《The Dark Side of the Moon》T H I R T Y - E I G H T


Grayson waits for me to unlock my front door before he drives away. I walk into the house and head straight for the kitchen. It's 4:00 in the afternoon, so I know my mom is probably in the kitchen preparing dinner for us. She works so hard, and I'm a little disappointed in myself for worrying her. Granted, I couldn't have told her I slept for two and a half days straight- that would open a whole supernatural can or worms that I can't explain to her.

Just like I imagined, she was in the kitchen peeling potatoes. She stops peeling and drops the potato to smile at me. She walks over and gives me a hug. 

"Hi, honey. Did you have fun at your friend's house?"

I nod, but before I can say anything she continues talking.

"Listen, I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I know I'm your mother, but I'm also your friend."

Oh goodness. She used the cringy "I'm your mom and your friend" card. She must know something that she wants me to openly discuss with her. Instead of answering her, I walk past her and wash my hands so that I can help cook dinner. An awkward silence grows between us before my mom decides to break it.

"Look, you told me a few nights ago you went to Grayson's to stay. Then, you said that you were 'studying with Cooper' for two nights after that. I'm not naive, Thea. I know you were with him for multiple nights."

I slowly dry my hands on a washcloth before turning to my mom. I shouldn't feel guilty about spending time with my boyfriend. I'm 18 years old, I can spend time with who I want. However, I still do feel bad for leaving her alone to care for Evie. She doesn't have someone in her life to help with the 6-year-old. She's a handful. Speaking of Evie...

"Thee!" Evie screams and catapults towards me. I squeal at the unexpected intrusion and catch her in my arms. She hugs me tightly and I return the hug.

"Hi, E. I missed you." She looks at me and frowns. 

"You were gone for a long time. Don't leave for that long again. I missed you! Look what I made in school today!" She is suddenly back to her cheery self as she shows me the simple bead bracelet she made in school today. I put her down as I continue to chop veggies, occasionally nodding and adding "mhhm's" while I listen to her elaborate stories. She talks about fairy princesses and magic and ponies, so I smile and nod at the tales she makes up. Her imagination is remarkable. 

Eventually my mom finds a way to kick her out of the kitchen. She asks Evie to make us each a drawing of the magical fairy and pony, so we get time to cook in peace. We can both hear Evie's soft humming as she colors, which warms my heart. She's so adorable!

My mom places the chopped vegetables in the over to cook along with the chicken breasts.

"Thea?" My mom turns to me and sends me a small smile which I hesitantly return. "I'm not mad at you. I'm happy that you found someone who you care so much about. I know I didn't have the most admirable relationship with you father."

I clench my teeth at the mention of that asshole. My mom left him after he became physically abusive towards us. He would always yell at me and my mom, but when he decided to smack me was when my mom up and left him. That's why we moved to Redwood all those years ago. I haven't seen him since and I hate thinking about him.


"Grayson's nothing like him," I say strongly and with conviction. Grayson is the exact opposite of my father. I was only about 13 when I last saw my father, but Grayson is kind, loving, gentle- all the things my father wasn't.

"I know, honey. I've seen the way he is with you. I'm honestly quite jealous of the love you guys have for each other."

I hold my arms out wide and give my mom a hug. We don't normally talk about such serious topics. The two of us are normally joking around and discussing the books we recommend to each other. This is entirely new.

"You'll find someone, Mom. I know you will. Any guy would be crazy not to want you." I smile at her only to see a light blush creep onto her face.

"Thanks, sweetie. Enough about me, though! I need you to make me a promise."

I nod at her and wait to hear what she has to say.

"Don't lie to me about where you are. You can see Grayson as much as you want. You can stay over, just let me know when so I can plan accordingly. I want you to be happy."

Her acceptance brings tears to my eyes. I know it may not seem like a big gesture, but I've never had this type of freedom before. I was never the type to hang out with friends every weekend in high school, and I was always too busy working or babysitting Evie to have my own life. 

"But what about Evie? Don't you need me to watch her?"

My mom instantly shakes her head and smiles widely. "I didn't get to tell you earlier because you were gone, but I got a huge promotion at work! I get the better routes now, and I get paid more to work less! It doesn't make any sense, but who am I to turn down free money!"

I laugh out loud and cheer at the top of my lungs. I start dancing and my mom joins me. We laugh as we do a happy dance at the news. I know we've been a little tight on money, so this news could not have come at a better time. With more money, Evie can join a day care while I can take fewer shifts at Java to focus on school. I won't need extra money to give to her if we're financially stable. 

Evie sees us dancing from the living room and she joins it. In her hands are the two drawings she made for us. She doesn't even know why we're happy dancing, but she want in on the fun. She shakes her butt and begins the chicken dance- I guess that's one of the only dances she knows. I laugh and do the chicken dance with her.

I look up when I hear a light pinging sound. My jaw drops as my eyes widen in disbelief when I see my mom recording us! That little wench!

"Don't record me, Mom!" I scream as I run up to her phone and cover the lens.

"Oh, come on! You two are so cute. Do the chicken dance for me, please?"

"Pleaseeeee?" Evie begs as she jumps up and down in excitement. 

I shake my head as I release a big sigh. "You better not send this to anyone," I mumble.


After the three of us eat dinner, I finally get to see Evie's drawings. The pony has rainbow hair and is lavender while the fairy woman has long black hair and a red dress. Not gonna lie, maybe Evie should be a fashion designer when she's older. Even though the drawing was obviously done by a six year old, the dress looked like something I would buy with a low v-neck and a slit up the right leg. I'd buy it.


The fairy was in a blue bubble, and Evie vividly explained how she floated through the air. I agreed that she must have flown down in a blue bubble like Glinda did from the Wizard of Oz. There's no point in my pointing out her imagination isn't real. I can't crush her dreams. 

Throughout dinner, I received texts from Grayson. I didn't answer the first two because I was listening to my mom talk about her new promotion, but after the third text said "text me back or else I'm coming over," I quickly replied that I was fine and eating dinner with my family.

I'm quickly getting used to Grayson's need to constantly stay in contact with me. If he ever decides to mark me, I'm guessing the need to text so often will lessen because he'll instantly know if something's wrong with me. 

Just the idea that we can connect on such a deep like that is astounding to me. Humans don't have anything of the sort, but I feel like I'm ready for something like that with Grayson. I'm constantly thinking of him, anyways- why not be able to tell when he's upset? I could call him and cheer him up when he's grumpy or tired or sad. 

Unfortunately, in order to feel that connection, he has to chomp on my neck. Ugh. 

I'm texting Grayson before bed when I get an incoming text from Eli. I perk up and immediately open the message. We haven't spoken since he removed the spell. I've been meaning to check in with him and see how his coven reacted to him reversing his magic.

: Hey, how are you?

: I feel much better. Thank you for saving me (even though it was kinda your fault lol)

: I'm sorry you suffered because of me. The ethics were making me feel awful

: Not how you use the word "ethics" in a sentence but okay, lol

I shift in my bed as I wait for his reply. A minute passes, then two, and I'm left wondering if he's done with the conversation. Grayson has told me countless times how much he hates witches and warlocks. They are careless and don't think about their effect on other creatures. They use magic in front of humans even though it's forbidden, they kill without empathy and they disrespect other customs that aren't their own. He says they're dangerous. 

If all of that is true, then shouldn't Eli have been ridiculed? Hurt? Killed? He broke one of the coven rules and fixed a human who they wanted to kill. I need to ask him how he is. He saved me, the least I can do is ask if he needs saving, too.

: Are you okay?

I think that text is simple enough. He responds instantly.

: No

: But I will be

I try to call him, but every call goes straight to voicemail. He doesn't answer any more of my texts. This freaking warlock is driving me crazy! I just want to know what's wrong. I consider him a friend- even if our friendship has been a little rocky. He obviously needs a friend right now, and he won't let me be there for him. Hopefully on Friday I'll get to see him and Ethics class so I can interrogate him on his feelings. He doesn't seem like the type to have the "feelings talk," but I can be very persuasive when I want to be.

The rest of the week speeds by. Each day was like the next- I would go to class, Grayson would pick me up and drive me to Java to get me a coffee and a snack, and then we would either go back to my house or his to do our work. I must admit, trying work in the presence of a Greek God is extremely difficult. 

Every time he would stretch his arms above his head, his triceps would bulge out and distract me. Why on Earth would I focus on Calculus when I can look at Grayson's muscles? I found myself looking at him quite frequently while he typed on his computer doing God-knows-what. What does an Alpha even do as work?

There were a few times where I knew he was teasing me. He said he "spilled something" on his shirt- twice- and he took off his shirt because he said he didn't want the mess to leak onto him. Both times the shirt had no stain. He just wanted to rile me up and get me to stare at his abs. I had to tighten my legs just to stop myself from getting more excited.

I eventually began to tease him back- slowly at first, but then I made bigger moves to get back at him for taking off his shirt. I cannot focus on anything when he's not wearing a shirt. I would chew on the edge of my pen, which you would think wouldn't be a turn-on, but the way his eyes tracked my lips as I wrapped them around the pen made it obvious that it distracted him. After that, he quickly got up and sped over to me with his werewolf speed and forcefully kissed me. I didn't mind.

I never found the perfect time to bring up marking. We both were busy with work, and by the time we were done I chickened out and decided to ask him the next day. Cooper said that marking is something sexual and intimate, so I didn't want to push the subject- I wanted it to come naturally.

Today is Friday, and I'm currently walking from Java to my Ethics class. Grayson told me he doesn't want me going in case Eli shows up, but I told him I can't miss- hence the "bodyguard" following me into class. I kind of feel like royalty with someone closely watching me for my protection- not in a good way. I feel like I'm being watched and frankly, it's quite creepy. Grayson didn't give me a choice, though. 

I walk into the lecture hall and peer over the seats, scanning for a particular platinum blonde. I need to make sure he's okay. I haven't seen him since he saved me. After a few moments of searching, I put it together that he's not here today. The bodyguard behind me that is doing an extremely poor job of blending in with the students seems to scan the room for the warlock, but he doesn't tense up like he would if he were here.

I frown and sit in my usual seat next to the random girl who is always sketching roses. I half-heartedly listen to the lecture, disappointed that Eli isn't here to make fun of my ethical decision making. I really miss arguing over the random scenarios we're given...

The hour passes slowly, but the teacher finally dismisses us and reminds us of our upcoming midterms. I internally groan- I hate taking tests. I know the material, but whenever I sit down for a test, my mind blanks. Therefore, I have to overstudy just to get good grades. Some people naturally have good memories and don't need to study as much. I'm not one of those people.

I pack up my bag slowly, making sure I don't leave anything behind. The warrior wolf watching me stomps his foot as if he were impatiently waiting for me to collect my things faster- I just pack my bags slower. 

I can see annoyance creeping on his face, but he decides to keep his mouth shut- thank goodness.

I finally have my bag all packed up and lug it over my shoulder.

"I'll drive you to the pack house. Alpha Grayson's meeting is running a little overtime so he can't pick you up," Thing 1 says.

"Okay, thank you," I reply, trying my best to not show my displeasure of spending more time with my stupid bodyguard. 

I exit the lecture hall and am about to ask him where he parked his car when out of nowhere a pair of hands grabs my forearms and yanks me forward. My scream is swallowed by a curtain of blue as I fall into the darkness.

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