《The Dark Side of the Moon》T W E N T Y - E I G H T


The rest of breakfast is spent by the various pack members asking me questions about my life. Some questions were innocent in nature: asking about my family, what I like to do, my favorite food. When the questions arose about my relationship with Grayson, he began to growl at them until they left me alone. It was kind of cute to see him acting all Grumpy when people asked about our relationship. Others may view it as him being easily irritable, but I see it for what it really is. He wants to keep our relationship between us- how can I complain about that?

He eventually calmed down from the whole "punching Clay until he's almost dead" thing. Me sitting in his lap seemed to help him. I'm definitely not okay with all that violence, and we will be having a talk about his lack of control of his anger, but for now I just let him hug me. Throughout the meal I could feel his tense body slowly relax against mine.

While the other members were interrogating me, yes, that's what it felt like, Axel joined the table and sat down next to Cooper. Axel wanted Cooper to sit on his lap, but Cooper kept complaining while saying that they both couldn't eat at the same time and he wouldn't stop eating to sit on him. Axel mentioned something about him paying for that later, but I don't know what he was referring to.

It turns out that Cole is actually the Gamma of the pack. That's the werewolf term for third in command, and he is in charge of training the warriors so they're combat ready. I have no idea what combat they need to prepare for, but I guess that's not my concern. Cole was very nice, and he kept going on and on about how I need to meed his mate who is away for the weekend. I think I learned more about her than about him, and she wasn't even there!

After thanking everyone for the meal, Grayson leads us back up to his room so he can shower. He shuts the door behind him and walks towards me until my back is plastered to the door. He seems to like pinning me to different surfaces...

With both hands placed on the door, he cages me between his arms and looks down at me with a soft smile. "So," he begins, drawing the word out as he raises an eyebrow. "How do you feel?"

When I don't answer him, he changes his question. I think he can tell that I'm confused by his question.

"How do you feel about the pack? Was it too overwhelming? If I had known you would have been down there I would have come straight away." He seems worried about how I'll react. I guess it makes sense to be cautious because the last time he surprised me I didn't speak to him for three days. Granted, he revealed his supernatural status, but it still makes sense for him to be worried about my reaction.

I give him a shy smile. "I like them, Gray." He gives me a short kiss on the lips after I use the nickname. It just came so naturally to me, and it's very fitting. "They're a bit... eccentric? But they were being really nice to me. The only person who wasn't was Clay-"


As if on command, Grayson's jaw clenches at the mention of Clay. Those two must have had some history because I find it hard to believe that Grayson would get that mad at another pack member for only saying something inappropriate about me. Clay didn't even get near me.

"He won't ever talk to you again. If he does, you come and get me immediately." His voice is firm and leaves no room for argument... Yet, I still argue with him anyway.

"Why? So you can kill him?"

"Yes." Grayson answers with no hesitancy. He doesn't even try to hide the fact that Clay would be dead if he even looks at me funny.

"You will do no such thing!" I scream at him, pushing his chest away from me. Grayson only moves an inch, and I most likely only pushed him that far because I surprised him. Based off of the look on his face, he obviously didn't expect me to react that way. How does he think I was going to react to him proposing murder?!

He starts to defend himself but I don't let him say much. "You will not kill anybody for just talking to me, that's ridiculous! Actually, don't kill anyone! And no maiming people either! What you did to Clay was so horrible to watch. Please, please promise me that you won't do that anymore." I look up at Grayson with watery eyes. My mini-rant got me very worked up and now my emotions are coming out. I'm glad that I'm speaking my mind- even though I'm nervous about how he'll react.

Grayson looks conflicted, but when his eyes follow the trail of the one lone tear falling down my cheek he seems to have his mind made up. He closes the space between us as he wraps his arms around me in a gentle and comforting hug. "I promise that I'll try to control my anger around you. I can't promise that I won't physically put someone in their place regarding you. I won't lie to you. However, I will to do it less and to control it more. For you."

I smile into his chest, giving him a tight squeeze. I know that he's going to work on it because he cares about my opinions. I can only guess how hard my request must be for him, and I really appreciate it. To show my appreciation, I stand up on my tip-toes and place my hands on his cheeks. I lightly pull down, and Grayson bends down to erase the distance between our lips.

We kiss slowly this time, simply enjoying the taste of each other. Grayson's hands rest on my waist as he kisses me with adoration and love. Oh my gosh. Do I love him? Does he love me? I need to stop thinking about these questions because it is way too soon to be thinking them... Okay, telling myself not to think about something only makes me think about it more. I've never been in a relationship before, let alone one of this magnitude. Is it unnatural to be this dependent on another person?

Grayson breaks the kiss abruptly. "What's wrong?" he asks immediately.

"Uh... nothing! I'm fine." I attempt to give him a reassuring smile, but that only seems to make him frown more.

"Thea, I know something's on your mind because you tensed up. What's wrong?"


Damn him and his impeccable abilities of perception! Since there is no way that I'm even considering uttering the "L" word, I blurt out the first excuse I can come up with that may be believable to him.

"You smell." As soon as I say it I regret it. Although it's true and he does smell like sweat and the outdoors, I do wish I alerted him to his stench in a more polite way. My hands fly to my mouth to cover it, almost afraid that I would say more stupid and offensive things. Instead of receiving a hurt or annoyed expression at my curtness, Grayson simply chuckles and backs away with his hands up.

"Alright, I'll go shower. I can get you a change of clothes if you want to shower after me. Or with me." His evil smirk grows as my cheeks burn a darker shade of pink. I'm speechless after the mention of seeing him naked. He'd be perfect, I'm sure. Me? Definitely not.

"I'm kidding, Baby. We'll wait until you're ready." I wish that I'm ready to be more intimate with him, but I need to move slowly. The fact that he knows that and is okay with it warms my heart.

After confirming that I'll shower after him, he gathers some of his smallest clothes for me to borrow- they'll still hang off of me, but at least they're clean. He offers to let me shower first, but I convince him that since he's still sweaty from training and it's his shower, he should get to use it first.

I also use his phone to call my mom to let her know where I am. She was surprised to hear that I wasn't in class and had decided to skip today, and asked me to keep her updated. She's still at home with Evie, and thankfully she said that she doesn't need the car today.

When she asked me where I was, I didn't lie to her. I said I'm at Cooper's house- which is technically true... it just also happens to be Grayson's house as well. What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Also, I'm an adult and can do as I please. If I want to sleep at my boyfriend's house, I can do that. I just don't want to explain what we were doing last night because she'll get overly excited and jump to the wrong conclusions. That would be a nightmare and a half.

After I finish the call with my mom, Grayson's phone lay open on the bed. I can still hear the shower running, so I decide that it's probably okay if I make one more phone call. After reconciling with Grayson, I can't help but think about the other relationships in my life that need mending. I can't erase Eli's teary-eyed look from my mind. He stood in front of me, begging me to forgive him, and I refused to accept his apology. He went about it in the wrong way, but even Grayson can be a bit aggressive at times when he's angry. Shouldn't Eli deserve the benefit of the doubt as well?

As a split-second decision, I pick up the phone and dial Eli's number. The only reason I have it memorized is because after the area code his number has a 666. I was thoroughly amused by the fact that he had the devil's number as his phone number, and my great memory allowed it to stick.

I dialed the number and quickly called him, hoping that he would answer. Many rings later, the ringing ceased and the message telling me to leave a voicemail appeared. Too shy to leave a message for him on Grayson's phone, I immediately hung up. I'll call Eli and hear him when I get home. I deserve an explanation for why he was acting so weirdly. Now that I know he isn't human, his actions could be completely warranted.

Moments later, Grayson walks out with only a pair of sweatpants on, his dark hair an even darker shade now that it's still damp from the shower. Steam comes pouring out of the bathroom, Grayson's amazing smell from the soaps clinging to the air. I breathed in the smell greedily, never having smelled a scent as amazing as his before.

Looking at Grayson, specifically him without a shirt, just reminds me how lucky I am to be his mate. Drops of water trickle down his washboard abs. I follow them down his body until they reach the hem of his pants. I quickly look the other way when I realize where my eyes were landing.

I redirect my eyes to Grayson's face- a more appropriate place to look- and he only has a smirk on his face. He definitely saw me looking at him. He walks over to me slowly, like a predator tracking his prey, and I refuse to move a muscle. He places his warm hands over my cheeks and kisses me. All too quickly he releases me, and I make a pouty face at how short our kiss was.

In a husky voice I've only heard a few times, Grayson says, "Go take a shower before I get too distracted. You're too damn alluring. You don't even realize what you do to me."

With wide eyes I step away from him and enter the bathroom. With a soft 'click,' the door is closed and I'm alone. I think about locking the door, but if Grayson really wanted to get in, a locked door wouldn't keep him out. I take the fastest shower of my life, eager to see him again and find out what our plans are. We're going to spend the day being lazy and watching TV.

I have an entire list of things he needs to watch with me- Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and Teen Wolf being a few of them. I also chose those so I can ask him questions about what's real and what's not. There's a lot of conflicting information about the paranormal, so my very own fact-checker would be amazingly helpful.

After I get out of the shower, I quickly dress. I search through his drawers until I find a hairbrush and begin detangling the knotted mess on my head. I almost drop the brush when I see my reflection. I step closer to the mirror to get a closer look, and sure enough, I was right the first time I saw my reflection. Huge dark purple circles remain under my eyes. I've never seen myself looking this tired before. I do feel extremely exhausted, but I've never looked like this before. I guess that's what happens when I barely sleep, and the sleep I do get is plagued by nightmares. Maybe I'll take a nap later...

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