《The Dark Side of the Moon》F I F T Y - T W O


A lot can happen in the span of a few seconds. For me, it's the amount of time it takes to take in a full breath. For Grayson, it's the amount of time it takes to punch Eli in the face and then beginning choking him. For my mother, it's enough time to scream.

The funny thing is, nobody makes a move to stop Grayson. He grumbles out curses to Eli, but doesn't show any sign of letting him live or die. He just holds his life in his hands as he sends him a vengeful glare.

There's a small part of me whispering what if's- what if Eli didn't know that his coven's plan all along was to take Evie, what if he's just a pawn in the large game of chess that Elina has been playing?

Along with the quiet whisperings of that voice, another louder, more determined voice screamed within me- screamed for Eli to pay for endangering my six-year-old sister, for betraying me and my pack.

I walk up to Eli who is still trying to breathe. I crouch down in front of him and tilt my head to the side.

"Why did you do it?"

"What?" he wheezes, barely able to gain enough breath to respond to me.

"Why did you trick me? I defended you. I trusted you, and you still gave my sister to your coven of monsters," I sneer. "Was it a game to you? To see how much you can break me? You tried to tear me from my mate and that didn't work, so you go after my sister instead?"

"No, Thea," he groans, "I didn't know. Elle tricked me too. She-"

He coughs as his hands grip the strong hand around his throat. His face turns a shade of purple as he runs out of breath.

"Gray," I whisper, silently communicating that I want to hear Eli out. I don't trust him, but I want to hear what he has to say. Maybe he'll slip up and say something we can use against the coven.

Gray reluctantly loosens his grip just enough for Eli to be able to breath again.

"You so much as breath a word of any magic spell," he growls, allowing his claws to press into Eli's jugular, "and I'll end you."

Eli pales. Message received.

I briefly detect my mom in the corner of the room, watching me interact with some magical man she's never met. I can only imagine how scared and confused she is. Thankfully, Cooper seems to be keeping a watchful eye on her.

"Thea, I promise that I didn't know about the plan until it was set into motion. I didn't realize they were going after Evie until she was in our territory."

My mom begins crying at the sound of her daughter's name, but I remain focused on Eli. I want to believe him, but I've been burned too many times to trust him. I can't believe him anymore.

My eyes shift to Grayson who only nods, understanding that I've learned not to trust a warlock.

"I don't believe you," I say.

Eli frantically squirms, as if sensing his death. Grayson only tightens his grip on his neck, a single claw puncturing the skin. Eli stills as a drop of blood trails down his pale skin.

"Now here's what's going to happen," Grayson says as he stands up and begins dragging Eli over to Axel who only has a devious grin on his face.

"My Beta is going to make you talk about everything there is to know about this coven of yours, and then- and only then- will you be given the mercy of death. If you cooperate, that is."


Axel cracks his knuckles as he dreams up the best ways for Eli to squeal.

"Wait! I'm the only way you're going to get your sister back! I know how to infiltrate them and I know their weaknesses. I'll tell you everything you want to know and more, but please! Thea, please. I have proof she's safe! I've seen her!"

I stare as Grayson drags Eli across my living room floor. Towards Axel, who would take Eli back to the pack house as a prisoner and do god-knows-what to him to get the information we need. I hear the squeaking of Eli's shoes as he grinds them into the floor in an attempt to find any bit of traction to keep him here. I hear his pleading and begging.

Before I know it, I've already spoken.


I can't help but want to hear him out. If he has proof, if he can get to Evie, then maybe we don't have to trust him. Maybe we only have to trust that his survival instincts outshine his need to endanger the pack and Evie.

"You've seen Evie since they've taken her?"

Grayson turns Eli around. Eli looks as relieved as he can be while an Alpha's hand is around his throat. Axel looks disappointed that he may not be assigned to torture Eli. He scares me, sometimes.

"I've seen her." Eli reaches into his pocket slowly to show that he's retrieving something to show to us, not to kill us with. I let out a small sob when I see a little butterfly clip in Eli's hand.

"I took it from her when nobody was looking. I wanted to prove that I saw her so you would believe me when I tell you that she's unharmed."

Grayson grabs the small hair clip from Eli and hands it to a pack guard standing next to him. The guard then places it in my uninjured hand.

I remember when I bought this clip for Evie. We were shopping at the mall together when she dragged me into Justice. I griped and groaned at having to shop with her, but I secretly enjoyed spending time with her- even if it was doing something I dreaded.

The clip was a last minute purchase. It was one of those items by the cashier that is positioned perfectly so that any little kid would whine until their parent annoyedly adds it to the pile. She liked how sparkly it was. Now, looking at the blue and purple sparkles that cover the clip, I know that I have to do everything in my power to get her back- to save my little sister from the heartless coven.

I angrily wipe away a tear and put the clip on the waistband of my pants.

"If you're being honest in your intentions, then go ahead. Tell us how to get Evie back."

Grayson looks hesitant to conduct this type of questioning, but if we can avoid bloodshed and save time, then why not try to hear Eli out?

"Only a few people can portal into the main house, me being one of them. If you take your hand off of my neck," he says carefully, "I'll tell you what I know."

"Not a fucking chance," Grayson growls, his grip tightening on Eli as his eyes darken in concealed rage.

"Worth a shot," Eli gasps as he tries to pry the wolf's fingers off of him. "The coven has been keeping up a front for many years. During the time when Samuel Dark was Alpha, the war between the coven and the wolves raged."


The mention of Grayson's father didn't outwardly affect Grayson, but through our bond I could feel the sadness and rage at the mention of his father's name.

"Samuel severely weakened the coven- more than you even realize. There are two levels of magic a witch or a warlock can possess- offensive and defensive. Elle and I both possess offensive, which means we're the most powerful in the coven besides our leader, Elina. We're the only three with this type of magic."

There's only three magic users between me and my sister? That doesn't seem like that many. If we can get past their defensive shields, we can easily sneak in and grab Evie as long as we can avoid the other two witches. If Eli is to be trusted...

I can see the wheels in Grayson's head turning.

"That must be why my warriors told me they were spotted but weren't attacked. Your coven isn't prepared for an attack. They don't stand a chance against Dark Wood." Grayson smirks at the information, and for the first time since I found out Evie was taken I feel hope blossoming.

"Exactly. The three of us could do a lot of damage, but Elina knew I had a friendship with you, Thea. She knew that I would never fight against you, and by default, the pack. She had the others beat me to teach me a lesson."

I remember that. Eli called me as he was barely able to portal himself to an empty warehouse across town. He was beaten so badly, his wounds infected so much, that I had to take him to the hospital because he was forbidden from healing himself. All that to protect me.

"She almost killed you," I whisper.

"Only because I let her," Eli says. "She wanted me to come crawling back to her, beg her to heal me and to pledge my loyalty to the coven. Although I'm powerful, I'm no match for her and she knew that. I refused to return. I knew the only chance I had was with Elle, but I didn't want them to do the same to her as they did to me."

"So you called me."

He nods.

"If what you're saying is true and you do wish to help my mate," Grayson asks, "then how can we get past the wards? We had a plan, but disabling them altogether seems like the easiest plan of action."

Eli nods, seemingly more comfortable in Grayson's hold now that he knows he's useful and more trusted.

"Like I said, there are two types of magic. The others in the coven only possess defensive magic, but I have both. I can easily disable the wards long enough for some pack members to get inside, but that's where the problem lies."

"Because we'll get in, but not undetected," Axel finishes. He's been carefully listening to the conversation and only now adds in his thoughts.

"Yeah," Eli frowns. "Elina will instantly know that it was me disabling the wards, so you'll need to move fast. You'll need a distraction before you try to defeat her and take Evie back."

"How would we do that?" I ask.

"Easy," Eli grins. "We use you as bait."


After a little more choking, some arguing, and some grumbling from Grayson, a plan was hatched. It's risky, and Grayson sure as hell isn't comfortable with me endangering myself, but after figuring out that this is the best way to get Evie and take down the coven threat once and for all, he begrudgingly agrees.

Eli is currently informing Axel, Cooper, and the other present warriors of the layout of the main house so it's easier for them to infiltrate. While they're discussing strategy, Gray pulls me aside.

"I really don't like this," he grumbles as he pulls me in for a hug. I sigh, wrapping my arms around his neck as I enjoy the comfort of being in my mate's arms. Over his shoulder I see my mom shaking as she declines a glass of water from one of the pack members.

I pull away from Grayson who only slightly lessens his grip on me.

"I need to talk to my mom," I say, looking at her. I can practically see the anxiety, like a mangled mess of thoughts and fears floating around her.

Gray nods and lets me go.

"Come back here when you're done." I send him a small smile. Clingy werewolf.

When my mom sees me approaching, she instantly stands and hugs me. A lot of hugging is happening today... I give her as much comfort as I possibly can, remembering how alone and scared I felt when I was first introduced to the supernatural.

"What is happening? Are you really going to face off a group of witches with werewolves as companions? I feel like I'm in one of your books," my mom says.

I'm honestly glad she's joking a bit. Even if it's a defense mechanism, at least she's not shaking, screaming or crying. Progress.

"It has felt that way," I add with a grin. She lightly smiles at me until she looks down at my wrist that I'm cradling in my hand. The redness has spread more, and moving it even slightly causes needles of pain to dance along my wrist.

"Honey, I'm so sorry," my mom tearfully apologizes. "I was trying to get the phone from your hand. I didn't mean to grab your wrist so hard. And now you're hurt! I don't even-"

"Mom," I interrupt, "I know. I don't blame you for being confused and scared. Evie's missing and you have a right to freak out. I didn't know how to stop you from calling the cops."

"There's no excuse for me hurting you. You're my baby. My grown-up, college-aged, mature baby."

I hug my mom and pour every ounce of emotion into it. I told her the truth- I'm not mad at her. It was obviously an accident, but I know she'll continue to feel bad about it. When I back out of the hug, my wrist lightly bumps into her shoulder which makes me wince a little too loudly.

Every werewolf in the room looks at me, and I grit me teeth and whisper out an apology. Sometimes I forget they can all hear the smallest of sounds. The small wince could have been a blaring alarm in the way Grayson heads straight for me even though he was definitely in the middle of something with his warriors.

He lightly grabs my wrist and inspects the damage. My mom only slightly shies away from him.

"Do you have anything we can wrap this in?"

He directs the question to my mom who looks guilty and fearful all at once. I don't think she forgot that he wolfed out and wanted to pounce on her not too long ago.

"I have something in the closet upstairs. I can go get it."

"No need," Eli says as he waltzes over to us. He's followed my three pack guards who have a careful eye on him and are ready to attack if he so much as threatens to use a spell. I'm still weary of him. I don't trust him. There's been too much that he's kept me in the dark about. However, I know that he's the best chance I have to get Evie, so I'll work with him. We'll work on our friendship- if there's anything left- later.

Eli reaches for my hand that's cradled by Grayson's, but immediately retracts is when a guard grabs it and twists it behind his back.

"Ow, fuck! I was going to heal your Luna. No need to be so handsy." Eli rolls his eyes and pushes the werewolf away. Well, the werewolf warily releases him only after Grayson gives him a small nod.

Eli opens and closes his hand to get movement back in it, then slowly reaches toward my hand again. Grayson growls which makes my mom cower from him and makes Eli laugh.

"Chill, Alpha," Eli says mockingly using his title, "Do you want Thea to be in pain?"

Eli must know exactly what to say to piss of Gray. I guess the thought of Grayson being the one reason why I can't be free of pain frustrates him, but he also doesn't trust Eli not to try anything.

"Go ahead, Eli," I say. At this point, I know that I can't walk into the coven's freaking lair with a sprained wrist. Also, unless Eli has a death wish, he wouldn't dare try anything with so many wolves around him. He's no match for the pack.

This time when Eli reaches for my hand, Grayson lets him. Gray still keeps a hand on my hip, possibly a reminder that he's in charge, that he's the protector. I lean my head against his chest as Eli works.

The healing magic feels weird. He only whispers a few words before blue magic wraps around my wrist and settles into my skin. I can almost feel the bone-chilling blue mist working through my bones and ligaments and repairing the damage. This magic feels nothing like the sleeping spell he performed on me- that one felt evil and frozen, whereas this magic feels almost refreshing. In only a few seconds, my wrist feels good-as-new.

"Thanks," I mumble as I flick my wrist back and forth, noting how normal it feels.

Eli nods.

"I hope you realize this doesn't make up for the fact that your sister took mine."

"I know it doesn't."

"I trusted you," I whisper.

"And I trusted Elle, which was obviously a mistake. I thought she had changed as much as I did, but I guess I was wrong. I know that's my fault for letting her into the pack house and close to you. But I promise," Eli says, his brown eyes staring directly into mine, "I will get your sister back no matter the cost."

I nod, wipe the tears away that I didn't even realize have fallen, and turn to Grayson.

"Are you ready?"

Gray looks to me and grins.

"Let's go rescue Evie."

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