《The Dark Side of the Moon》F I F T Y


Grayson and I cuddle on the couch for a little while longer until he begrudgingly informs me that he has to continue training. After a bit of lecturing from me about shirking his duties, he tells me that any time he feels my pain, fear or sadness he will come to me no matter how busy he is.

That earns him endless kisses from me.

Before he leaves, I tell him my worries about the plan Elle has concocted for tomorrow.

"I'm just worried that you and the other members of the pack could get hurt protecting me. I would be devastated if someone dies in my place."

"No one's dying," Grayson says as he tightens his grip on me. It seems more like he's trying to convince himself that no harm will come to me. He is keeping me away from my shift at Java tomorrow, so I really don't see how it's even possible for me to be in danger. It's him I'm worried about.

"Promise me you'll be safe," I whisper, my forehead resting on his chest. His chin rests on the top of my head as he exhales.

"I promise, baby. You're stuck with me."

"Good," I smile, then push him away. "Now go do Alpha things or something!" I push him out of the door and towards the street. He has been allowing me to direct him, but he plants his feet firmly on the pavement the more I try to move him away from my house.

"Ugh, you're so freaking heavy! Move you big giant!" I begin using my back to push him away, knowing that if I don't send him away he could very well spend the day with me. I thought he was some hot-shot Alpha, but all he wants to do is spend time with me. He should be working!

His rumbling laughter makes me stop shoving him. I turn around and glare at him. I cross my arms in front of me as I wait for him to leave.

"I came here in my wolf form, love."

It's like he expects me to understand the point he's making. All I do is stare at him.

"And? Bye wolfie!" I sarcastically wave my hand at him. He shrugs his shoulders and reaches for the bottom of his shirt.

"Alright, you asked for it."

Grayson quickly takes his shirt off and drops it to the floor. I'm stuck in a daze as my eyes trace his chest and muscles- oh, so many muscles. The contours of his abs are so stark, I can count the eight-pack. When his very capable hands drop down to the waistband of his joggers, I immediately run forward and catch his wrists before he decides to go streaking in my neighborhood.

"What the heck are you doing?!" I basically scream at him as I give him a wide-eyed stare. He does that famous Grayson smirk that I have a love-hate relationship with, and I can't decide how I feel about it right now.

"I can't shift in my clothes, Thea. They'll rip and then I won't have anything to change into when I get back. I have to carry them in my mouth in my wolf form."

He knows why I'm having trouble creating a coherent sentence right now, and he seems to be enjoying every minute of it. His shiny white teeth are on full display as he stands in my driveway looking like a Greek God carved of stone in all of his perfection.


"That makes sense," I mumble as I turn around and immediately walk behind my house. I know he follows after me, and I just try to stay ahead of him so I can give my red face some time to cool down. By the time I reach the small area of grass that I call a backyard, I think I'm safe.

He turns me around abruptly and I'm not given much of a chance to recover before he's kissing me. I sigh into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Unlike how our kisses usually go, I take the lead and brush my tongue against his. This elicits a growl from Grayson who pulls my body even closer to his. It seems like he likes it when I take control, but he likes it even more when he does, so I'm soon playing catch-up as he bites my bottom lip and dives back into the kiss.

I feel every inch of skin I possibly can, grateful that his shirt is discarded on the ground. I'm the worst Luna ever because I should be pushing Grayson to leave but instead I'm delaying him even more.

It takes a lot of effort for the responsibility to win over the lust, but I gently separate myself from him and take a step back.

"You should probably head back now."

His eyes are still dilated when he nods his head. I turn around to give him some privacy- not that he wants it. He reaches for the waistband of his pants, yet I don't hear the rustling of fabric so I know he's not taking them off. He's hesitating.

I turn around and am about to encourage him to shift when I see his eyes downcast and his fists clenched.

"Everything okay? You are still a werewolf, right?" I joke to ease the tension, but I'm hit by the weight of his gaze.

"I don't want to scare you." His voice is so soft that I barely hear it. He looks so vulnerable right now with his hair covering one of his eyes and his shoulders hunched over.

Guilt immediately washes over me. I regret the way I first reacted when I saw his wolf. Granted, I was just attacked by a vampire and I found out that I had a werewolf soul-mate. He doesn't feel accepted, and that's my fault.

"Baby," I start walking over to him. I cradle his face in my hands as I look into his eyes that look more blue than gray right now. "I love you. That means I love all of you, your wolf side included. I was scared when I first saw it, but that's because I didn't even know the supernatural existed. I was surprised and scared that you were going to eat me or something." I chuckle looking back on it.

A sly grin forms on his face. "I did want to eat you." He grips my hips and pulls me in so that I can feel his hardness pressing against my stomach. He leans in close so that his mouth is right next to my ear.

"And you taste divine."

His brazen statement sends shivers down my spine, and I can totally imagine a repeat of yesterday. However, now is not the time. I lightly shove him away and try to hide the rose color of my cheeks with my hair. It doesn't work.

"Seriously! At this rate you're never going to leave! I want to see you in wolf form."


He pouts a little but complies. When he reaches for his pants, I turn around. He laughs. I know I've seen, um... it before, but it feels different in this situation. A snapping sound emanates from Grayson's position and I don't turn around until I feel a wet snout nudging my arm.

I release a high-pitched squeal, not expecting it. I turn around and I'm face to face with a freaking wolf. Of course I knew he turned into one- I've seen it- but it's still not something I'm used to. I'm not afraid, but I'm still hesitant to touch him.

His dark fur looks soft as it lightly shifts as a small breeze comes in. The same pair of blue-gray eyes meet mine, and I know that Grayson is nervous about being in this form around me.

I slowly reach my hand out, and I'm amazed when he lowers his head further so it's easier for me to reach his head. I pet the top of his head and he immediately starts purring. It actually sounds fairly similar to a sound he makes in his human form, except I know that to anyone else it may sound scary. I place a kiss on his furry forehead and smile at him.

"You're so cute, Gray." He growls at me.

"Fine!" I throw my hands up in mock terror. "You're ferocious. You're the most terrifying creature on Earth! Please, spare me!"

He makes a huffing sound by puffing air out of his snout. He's not amused. Maybe it's a hit to his ego that I think he's cute and not terrifying, but he's literally purring after one touch from me! He's the pet I never had. Maybe I'll make him shift into this form the next time he's grumpy so that he can't talk back to me.

I give him a wave, say goodbye, and watch as he darts away from my backyard at a speed that rivals the vampire that first attacked me. I didn't realize he could be that fast! He only looked like a black blur until he disappeared into the tree-line.

I'm a little sad that he's gone, but I walk back inside my house and get ready for the rest of my day.


I end up going into town a little earlier than I need to. As soon as I head out, one of the pack guards walks alongside me. I've seen him around the pack house before, but I didn't know his name. We struck up a conversation on my way to Java- I need more coffee.

After a few hours of sitting there with the guard who I learned is named Johnathan, I head over to the Psychology building for my class with Cooper. I take out one of my twenty pens and write down the lesson for today. I don't have the heart to get rid of any of the pens, so they just clank around in my backpack.

When class is dismissed, Cooper drags me out of the classroom and walks me over to a nearby bench.

"Spill," he says.

"What?" I respond, not sure what he's referring to. Am I forgetting something important?

"You were playing with your fingers all class and bouncing your knee up and down like you're waiting impatiently for James Charles to upload his newest video."

"James who?"

Cooper gasps dramatically and places a hand over his heart, "Okay, that's a later problem. Now tell me! What are you so worried about?"

I guess I am a little anxious about tomorrow's planned attack and the dinner tonight. So, I fill Cooper in on the dinner and my conversation with Grayson. In the middle of my story, Cooper pulls out a smore's Poptart and begins munching on it, nodding his head up and down when I got to the conversation I had with my mom.

"Yeah, there's nothing to worry about, Thea." Cooper doesn't swallow before speaking, and I really want to teach him some manners but I also want to hear what he has to say. He continues chewing loudly. "Trust us wolves, okay? Do you really think that Grayson doesn't have a back-up plan? And a back-up back-up plan? Dude's crazy when it comes to you. You're gonna be fine. And this dinner? It's Grayson who should be concerned, not you."

I guess it was stupid of me to assume that Grayson was relying on Eli and Elle's plan completely. He's never trusted them, so it does make sense. I hope it doesn't come to another plan. Somehow I feel like his plan will result in more deaths which I would like to avoid.

"What are the other plans?" I ask, hoping that Cooper will forget who he's talking to and spill. Unfortunately, he just laughs in my face.

"Sorry, Grayson would fucking castrate me if I told you. Axel wouldn't like that very much, so I think I'll keep my mouth closed. But, since we have time to spare, let's go shopping for an outfit that isn't hideous like the rest of your clothes."

I'm dragged to my feet and whisked into a car. I groan the whole way about just having been to the mall with him. For someone with super hearing, he sure does pretend like he can't hear me at all. I hate him sometimes.

We spend the afternoon at the mall. We shop, have lunch, then shop some more. I was able to convince Cooper to let me go to the bookstore as a "reward" for spending so much time at the mall, so I bought four books. If this is what happens every time we go shopping, I'll happily comply.

Instead of taking me home, Cooper pulls up to the pack house and explains that I can get ready with him and Grayson can drop me off. I agree, sending a quick text to my mom saying we'll be there for dinner at seven.

I put on the dress, and I suddenly regret caving when Cooper suggested I wear this. It's nicer than other dresses I have- probably too nice for this dinner my mom's cooking. Oh well- it's all I have. The dress has thin straps and is made of a silk material. The pink dress matches well with my skin tone, and I do have to admit that I look good. Hopefully I don't look like I'm too dressed up.

Cooper whistles when I walk out in the dress. "Damn girl! Grayson's definitely gonna punch me for this."

"What? Why?" I ask, but Grayson knocks on Cooper's door before he has a chance to clarify.

"Thea, we're going to be late if we don't leave now-" Grayson pauses mid-sentence when he opens the door and sees me. His eyes travel from my face- which has a little more make-up than usual, down to my cleavage, my waist, and finally to the edge of my dress that is definitely showing a lot of thigh. His eyes travel back up my body as he clenches his jaw and just stares at me. I feel like I'm under a microscope. Instead of standing still, I slowly walk towards him.

I stare back at him with the same vigor. His jaw is well defined with the way he's restraining himself, and he's wearing a form-fitting long sleeved button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. I trail my eyes down his body, feeling confident and sexy in the way he looks at me.

Cooper has intelligently left the premises, so it's just the two of us. Using his werewolf speed, he's in front of me in an instant, his hands gripping my waist in a hold that screams he'll never let go.

"Fuck. You look... incredible." He pulls me close and pushes a strand of hair out of my face.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Alpha."

I honestly don't know where this newfound courage has been coming from, but the darkening of his irises proves that he likes it.

"Now, now," he tuts, "if you keep saying things like that to me, I'll have to bend you over and show you how much of an Alpha male I can really be."

I bite my lip and try to ignore my now-damp panties. But, of course he can tell I'm aroused with his stupid werewolf senses and he gives me that perfect stupid grin where he knows he's affected me. He leans in and kisses my neck right where his mark is, and I shudder against him. I have to hold onto the front of his shirt to steady myself. He kisses up my neck until he reaches my ear, and then he whispers to me.

"But, we can't miss dinner."

Then the warmth of his body disappears and I look up to find him leaning against the door casually, like he's been waiting on me.

"You're the worst," I grumble as I stomp past him and head down the stairs.

Grayson, being the evil mastermind that he is, only laughs at me.

The drive to my house passes quickly as we listen to music and talk about nothing and everything at the same time. Being with him is just easy. I never thought I could be this comfortable with another person that isn't family, but I feel like I can tell him anything and he would only love me more. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I owe it all the Grayson.

By the time we pull into my driveway, it's seven on the dot. We made it right on time. I get out of the car to find Grayson opening the back seat and pulling out a neatly wrapped gift.

"What's that?" I ask, walking around to his side.

"It's just a little gift for your mom. She made dinner so it's the least I could do."

"Gray, you've already met her. Multiple times," I chuckle. "You didn't have to get her anything."

He grabs my hand and starts leading me to the house.

"I know, but I told you I wouldn't fail you. If this is what it takes to impress your mom and convince her that you moving in with me is a good idea, then I want to pull out all of the stops."

"Aww, you're so cute." I reach on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. I think I even see the tips of his ears turn pink, but he opens the unlocked door before I have a chance to comment on it.

"Mom, we're home!" I scream from the doorway. I instantly smell red sauce and know that she made her homemade lasagna. My mouth waters just thinking about how good it tastes.

"Hey, honey! Come in the kitchen!" my mom yells from the kitchen. We walk hand in hand to find my mom, and I squeeze Grayson's hand and give him a small smile when I sense some of his nerves through the bond. He's been pretty calm up until now, but I think the prospect of seeing my mom under such formal circumstances has made him a little anxious.

I think it's endearing how he can beat the crap out of anyone with no nerves but he gets nervous before seeing my mom. It only makes me love him more. I feel him calm down a little as we enter the kitchen.

"I made lasagna. I hope that's okay Grayson," my mom asks as she shoves the oven mitts she was wearing into a drawer.

"Sounds perfect, Ms. Brooks," he responds like the perfect gentleman.

"Please, for the last time, call me Melissa."

"Alright. Thank you, Melissa. Here's a little something for you. Actually, it's for you, Thea, and Evie. You can all open it when you're together."

My mom looks at me strangely, not touching the gift. She begins looking around us and towards the living room couch, but she doesn't seem to find what she's looking for.

"Mom, you okay?"

"They called and told me I didn't need to come," she mumbles as she paces around the house at a fast pace.

"What are you talking about?" I don't understand why she's so upset, so I hold her shoulders still so she'll stop pacing around the house. Grayson comes up behind me and tries just as hard as I am to understand the sudden drop in her mood. She looks frantic with her wide eyes and shaking hands.

"The daycare called and said that you picked her up."

It takes me a few seconds to process what she says. Then it hits me like a train- my mom is referring to Evie.

"I didn't pick her up, Mom!"

My heart drops to my stomach as the panic bubbles. This cannot be happening. My mom was supposed to pick her up today. Over the weekend we made the schedule for who was supposed to pick up Evie on which day, and Wednesday is Mom's day. We talked about it. Why wouldn't she call me to make sure that it was actually me picking her up? And why would the daycare hand Evie over to a stranger and say it was me?

I already know what happened without looking into her disappearance more.

Evie was taken by the coven.

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