

"Why did you have to leave when i asked you not to" i ask her. Why is it so hard for her to just stay home.

"You didn't ask" she says plainly. Now she's just making me angry.

"Aria stop being so difficult and acting like im doing something wrong, im trying to protect you" i say, exasperated, what the fuck why cant she understan me.

"Can you say something, what are you so upset about anyway, your monthly pay was barely anything" Oh Shit. Okay should not have said that. "I-" she cuts me off.

"Stop the car please" she says, her voice is shaky.

"What? no im-" i start again but she cuts me off.

"Niccolo" she says my full name so fucking coldly, not even looking at me. Shit. "ill open this door and jump out, stop the car" I sigh and pull up, so i can talk to her but as soon as i stop she gets out of the car and starts quickly walking at the sidewalk. What the fuck.

"Aria, stop-" I try but i hear honks which i know are valid, you arent supposed to stop here. I hit the steering wheel and drive off. Fuck.


"Niccolo where the fuck is Aria" Aless sneers at me.

Its 7 pm, she's not home yet, Ive been calling her she didn't pick up. Everyone was worried and when i got home, mama accused me saying Zia Tania saw her leave with me.

"I dont fucking know Aless, i told you everything, i said well, that, and she was really upset and got out and i couldn't leave the car so i had to drive off. I was angry myself." I hear someone scoff and look to see mama. Shit.

"You were angry? Niccolo, Aria has been MIA for 5 hours, our best fucking tracking team cant find her. She could be anywhere, something could have happened to her-" Stephano is angry and does not get angry alot.


"Dont say that please" Laia whispers, shaking her head. She looks up at Aless. "Please find her". she asks him. Fuck.

Aless and the boys make a plan and split up to look for her, when i asked whats my part Matt just scoffed.

"Stay here, and away from her" That made me furious. Like hell im going to stay away from her, fuck these assholes.

But mama gave me a disappointed look then said, "please stay here, dont make it worse for her". She said. Papa then took her upstairs. Fuck. I keep calling her but her is switched off, even her sim card is untraceable.

"She's in a motel? A motel?"

"She's clever" I mutter.

We had to investigate the old fashioned way. Ask around. We found her in a motel not too far from where the fuck up left her.

I walk to the reception and ask for her room number. The scrawny man was reluctant but Chris was not in the mood. He's always angry though.

I knock on the door and wait. Soon, she opens her door, cheeks flushed, eyes red. Shit.

"Aria" Angelo screams. Her eyes widen.

"W-what, what are you doing here?"


We're on our way back. Aria asked us to just give her a few days. I said yes. But on the condition that she'll stay in a good hotel, and ill have someone bring her things to her.

We walk in to the house and everyone is there.

"Where is she?" He asks.

"She doesn't want you to know Nick, we promised" Stephano tells him.

"What the fuck does that mean, where is she?"

"Nick, chill, she needs time, give her time".

He curses loudly and storms upstairs.

"Is she okay?" Alaia asks. I hold her and kiss her head.

"She looked sad"

"She asked us if he forced us to let her stay here because he thought she was poor"

"Oh" Zia gasps. "I made a big mistake in raising him".

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