
Im in the gardens outside currently reading. Im alone at home today, Mama and Zia Shaina took Grayson out with them and the guys had work uptown i think.

I wanted to go with mama because of Grayson too but i was feeling really nauseous. Ive actually been queasy for a few days now.

As im reading i hear some shouting in the far corner of the garden making my eyebrows furrow. I look up to see men in black coming towards me. I quickly stumble backwards but before I can run i feel a strong grip on my waist making me cry out in fear.

"брат будет счастлив наконец получить свою шлюху" a thick russian accent sounds, the same one from the bakery. Oh my god.

I feel him press something soft against my face. I inhale the pungent smell then my eyes widen when I realise what I have done.

Oh no.


Im in my office and i cannot fucking fund my phone. I miss Aria and i want to call her where the fuck is it.

The door bursts open and Matt stands there breathing heavily. Just looking at me.

"What?" i ask.

"There was an attack on the house" he says making my blood run cold.


He then utters the words I hoped I would never fucking hear.

"They took Aria"


Its now been 4 hours since they took my love. They've been laying low amd haven't moved out of the area yet.

"We'll find her, figlio" papa pats my shoulder.

Fuck how could i have let this happen.

I look over to Grayson who keeps crying. I know its for Aria and its killing me. Fucking assholes.

"Found them!" i hear a shout and turn to see one of the tech team guys.


"Oh my fucking god theyre in our ware house down south."

Fuck. They probably think they're so fucking smart.

"Its a trap, has to be" Aless snarls. Oh yes, they just flew back in.

"He's right, it's too easy" Matt says.

"Or thats just exactly what they want us to think" Stephano says. "Plus its not like we have any other lead, we'll take enough men, we have to try".


"Lets go" i boom.


My eyes flutter open. My head is pounding and my whole freaking body hurts. Shit.

"Ah, finally youre up sweetheart, i was worried" i hear a voice. I blink rapidly to adjust to the light and finally i see him. Its the guy from the bakery, the one Nick shot in my apartment. Oh god.

"You remember me then" he husks. His accent is so heavy and russian, its really scary. "Its too bad i had to take you this way, i planned a romantic meeting with you in your apartment. But that son of a bitch ruined it" i flinch at his swear. Is he bipolar he's switching moods so quick.

His words register, sending shivers down my spine. What?

"Why aren't you saying anything sweetheart?" he asks. Oh my god he's acting psychotic.

"W-where are we?" i ask. My voice comes out shaky.

"Mm" he says. Ew. "Your sweet scared voice is such a turn on" No. No no. "We're in a warehouse, your boyfriends to be precise" he smirks. "He'll never fucking look here" he pauses looking at me. "you know i was just trying to piss Nick off, but you being a sexy piece of ass is just a bonus, so ill keep you" he smirks a disgusting smirk.

I feel like crying.

"But that thing in you makes it hard for me to not look at you in disgust" he snarls. What?


"W-what a-are you saying" i stutter.

"Oh" his face is now genuinely surprised. "You didn't know, well thats probably a good thing you arent attached to it, easier fix" he mumbles.

"S-stop, what is going on" i whimper. Im so scared.

"You have the italians bastard child growing inside you."


I feel like i could throw up.

No? Im not pregnant. I would know if i were. Am I pregnant?

"Y-youre lying" my voice breaks.

"Ah, i wish babe it would make my job easier" he lights a cigarette. "I had to run tests on you for something like that, and well" he says inhaling smoke. "But dont worry i have my doctor coming in, we'll get rid of it and be on our way to russia before little Niccolo knows what hit him."

A sob rakes through me at his words.

No. No please god no, my child.

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