《The Dark Side of the Moon》T H I R T E E N


After Grayson left last night, I was left in a state of pure bliss. All night, I couldn't stop thinking about him. We've known each other for such a short period of time, yet I don't feel weird about our kisses. Maybe if it had been another person, I would have considered our relationship fast-moving, but with him it just felt natural.

And besides, we were in the 'talking' phase of our relationship. That's what people call it, right? He said he doesn't want me talking to other guys, but that doesn't mean I'm his girlfriend, does it? Well, whatever "we" are, I'm happy to explore more.

After I fell asleep last night, I awoke this morning with a smile on my face. Turns out I had dreamt about him last night and let me tell you, I have never had such a steamy dream before. But I'm not complaining.

I took a shower, rubbing my vanilla body wash over myself. After I got dressed, I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Grayson.

Good morning, love

Good morning! How did you sleep?

I slept well. I dreamt of you.

My cheeks flushed while I thought of my dream, which starred none other than Grayson. I chose to leave out telling him that, though. I told him my plans for the day to which he told me that he was already in the car on his way to the airport for his business meeting. He told me he would text me later.

When I texted goodbye, I made myself avocado toast and coffee, but I groaned after the bitterness hit my tongue. I've been spoiling myself with the coffee from Java recently, and now I don't want to drink anything else.

So, because of my need for more coffee, after I finished breakfast and drained the last of my coffee, I headed out to Java to get more coffee. Yes, I know I have a problem. No, I don't want to fix it. I brought schoolwork with me so that I can do something productive. I had homework to do in all of my classes, meaning that I may very well spend all day at Java. Evie and Mom are still at home sleeping, and Mom isn't working this weekend, so I'm free to do as I please.

The walk to Java is short, and I make sure to quicken my pace to get out of the semi-chilly weather. I walk past the bookstore, which reminds me that I haven't been in there in a while. Hopefully one of these days I can find more time. In between classes, homework, my job, and having to watch Evie, I don't get that much time to myself.

The bell jingles as I enter Java and I'm instantly greeted by Cassidy, my friend and co-worker.

"Hey, Thea! How's it going?" she asks in a chirpy voice.

"I'm doing well. Classes are definitely a change to my daily life, but nothing I can't handle," I laugh lightly as I grab my wallet out of my bag. "Can I have a large Cinnamon Dolce Latte? Extra whipped cream, please."

"Sure thing. That'll be $3.52."

I pull out the exact amount of money and hand in to Cass, who opens the register.

"Ahh, what an angel. I don't have to count out change," she hums in approval.


"Yeah," I laugh. "It gets so annoying when the order is $3.00 and the customer gives you a twenty."

"Exactly!" Cass exclaims. "My job is making coffee, not counting out excessive amounts of change for you."

I place my wallet back in my bag and look around the coffeehouse to see that there are many open tables.

"Sit anywhere you like, I'll bring it to you," she tells me.

"Oh, thank you!" I smile, then walk over to a table in the corner of the shop. This is my favorite spot because there's an outlet and the chairs here are more like armchairs. Comfortable, secluded, and practical.

I open up my laptop and start working on Calculus. My textbook is online, so I open up to the first chapter and grab my notebook and begin the first problem. Halfway through the second problem, Cassidy brings me my coffee. I give her a soft 'thank you' and continue my work.

Seconds turn to minutes, which turn to hours, and before I know it I've been at Java for three hours, finished two homework assignments, and I ordered another coffee. Coffee flows through my veins, it's official.

As I am pulling out my Ethics notebook, the creepiest thing happens. The door chimes, and when I look to see who it is, it's that kid from my Ethics class. The timing of that is absolutely crazy, but there he is. Once he enters, he immediately sees me and waves. I shyly wave back. He walks over to me, and that's when I realize he's not alone.

Behind him, a girl with the same platinum blonde hair follows him. She died the tips of her hair hot pink, adding a punk rock vibe to her. She wore bright neon clothing which juxtaposed with Eli's dark clothing. She had many piercings- from what I could tell, she had about five on each ear, a nose ring, and an eyebrow piercing.

Eli had a smile on his face when he reached my table. "Hey, Thea. Fancy seeing you here."

"Yeah," I say, not sure what to say. I'm not really good at conversing with people I just met. I find that I run out of things to say, which leaves long awkward pauses in the conversations. However, Eli picks up the conversation easily. He looks at the notebook I just placed on the table and his eyes widen.

"Were you just pulling out your Ethics homework? That's creepy."

I chuckle at his comment. "It is strange. Were you lurking outside, waiting for me to start my Ethics homework so I would do it for you?" I joke.

The corner of his mouth tips up in amusement. "For your information, I kept walking by this coffee shop, so I decided to take my sister with me. This is Elle, by the way. Elle, this is Thea. She's in my Ethics class."

Elle extends her ring-clad hand out to me. "Nice to meet you. Still can't believe that this dipshit is going to college, but whatever," she snickers.

"Nice to meet you, too," I say politely. She seemed a little intense, with all of the piercings and her blunt attitude. Still, I kept a smile on my face, intent on not judging a book by its cover. Eli looks around the coffeeshop, which is surprisingly full. I didn't even notice how crowded it had gotten, lost in my own world of homework.


"Do you mind if we sit here? I don't see anymore tables available, and I want to be able to do homework," he asks with wide, hopeful eyes. I want to say no, but I can't deny him when he looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. I don't normally get work done when sitting with others, but I'll try.

"Sure," I nod.

"Awesome. I'm gonna put my bag here and go order. Looks like there's a line. Elle, I know what you want. Can I get anything for you, Thea?"

"No," I shake my head, feeling uncomfortable with him buying me something when I barely know the guy.

"I insist. It would be ethical if I get you something because you're letting me and my sister sit at your table." He gave me a goofy grin, which made it impossible for me not to laugh at his antics.

"Okay, not how ethics works, but it's nice that you're giving it a go. I'll get a... white mocha, extra whipped cream."

"Sure thing. Be right back," he says.

As soon as he turns away, Elle takes the seat across from me and spreads her legs out in the seat next to her. "So, how do you know Eli?" With the way she questions me, it almost sounds like he's not allowed to have friends, or he's going to get in trouble for even knowing me.

"Oh, um... Like he said, we met yesterday in Ethics."

"Okay. Eli doesn't talk to people, so that sounds a little off to me," she insists, her eyes scrutinizing me and making me a little uncomfortable.

"I was late yesterday, and the only spot was next to him. When I sat down, I asked him what I missed in class. We talked a little bit more about an assignment we were given, but that's it."

I feel like I'm being interrogated. She stares at me, concentrating on me a little longer before she smiles widely. "Don't freak out, babe. I believe you. It's just that I'm his twin. We've been connected at the hip for forever. He's never one to initiate with people, so I was just surprised to learn he made a... friend. And a baddie at that," she smirks.

"I'm not a baddie," I gulp. "I was late just once. It was an accident. You see, I overslept-"

"Chillax, girl! No need to have a brain aneurism. I can't hospitalize my brother's first friend. He'd never get another one!"

We laugh together. Apparently I passed Elle's test, because now she's joking and laughing with me. She doesn't seem so intense when she's smiling. I kind of like her when she's smiling.

"I bring coffee!" Eli says nervously as he approaches our table. The three coffees are balanced on a coffee tray along with two hot panini's. The smell of the sandwiches remind me that I haven't eaten since this morning and it's one in the afternoon. My stomach growls at an insanely loud volume, making my cheeks turn a bright shade of red. I put my hand on my stomach, but that does nothing to stop the embarrassing noise.

Eli and Elle laugh at me, furthering my embarrassment. Eli sits in the seat next to me and hands me half of his sandwich. "Here."

"I can't take your food. You already bought me coffee. I'll go get something..." I insist.

"It's fine. Take it, I'll get another if I'm still hungry. I'm still kind of full from breakfast," Eli smiles, pushing the food into my hand.

I smile back and take the food. I know he's lying, but it's sweet that he's being so nice. Elle's words come back to me. Eli doesn't talk to people. The fact that he's talking to me, and being nice to me, is already a shock. Based off of what she said, he doesn't really have friends. I don't want to cause him to retreat back in his shell.

We all talk, eat, and get to know each other. I heard more stories of Eli and Elle growing up. It shouldn't have been a shock to me that they were twins, but it took me completely by surprise. I thought that twins were supposed to be alike, but Eli and and Elle are like night and day. Their personalities as well as their styles are completely different.

After we finish our food, I mention that I want to start doing homework, to which Eli asks if we can do it together. I agree to complete the work together as long as he actually does the work and doesn't ask me for all of the answers. And, it's not like he can ask for all of the answers because a lot of it is opinion based. Elle scrolls through her phone.

Three quarters of the way through the assignment, I get a call from Cooper. "One second, guys."

I answer the phone on the third ring. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Thee! Whatcha doing? I'm so bored!" Cooper says.

"Nothing much. I'm doing homework at Java with some friends. What about you?"

"Oh my goddess, I am so bored. Axel's away and I don't know what to do with myself. I can't annoy him because he's still on that flight with Grayson. But... Now I can annoy you! Can I come? Pleeeeaseee!" He repeatedly asks please until I finally give in. I ignore the 'oh my goddess' comment. Maybe it's a gay thing? I don't know. I also find it a little strange that Axel is with Grayson. I didn't know they worked together.

"Fine! You can come."

"Yes! I'll be there in 15."

"Bye, Cooper," I chuckle into the phone, then hang up. I look up to see an anxious-looking Eli. He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again. He does this for a few seconds until he decides what he wants to say. "Uh, I think we have to get going now. We have a family thing going on. Can't be late."

Eli puts his computer hastily in his bag before zipping it up and standing abruptly.

"I-" I start to say, but Eli is already motioning for Elle to get up as well. They both begin collecting the remaining trash.

"Are you sure you have to leave right now? I can call Cooper if you're uncomfortab-"

"No! I mean, it's fine. We have to go anyway. His call just reminded me. See you in class, Thea." Eli waves and walks out the door. He doesn't even look back.

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. Ciao." Elle gives me a two-finger wave and walks out of Java, slightly jogging to catch up with Eli.

Well, that was abrupt.

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