《The Dark Side of the Moon》T W E N T Y - F I V E


(lmk if you guys want more chapters from his perspective)

The past few days have been fucking torture. Actually, they've been worse than torture. Physical pain I can take. What I can't take is the love of my life looking at me like I'm a monster. Like I'm exactly like the creature that attacked her a few nights ago.

Just thinking about that disgusting vamp makes me want to kill it. I'm actually surprised that I haven't killed it already. Axel has been making me wait, hoping that by leaving it out in the UV lamps for a few days that it will be weak enough for us to question it. I say 'it' because the vamp is scum and doesn't even deserve to be considered a living being- which it's not.

Today I decided to stop texting Thea. I basically told her that I would leave her alone unless she decides to contact me- which means that I'm basically stuck being a creepy stalker for the rest of my life. I can't live without her, so if keeping tabs on her and watching her from afar is the only way to keep her in my life- and guaranteed safe- then that's what I'm going to do. As much as it pains me to leave her be, I don't want to cause more pain than I already have.

I'm so freaking mad at myself for scaring her. I shouldn't have shifted in front of her like that and I shouldn't have attacked the vamp so violently. Her beautiful hazel eyes should never have to see such bloodshed. She shouldn't have been targeted in the first place, and not knowing who sent the vampire sends a rage through my body and mind that can only be quieted by my mate- who's not comfortable around me. Oh, the irony of the situation.

I clench my jaw tightly and ball up my fists in an attempt to control the raging beast within me. With intense emotions comes my body's need to compensate for it by shifting into my midnight black wolf- which would not help the situation. I cause ten times more destruction in that form, and my room is already a mess.

Just looking around at the broken dressers, the seven holes in the walls and the torn comforter on my massive bed, I remember how many times I turned to violence to deal with my pent-up emotions. I need a release somehow, and punching bags don't help me at all. After a few punches I end up breaking them anyway, and feeling something shatter, tear, and break in my hands is so much more cathartic.

The best release for my anger would be holding Thea, my cute little mate. Just thinking about how she looked at me last- scared, broken, hurt-

In my rage, I end up punching an eighth hole in the wall. I let out a growl as my emotions don't subside like I want them too. A light yet persistent knock on the door alerts me that someone wants to enter my room. After gathering that it's only Axel at the door by his scent, I give out a gruff "come in," allowing him to enter.

Axel is one of the only people on the planet that can approach me while I'm angry and not face some sort of retaliation. Anyone else wouldn't be caught dead in my path when I'm trying to reel in my wolf. Once my body shifts into my wolf form, anything in my path is basically dead.

"Oh great, more holes," Axel smirks at my plaster-covered fist as I take deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself enough to respond.


"Why are you here?" I grumble out, palming my now-injured hand. I don't even register the pain, the pain in my heart too great in comparison.

"Um, the entire house can hear the growling and the loud punching," he informs me. I don't even have the energy to feel bad. "You do realize that it's two in the morning, right?"

"I'm aware," I manage to say through my clenched teeth. If he doesn't leave me alone right now, I'm going to wrap my hand around his neck and-

"Want to go interrogate the vamp for answers?" Axel says, a knowing grin on his face. He knows that I've wanted to torture the fucker that dared to lay his disgusting hands on my mate, but the protocol for catching vamps is to give them a few days under the UV rays in the cells to weaken before we question them. Just like werewolves, vampires are extremely powerful and hard to kill. Not much harms them. The only way to kill them is by beheading them or tearing out their heart- just like us.

Since the vamp has been weakened under the UV lights for almost three days, it should be significantly weaker than when my pack warriors captured it. Perfect.

A grin that I'm sure from another person's perspective would be malicious spreads across my face as I crack my knuckles and head over to the doorway Axel is leaning against. "Lead the way."

Once we make it outside the pack house, we both shift into our wolves. In wolf form, Axel is almost as tall as me- almost. I'm still the largest wolf on the eastern half of the States, and I like everyone knowing that simple fact. Unlike my wolf which is covered in dark fur, Axel's wolf has light fur that has an almost golden sheen to it. However, he's just as dangerous as me, and people still fear him as well.

We run through the woods, dodging logs and fallen tree branches with ease as we make our way to the cells. Far away from the pack house and close to my territory lines I have a dungeon, for lack of a better word. I created an underground unit of cells where all of my prisoners are held. I don't have too many at a time. Most supernatural creatures know to stay far away from the Dark territory and know that I'm not one to be trifled with.

When I first became Alpha at eighteen years old, some members of a nearby coven tried to test my authority and began using magic in front of humans. I had to assert my power and force them to cease all magic unless it was on their own land. How stupid are these witches and warlocks? The Salem Witch Trials occurred because of their carelessness, and only humans died as a result. Another reason why I hate them. Then again, I don't particularly like very many beings.

In the supernatural world, it's illegal to reveal the supernatural to any humans- unless they're a mate to a werewolf or are approved by the High Council. The Council is made up of one of every type of powerful supernatural creature, which makes twelve members. Smaller beings such as pixies and nixies don't need a seat on the High Council because they are peaceful creatures who prefer to stay out of supernatural politics. If one day they decide they want representation, a seat will be waiting for them.

It only takes us about five minutes of nonstop running to reach the cells, and we quickly shift back into our humans forms and accept the shorts handed to us by the guards I stationed there. With a quick nod of my head in thanks, I head inside and walk straight to the prisoner. I instantly know where it is because it smells disgusting, like a mix of molded cheese and rotten flesh.


The vampire looks miserable with its burnt skin, now peeling off layer by layer because of the third degree burns it's experiencing from the UV lights. My eyes darken in delight. Its breathing comes out in short, shallow puffs as it sits still in the chair it's chained to. For his offense, he doesn't get any room to move around. Hurting the Luna is punishable by death- which it will be receiving once I get the information from it that I need.

"How have you been enjoying your stay," I goad, earning a deadly glare from the vamp. A guard opens up the cell for me, and Axel joins me inside.

"Fuck you and your mate!" The vamp struggles against the chains restraining it, but with the lack of blood in its system and the UV rays deteriorating it, the vamp has no strength and no chance of escape. It's nice to watch it struggle, though.

As soon as I hear the vile creature refer to my beautiful Thea, my hand grips around the vamp's throat, suffocating it instantly. As it struggles to breath, my eyes darken as I let out a monstrous snarl. "Don't you dare talk about her like that. However, now that we're on the topic of Thea, why don't you tell me why you attacked her."

I let go of its throat only for it to let out a choked laugh as it recovers from the lack of oxygen. He lets out his fangs and glides his tongue over the sharp ends, most likely picturing sinking into a hot body to drain it of the blood it's been lacking for days. Disgusting.

"Wouldn't you like to know," it spoke, its voice coming out as more of a croak. "Why on Earth would I tell you? You're gonna kill me anyway, so I'd rather keep me mouth shut and watch you suffer. Just like I watched that hot piece of ass suffer. I mean... that shirt didn't cover much of anything. And her screams as I threw her into the brick wall were-"

I can't hear anymore. Red clouds my vision and in the next second I find that my claws ripped into the vampire's chest. Its screams echo through the cell block, the UV rays making the injury far more painful than it usually would. Even though it's the middle of the night, the lack of sun will never stop a vampire from getting what it deserves.

With five slash marks across its chest, the shirt it previously wore is now shredded. I finish ripping it apart, looking for new pale skin to mark. "I'm going to ask you again. Who. Hired. You?" This time I push all of my Alpha power into this command. Although the vampire isn't part of my pack, it can still feel the command in my tone and feel true fear. Which it does from the way it begins shaking.

The stupid shit still remains silent, glaring daggers at me and most likely thinking of fifty different ways it wants to kill me. While it's doing that, I'm thinking of 1,000 different ways to kill it. I win.

"Fine. You leave me no choice," I say in a tone insinuating that I've given up. However, I'm so far from doing that. "Axel, your turn."

"You made me wait long enough," Axel grins, a sadistic smile that even sends shivers down my spine spreads on his face. Part of the reason Axel is my Beta is because he is skilled in the art of war. He's a master torturer and enjoys causing pain to his enemies. He enjoys watching the life drain from them by his hands. He's usually the one to do the interrogating while I sit back and watch the shivering mess of each traitor and criminal scream in pain.

A table is already set-up in the corner of the room with all of Axel's torture devices already prepared. Someone's eager.

The look of pure terror on the vamp's face is priceless. As I walk out of the cell, I scream. "When I come back in an hour, you're going to tell me everything you know. Then, and only then, will I let you out of your misery and kill you. Have fun you two."

With the slam of the cell doors behind me, the beginning of cries for mercy begin. I can already tell that this vampire is weak. In an hour, I'll know exactly who ordered it to hurt my precious mate.

Then I'll come after them next.


After an hour of pacing outside the dungeon doors, I decide that the vampire must be ready for questioning. Knowing that Axel is giving the creature all that it deserves, I feel content knowing that it will be gone from this Earth very soon, never to hurt, look, or touch Thea ever again.

As I get closer and closer to the cell door belonging to the vampire, the screams get louder and louder until they suddenly stop. Did Axel kill it? He better not have or I'll fucking slit his throat for not doing as I ask. He wouldn't die but it would hurt like a bitch.

I speed walk the rest of the way to the cell to see the vamp with more blood than skin showing. There are too many cuts and bruises to count, and overtop the wounds are third degree burns already forming. It looks dead.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO KILL IT," I thunder out, storming into the cell.

"Relax," Axel says calmly. "The vamp just passed out. Again. The fucker is so weak. It passed out three times, pissed itself twice, and asked for me to kill it 6 times already."


The pathetic sound came from the vampire, who seems to have already woken up from the last batch of torture.

"Hmm? What was that?" Axel taunts.

"Kill... Me..." Oh, the vamp was asking for mercy? Where was this mercy when Thea was crying out for it to stop?

"You want me to kill you," Axel asks. He releases a dark laugh. "My apologies, Alpha. It has now asked me to kill it seven times."

"Very good," I respond. In front of guards and prisoners, Axel is not allowed to refer to me by my first name. As a sign of respect for me as well as to make me seem more untouchable, everyone must call me by my title- except Thea. Goddess, I miss her...

"Are you ready to tell me what you know?" The creature nods its head vehemently, slightly cringing at the pain the action has on its body. Not so cocky now, are you?

"I-" The vampire begins to speak, but immediately starts coughing, its lungs most likely as dry as sandpaper. It takes a full minute of coughing and groaning in pain before the vampire can speak. "I-I don't know much, I s-swear! All I was told w-was to hurt the human g-girl!"

"Why?" I say calmly, although I am anything but calm. I figured that this idiotic vampire wasn't acting alone. What I don't know is who staged the attack and why.

"The person w-who hired me wanted t-to know i-if she was truly y-your mate. Y-you coming to h-her rescue p-proved it." The vampire is now a stuttering mess who is not giving any new information, which makes me clench my jaw.

"Who hired you?"

"I-I don't know, I s-swear!" It then proceeds to beg for a mercy killing. I want this vermin dead, so to speed up the process I grab its neck and dig my claws deep into its already bloodied skin. Its screams do nothing but annoy me at this point.

"I will not ask again. Who. Hired. You?" My eyes now resemble black holes as I bring my wolf side to the surface.

"I... D-don't...Know..." I release its neck quickly, retracting my claws as well. I peer down at my hand and find thick blood stuck underneath my nails. Damn it, I hate when that happens.

"It w-was an, anonymous letter sent t-to my clan. My leader p-personally chose me. That's all I know. P-please just k-kill me!"

I look to Axel and mind-link him. Do you think he's telling the truth?

Axel responds immediately. Definitely. I made sure of it.

With a quick swipe of my hand, I reach into the vampires chest and retract its still heart. Its heart is blackened due to its vampiric state, and I cringe and throw it across the room for it to make an unpleasant sound as it hits the far wall and falls to the floor like a slab of meat.

"Useless. It had no new information," I growl, ready to go out hunting for any new leads. Whoever is after Thea is no closer to being caught. The vampire is only the hired help. Although it eases me to know it's dead, the mastermind is still at large. All I have to go on is a stupid letter that I don't have. Back to square one.

I march out of the cells and easily shift into my wolf form. I run through the forest with so many emotions floating through my mind. My one job as Thea's mate is to protect and love her with every fiber of my being and I can't even do that right. There's an unknown threat looming over her all because of me. She's a target because of me. If the Moon Goddess had never made us soulmates, then other supernaturals would not even pay her a second glance. Now that she's mated to one of the most powerful Alpha werewolves, it's common knowledge that to weaken me and my pack, someone has to hurt Thea instead. She's my weakness.

I continue running through the forest at top speed, listening to the foliage as it crunches under my massive paws and weaving through boulders and large trees. Running usually calms me down, but not tonight. With Thea unsafe and afraid of me, I fear that she will never want to see me again. The threat may not have to hurt Thea at all. At this rate, I'll fall apart all on my own from the rejection.

As I hear the steady sound of water trickling by a nearby stream, I take off in that direction. Once I jump in and clear the vampire's blood off of me, I continue running until I reach the pack house. I shift once again, not caring that I'm completely naked. It's a normal thing for werewolves to be comfortable with our nudity. Clothes don't last very long when you keep ripping them every time you shift.

I climb the stairs quickly and put on the first pair of shorts I can find. I lay down in an attempt to fall asleep, but I just end up staring at the ceiling for what feels like hours but is most likely only a few minutes. Maybe I should check on Thea. I haven't seen her in a few days, and although I'm getting constant reports on her whereabouts from my pack warriors, I still haven't seen her with my own two eyes. Maybe I'll just peek in her window and-

No. I can't invade her privacy like that. And I don't want to disobey her wishes, which were for me to leave her alone. I just want to smell her again, hold her, kiss her...

My thoughts are rudely interrupted by a firm knock at the door. After a moment, the knocks come again but with a fury. Whoever is at the front door is persistent. It's most likely one of the young pups that stupidly locked themselves out again. They're the only people allowed on my territory, anyway.

After more knocks emerge, I hear chatter in the mind link from my pack mates, all too lazy to get up and let the forgetful pup in. Since I'm already awake, I begrudgingly rise from my comfortable- still ripped- mattress and stomp down the stairs. Whoever this youngling is will definitely be getting an earful from me about respect for others and extra hours for training just for catching me in a bad mood.

I swing the door open and am about to tear into the intruder when I stop myself. Standing before me is no pup, but my beautiful mate with tears streaking down her face. And now I'm ready to murder someone again.


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