《The Personal Assistant.》Unknown Depths.


So here's the deal.

For quite some time I've been dealing with a writer's block. Though that sentence makes it sound like something far worse then it actually is.

Anyways that is the reason that I haven't updated most of my ongoing stories for quite a while. I simply don't know how to continue them.

But recently I got the idea for a new story, something different...

When I wrote this story, the Personal Assistant. I started writing it because I didn't like how in the other books in this genre the girl was always such a pushover. It was either that or she was 'badass' and didn't conform to any rules, never was she just a strong woman. So I decided that I was going to write about a girl who pushes back.

The story arguably isn't the best, but it is also one of the first that I have ever written.

So now for my 'new' story, I decided to once again look for something that I was missing. And I found something...

On this platform there are a lot of supernatural romance stories, from vampires to werewolves there are thousands of stories. But I noticed that there weren't that many mermaid or merman or mer-creature stories. There are a few, but not that many. So that is why I came up with this new story.


The story follows a college student, named Delia, who works at an aquarium. When the story starts a new exhibit at the aquarium is about to open. Here the visitors can look into the local ocean on which the aquarium borders. Whilst working at night Delia starts to notice something shiny in the depths of the water, something she can't quite place.

At the same time, a man starts to appear in her life, a stranger whom she has never met before.


Things get even more interesting when they pull a glowing orb out of the ocean, the origin of which unkown...


I know, I know, I'm not the best at writing summaries or synopsises, but I try. So this is the main idea of the story, which is sort of a mer-creatuere love story. called:

Unknown Depths.

So if you like this idea, or just wish to support me, then please take a look at this story. :)

Also I will try to update the other things as well, it's just at the moment i have no idea how to continue...

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