《Loved》Chapter 24


Emerson luckily got some good sleep due to the beers, and exhaustion from crying.

When she woke up, she freshened, had breakfast, and after 4 hour drive came back to the mansion, not before returning the convertible to Clay.

The front gate guards looked a little uncomfortable which was odd. Too odd.

She shrugged it and went inside the mansion.

The person sitting there surprised her in a bad way and panic rose in her body.

"Grandma Rose? "

All the three heads snapped towards her and they all sighed in relief but the next minute Rose stood up and glared at her.

Uh oh.

"You know Mrs Stone, you should check if you had some twin sister which was stolen or you were seperated for some reason. Because my grandma daughter, who knows better than to hide anything from me, looks exactly like you. So why won't she tell me about her marriage. Right? " Rose spoke sarcastically.

Emerson audibly gulped.

"Gra–grandma, the circumstances didn't allow me . Sorry."

"At least you could have married someone better, just because he has a body of Greek god doesn't mean he is any less than a jerk" Grandma Rose muttered but everyone heard her.

Adrien was getting too much embarrassed now from all her insults and even if Em was confused how she knew him, she was trying hard not to laugh.

Henry was there to rescue Adrien,

" Where were you Emerson? "

Adrien and Rose perked at her for answer.

"The Catskills " Em answered looking at the floor embarrassed knowing what is about to come.

"Oh. Should have taken some cats with you and skilled them there. And obviously we don't have a phone to answer it right.

Can you imagine it, just scrolling through IG , suddenly that Barbie's selfie posted comes up, and I see my granddaughter in the background with a wedding dress and veil on her head.


Thanks to my eyes and skills, I knew it was you and could find out."

Emerson looked down embarrassed.

"Sorry grandma, my phone was off and so I didn't know you called. And about the marriage, I knew you would pull a stunt on my parents"

"You could have declined it straight away no matter what Em. You should have fought or ran away or something. I was always there. Any option could have been fine as long as you didn't marry some brat. You really get stuck with d-bags." Rose spoke mumbling the last line, but Em heard it knowing what she was talking about.

Her face held a pained look no matter how much she tried to mask it.

Rose saw it.

"Sorry Emmy but it's the truth. I shouldn't have brought it up. Now tell me what did he do that you went MIA for a night? "

Rose's tone changed from gentle to stern.

Adrien broke in sweat.

Emerson just looked down, even if Adrien hurt her with his words, she knew Grandma would her him 10 times than what she felt, she couldn't do this to him, even if she wanted to.

"I know my Emmy is to good to push you in danger, so tell me 'Adrien' what did you do? You know better than to lie." Rose threatened.

Adrien gulped and muttered, "She is living off daddy's allowance"

"And why would you say so?"

"She declined the internship knowing the pay was good and when asked she said money wasn't a problem for her. "

"Oh! I want a cook at my house, I'll pay you 5 times a normal cook , accept the offer. " She didn't give him chance to reply and continued, " What money isn't a problem, so daddy pays a hefty allowance Adrien? " She asked sarcastically.


Adrien looked down in shame. He understood what she meant. Accepting the offer depended on whether she was interested or not.

"What? No answer now. This ego is what makes you wrong for Emmy. " Rose spoke , her tone one octave high.

Adrien gathered some courage and dared to ask her,

"Why did you insult me so much? I mean you don't even know me personally. "

"Oh honey, just because you created a image in front of media doesn't mean I'll follow it blindly. I know how you are. Specially when I knew how Henry was when we were in college. The Stone males have a too big ego."

Emerson was shocked when she heard they both knew each other. Now it made sense.

"You had to insult me, didn't you? " Henry spoke.

"You are born to be insulted by me" Rose grinned and Henry cracked a smile.

"Just tell us before where you would be going Emerson. We were worried sick and it would have been my funeral in two weeks if something happened to you. Rose would have killed me... Along with Adrien. " Henry joked but he had a serious undertone.

Emerson nodded and mumbled an apology.

"Let me bring something to drink for you. " Emerson said and Rose and Henry nodded.

When she left , the three people sat on the couch.

Emerson returned with juice and passed it to everyone.

"How was your night out Emmy? " Rose asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Only Em got her innuendo of getting laid and her cheeks flamed a red colour.

"It was peaceful. Many places changed there. I saw a wall hanging of feathers and thought you would like it" Em avoided her innuendo and handed her the piece.

"It's cool. And you know what's hot, you in this professional outfit" Rose winked at Em gesturing at her previous day's outfit.

Emerson started choking on her drink and Adrien looked wide eyed with a horrific expression on his face. Though he couldn't deny the truth. She looked hot.

"Grandma! " Em exclaimed horrified and her face red from embarrassment.

"What? It isn't like you wouldn't have got a lot of male attention! " Rose spoke innocently.

Adrien's grip tightened knowingly on his glass and he looked away.

"Are you directly advising her to cheat on Adrien? " Henry asked calmly knowing what is she doing.

"Come on Henry. It isn't like your Grandson is some saint. And having some good male attention is good for your hotness" Rose shrugged nonchalantly.

"Please Grandma don't. It's really embarrassing" Em pleaded and Adrien tensed more at Rose's statement.

Rose laughed out loud. "Ok. Ok sorry. But it's fun to push your buttons."

Emerson shrunk in her seat.

"So, show me the wedding pics when the album is ready. I should go now" Rose said and turned towards Adrien.

"Hurt her a single time and your body won't be found for burying." She threatened.

"Bye old hag. Bye Emmy, see you tomorrow. " She waved and was out of the room like a storm, taking chaos wherever she went.

The remaining three people sighed in relief.

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