes, Gray has gotten me very used to using those terms. Even though just thinking about those words makes me blush, when I'm in the heat of the moment those dirty thoughts turn me on completely.

I can feel shy about it later.

"Whoever cums first loses," he says, then his tongue probes my entrance while his hands squeeze my ass.

I moan in shock at how good it feels, then remember that this is a competition and I'd rather not hear Grayson's cocky bragging all night long. I try to focus and bring my hand around his large cock and begin pumping the base.

I may or may not have watched some porn in my free time so that I know what to do. Although I felt ridiculous watching it at first, Cass convinced me to watch it and learn a few techniques that could increase Grayson's pleasure. Right now I'm pretty thankful.

While my hand is still moving up and down, I lick around the head and then put my mouth completely around it. Gray stops his movements down below as he releases a low groan, and I know that I've done something right.

I begin sucking on his cock, lowering my head more and more as I get more confident. Gray begins sucking on my clit which makes me moan while he's still in my mouth. The more turned on I am, the faster I bob my head up and down.

I'm so wet, Grayson's tongue is moving in circles while he adds two fingers inside of me and begins to thrust them up and down, faster and faster. I can feel my walls beginning to contract and I know that I'm extremely close.

I suck more on his cock and move my head so far down on him that I gag a little. He's so big in my mouth that I can feel him in my throat.

Any time Grayson hits my g-spot, a high-pitched sound comes out of me. When Gray's dick hits the back of my throat, he groans loudly. I can feel him growing larger inside of me and know he's about to cum.

Right before he does, he sucks on my clit and pounds his fingers in and out of me, repeatedly hitting my sweet spot. I can't hold myself back and I lose control and cum all over his face. A second later, he releases into my mouth with a scream.

We both continue licking and sucking as we come down from our highs. I'm panting, finally able to breath. Gray switches our positions so that our heads are now aligned once again. He kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth as one hand grips onto my waist and the other grasps my breast.

Even though I just came, I can feel my arousal dripping down my thighs. Gray can smell me and he smirks into our kiss.

"I won, by the way," he says in between kisses.

"What do you win?" I ask, my chest rising and falling quickly.

He grins at me, then reaches over the bed and pulls out a condom from his jeans pocket.

"You'll see."


Obviously, Gray and I didn't get much rest in the hours between our arrival and dinner. He did wicked things to my body that included handcuffs and blindfolds. It was sensory overload for sure, but it was so amazing. I didn't know I could feel that good.

Then, we showered together and had more sex. I'm honestly surprised I was able to stay awake. I passed out after dinner, and Gray only chuckled and snuggled up next to me.

The six of us spent the first three days together exploring the city. We had a tour of a glass blowing factory where a very talented man showed us how they create the glass figurines. He made a teddy bear and gifted it to Evie who was so ecstatic with the gift.

Now that it's day four, Grayson has claimed that it's our day to explore the city alone. He claims to have plans for us, so I say goodbye to the others and walk along the canal hand in hand with Gray.

I can't help but smile as I look around at the beauty that is Venice. There are flowers everywhere, and all along the canal are restaurants and shops that hold such unique things that they don't sell in the States.

I keep walking, but Gray tugs at my hand, effectively stopping me in my tracks.

"This way," he nods his head towards a little dock where an Italian man is sitting at the back of a gondola.

"No way!" I grin, my eyes lighting up at the idea of riding in one of the gondolas.

Gray smiles and kisses me, his hands threading through my hair.

"Yep. Go get on," he says, then slaps my butt for emphasis.

I half-heartedly glare at him but I still skip over to the gondola and greet the man in the boat. Once he helps the two of us on, he begins using the paddle to direct us down the canal. My eyes are everywhere- the clear blue-green water, the colorful and unique architecture, the people.

Then I look over at my mate, who isn't looking at any of it. His eyes are locked on me.

I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly, just wanting him to be close to me. Gray tucks his head into the crook of my neck and sighs contently. We remain like that for a little while before I pull away and kiss him.

I can't even believe this is happening. I'm kissing my werewolf mate in a gondola in Venice. The love of my life is kissing me back, spreading love through our bond.

I pull away reluctantly as tears well up in my eyes. Gray has known me long enough to know that I'm a happy crier, but he still hates seeing my tears. When a tear trails down my cheek, he instantly wipes it away with his thumb, his forehead slightly wrinkling.

"What is it?" he asks me.

"I'm just so in love with you that it hurts," I share, to which he crushes my body to his as he breathes in my scent.

"Same, baby. Same."


When the gondola finally reaches its destination, we thank and pay the man before heading out. As we walk towards the restaurant Gray reserved a table at, I see one of those tacky tourist shops and nudge Gray with my shoulder.

"Can we go in there?" I plead, using my puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist.

He glances at the shop, then smiles at me, his cute dimple showing up.

"Of course. Go find the biggest snow globe you can."

I kiss him on the cheek and go searching the shop for the perfect souvenir. While trailing the aisles, I pause when I see a little snow globe. I know Gray said to find the biggest, but this one is so cute and perfect.

I pick it up and bring it over to Grayson who is just standing awkwardly in the store, unsure of where to look. When he sees me approaching, he looks at the snow globe in my hand.

I'm holding a mini gondola with the snow globe in the middle of the boat. A couple is kissing in the middle, and when I shake it there are gold flakes that fall all around them. It reminds me of our gondola ride which was so perfect and special to me that I will never forget it. This snow globe would be a perfect memory.

His eyes soften as he looks at it, then he nods his approval and pays for the souvenir. I stopped trying to convince him to let me pay, he has already scolded me multiple times a day as I try to offer to pay for things.

We walk out of the store with a little bag which Grayson holds. We eat lunch at a cute little restaurant on the water, and when we're both stuffed with pasta and pizza and seafood, Gray excitedly grabs my hand and walks me over to another store.

He walks with purpose, so I know that he has planned this part of the outing as well. I smile as he leads me to a store. He holds the door open for me, and that's when I realize that we're in a jewelry store. And an expensive one.

My smile drops as I look around the store. There are necklaces, rings, and bracelets all made out of diamonds and pearls, rubies and venetian glass. Everything is so sparkly and beautiful.

And expensive.

"Gray..." I trail off, unsure of what to say. Why would he bring me here?

"I told you once that I wanted to buy you expensive girly shit. Well, here we are." He throws his hands up and motions to the store around us.

"Go and pick out whatever you like," he smiles.

I'm frozen in place, only moving my eyes around the store. There are so many beautiful pieces, but the price tags are insane! Each piece of jewelry is 3000€ and up!

I feel overwhelmed in this store, unsure of what to do. On the one hand, I know this is an incredibly sweet gesture on Grayson's part, and he loves spending money on those he loves. On the other hand, this is way too much money to spend on me. What if I pick something that is too much money and he feels bad saying no to me? I would feel so guilty.

"Baby?" he says, holding my head in his hands. "Talk to me."

"I just- It's so much money and-"

"I can afford it. Trust me, I wouldn't take you here if I didn't have the money to spend. I've been saving up for my mate for a while so I could spoil you rotten once I found you," he explains, then he kisses me on the lips. "Now that I have, I want to give you the world. So let's go buy you a diamond necklace or something because apparently it's too soon to put a diamond on your finger."

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