
After a while, I get out of bed and get dressed in a cute dress and as im doing my hair Nick wraps his arms around me.

"I love you, i love watching you do random things in our room, fuck baby Ive never felt like this" He says, his face hidden in my neck. He's so cute! I turn in his arms making him look at me. I look into his eyes, and i see the love and it makes me feel elated. I lean up and kiss him making him grip my waist.

"I love you too, thankyou for making me so happy" i sniffle. He grins.


Nick dropped me off at work and left saying he'll pick me up. My day goes by pretty okay, the new cashier is a culinary student here on a scholarship. She's 18 and quite, keeps to her self. Its a little past four, i asked Nick to come a little later because im just finishing up these tarts that took a little longer than expected.

Cindy, the new cashier left and Mathew, the other... new cashier, just came in, he's in the back and im just standing in here waiting for Nick, and in case a customer walks in.

I hear the little bell on the door and look up. My breath catches and my heart beat quickens. Its a man. Like the one from yesterday, but he looks older, and scarier. Same red hair though.

"где, черт возьми, брат?" he says in a deep, weird voice

(where the fuck is brother?)

I dont actually understand what he said. It may be Russian, or dutch maybe?

Before i can think further, the man kicks in the little entrance door and comes behind the counter. Oh no.

He walks slowly towards me and i walk back, making him corner me. Tears spring to my eyes and a whimper leaves me.


"Where the fuck is my brother you sl-"

"Get the fuck away from her, Petrov" i hear the deep, comforting voice and let out a sob. I look at Nick to find him holding a gun to the scary mans head.

"Where the fuck is my brother De'Marco?" he turns to Nick.

"What the fuck was he doing at my womans place, he got what he asked for" Nick growls. "Get the fuck out of here before i blow your fucking brains out" He snarls.

The man leaves and Nick stares after him. Once he's gone, he looks at me and I quickly latch on to him. He holds the back of my head and kisses me.

"Im sorry neonata"

After a few minutes i pull away.

"Is his brother also a red head? Yesterday a man came in and he looked j-just like him" i tell him.


"Y-yeah, he bought something to eat"

"Baby, thats the son of a bitch i shot, that was in your apartment." My eyes widen.

I sigh and hug him again. I hear footsteps and Nick tenses. I look to see its just Mathew.

"Oh um, thats Mathew he's just the new cashier" i tell him lowly. "Tanya just disappeared, i dunno where she went" i say and he gives me a smirk. I furrow my eyebrows then shake my head. "uh Mathew, Mario should be here any minute, im leaving, is that ok?" i ask him.

"Yeah, thats fine, thanks" he says. I get my things and then we leave.


Nick dropped me home, he had some work in the estate he'll be back for dinner. Right now im in the kitchen, making chocolate cake for a tea party Mama and Zia have tomorrow.

Me and Nick haven't really talked. He just seemed distracted and i didn't wanna make him snap.


Once im done in the kitchen, I go to Laia and help her clean Gray's room. She doesn't let the staff help with his things, something about not wanting anyone to dislike him or be annoyed by him. Honestly, thinking about it, i get it, and ill probably do that too.


Its dinner time and Nick isnt here yet. Im taking a dish to the dining room and i hear the conversation.

"Niccolos not here?"

"probably stuck with some whore"

My heart drops.

"Nah, he's with Aria, he wouldn't do that, plus Aless is also not here, they're probably busy with the Russian thing."

I sigh and just put down the dish.

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