《ALEXANDER ✅》Chapter Eighteen


I have never hated a morning this much in my entire life. I have never been this annoyed with the sight of daylight in my life before.

I would wish for a few more hours of darkness if could. But then reality is here and it sucks. Reality is the enemy of cuddles with your boyfriend.

I have never had someone take care of me during my period the way Alexander had throughout the night.

I had cramps from the pits of hell and he held me while I was writhing in pain. He got me water and made me take more Advil. He rubbed my lower back and held a heating pad onto my abdomen the whole time I had cramps.

What man does that?

"Roslie, my love I have to leave"

"No", I snuggle closer to him. I don't want him to leave.

"Baby, I assure you that we'll have more time together. Right now I have an empire to run".

I guess work can come first this time. Even though I am not thrilled about that fact.

I groan into his chest. "Okay then".

After a few minutes of clinging on to him for dear life, I finally let go of him.

Gigi is not awake yet as we go past the kitchen to the front door.

"Thanks for last night".

He smiles at me, "You're welcome".

I give him his car keys as he pulls me in for a goodbye kiss.

"Have a great day", I say to him as he walks to the elevator.

He looks over his shoulder and rewards me with wink.

The smile on my face drops as I turn to see Gigi standing near the couch with a raised brow and her hands folded on her chest.

"Now are you going to talk?', she asks with an accusatory tone.

I need water. My throat feels dry all of a sudden.

Why is she even home?

"Uhm...I don't know what you want me to say", I move past her to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I chug it down so fast in a matter of seconds.

She scoffs at my answer. "Oh, how about you start with the man who slept in your bed last night. The one who just left".

I try to escape her fierce glare because I don't want to cave. The best option right now is to not say anything, but then she is like a dog with a bone. She won't let this go, that I am sure of.

"Fine, but you need to sit down for this", I say to her.

She nods and plops onto the couch, I sit cross-legged next to her and then start to speak.

"That was Alexander".

She blinks twice, "Alexander as in Alexander Cain?".


She looks like she's having a hard time believing this, "Belle Walker's Alexander?".

I roll my eyes at her, "He's her ex, but yes".

"Tell me everything. Now!".

Her wish is my command as I delve into my weird love story. If I can call it that. I tell her everything, from him checking me out, to our first kiss. To him finding out about Belle's cheating and to him asking me to be his girlfriend.

She sits there and absorbs in everything. By the time I am done with my story she looks like a fish out of water. Her lips move but no sound comes out.

Did I just render her speechless?

"Wow." she says clapping her hands.

"I leave for two weeks and your life turns into a freaking Hallmark movie".


Trust her to come up with a description for my weird love life. But yes it is true, this is basic Hallmark movie stuff that's happening to me.

Their writers should take this and turn it into a sappy, romantic movie that will be played over Christmas and will only be watched by lonely housewives.

"So, you're telling me that you have a sugar daddy?".

I scrunch my nose. I really don't like that term.

"Girl, you're dating Alexander freaking Cain!" she yells out into the apartment.

Yell any louder and you might break the windows.

"Do you love him?",


"Gigi, we've been together for less than a week."

"So? People fall in love the first minute they are together".

I laugh at that. "That's madness".

"True madness though".

Gosh she is such a stupid person. I love her anyway.

After a warm shower, I slip on my black onesie and go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I wonder what Alexander had for breakfast. If he ate any. Knowing him, he probably had a granola bar or something.

"Why are you home anyway?", I ask Gigi as she pours coffee into two mugs.

The sweet smell of the brew hits me and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

I love coffee.

"I'm working from home this whole week".

Do you see what I mean by nice work benefits? Her job is a literal dream.

I need to speak with Alexander and sort out my work issue. He did say that he would help me find a new one. I have to ask about the options he thinks are available for me.

In five months I graduate and looking for a job without a qualification will be a thing of the past. Then I can finally make a name for myself.

We have breakfast while watching . I was never a fan of this show but now I cannot get enough of the drama. I blame Gigi for all the times she used to forcefully make me watch this show.

Kris is better be grateful Kimberly made that sex tape.

Gigi is a lot of things. Most of them I adore but some just get on my nerves and one of those is her inability to stay in one place for a long time. She is not used to working from home so now she wants us to do something.

I'm already comfortable in my onesie, I don't feel like doing any strenuous activities. I'm already being punished by mother nature, all I expect from people is to be gentle with me.

At Least for two more days.

Unfortunately the universe decides to ignore my plea, and I find myself agreeing to leave the comfort of the apartment with Gigi.

Why am I such a pushover?

I don't bother dressing up. I just put on a pair of black leggings, one giant grey hoodie and black Uggs. The weather is cold and I am not about to let my toes freeze.

I grab a sling bag and fill it with my phone and wallet.

Gigi is already bouncing on the soles of her feet by the time I walk out of my room. She has on an outfit similar to mine but instead of leggings, she has blue skinny jeans and her hoodie is a pastel pink.

"Lets go", she practically runs to the door with me right behind her. I lock up and we get into the elevator.

The ride to the mall is a short one. Mostly because of Gigi's driving. I swear she drives like she's auditioning for a part in the next Fast and Furious movie.


Shopping with Gigi is one the most physically taxing things that you could do in your life. If you want to lose weight, then you should tag along when she wants to buy something.

My feet drag on to whichever direction she goes to. We move from one store to another. It's not all bad because I also get to purchase a few items. I love the new dresses I bought, even though it is winter I am buying for summer.

One dress stands out for me though. It's a red satin wrap-around. It screamed at me from a window and I could not resist the call.

I was feeling guilty about buying stuff with the money that Alexander is still paying me even though I no longer work for him.

We actually had an argument over the weekend about that but he said that this is something that he wants to do, and he will stop once I get another job. I reluctantly agreed to this even when my head told me not to.

My arm is pulled into a lingerie store called The Red Door. I don't know why she wants to buy lingerie.

"Why are we here?", I whine. I am tired and I really miss being in bed. Plus I should have been studying but here I am wasting my precious academic hours.

I watch her pick out a red thong, "We're here for me".

The sigh of relief that I was about to release turns into an annoyed huff at her next words.

"But mostly we're here for you".

I want to wipe the cocky smirk off her face. I already know the answer to my next question but I ask her anyway.

"Why for me?".

I follow her as she moves from one section to the other. She's like a kid at a candy store.

"You're dating a billionaire honey, you need sexy underwear."

A black lace bra and g-string are thrown at me. My reflexes kick in and I catch them just before they hit the ground.

"And also, I have a feeling that you are not dating a man with vanilla tastes". She winks at me as she takes a basket and throws in various bras and thongs.

She knows my size in everything, so she doesn't even need to ask me. Plus she has good taste so I know that she would not pick anything atrocious. The thought of buying new underwear, sexy underwear never occured to me.

I don't have old lady panties but I usually dress for comfort and that includes comfy underwear too. Why would I buy sexy panties when I have no one to see them except me.

It's not just you anymore.

That is a topic I don't want to even entertain. Alexander has only seen me in my underwear once and he did not say anything about it except that he 'liked me with less clothes on'.

I swear he is just a teenager trapped in a grown man's body sometimes.

Sexy time is a big deal for me and that is territory I am not ready to explore with him yet. It's too early. I don't even know the name of his childhood pet yet, so sex is not a thing for us right now.

Once we're done with the underwear, we move on to our final destination of the day. I really have been craving a caramel macchiato, so I threatened Gigi to get me one.

There's a nice coffee shop that makes some of the best coffee I have ever tasted. Whenever I come to the mall, which is not often. But when I do, I always get a cup from this place called Brewed. It does not matter whether it's hot or cold.

At this point not even the apocalypse could stop me from getting a cup from this place. If said apocalypse occurred while I was at the mall though.

The good looking barista called Jason, who is also Gigi's ex boyfriend is on duty today. He smiles at us as we move forward to the counter.

"Ladies, do you want your usual?", his handsome smile never faltering.

"Yes Jase", I smile back.

Gigi awkwardly smiles back, but it just looks like she's constipated.

We move to a small table as we wait for our drinks. Gigi keeps stealing glances at Jason while he flirts with a customer. The girl is cute, blue eyes and blonde hair which she curls around her finger as she flirts back.

My friend on the other hand looks like she just ate a bunch of sour grapes. She always said that Jason and her were not a serious thing. She even labeled it as a fling. But to me it looks like a different story. It may have been a four month fling to her mentally, but her heart clearly says it was more than that.

If it wasn't then she would not be glaring daggers at the poor blonde as she passes by our table to go find a place to sit with her two friends.

Jason saunters over to our table and hands us our drinks.

"Thank you", Gigi says to him.

He looks slightly shocked at the fact that she is directly speaking to him. She has not done that since they broke up almost a year ago. Heck ,she even avoided getting coffee from here.

She would rather go to a Starbucks.

"You're welcome", Jason replies with a smile.

I always liked Jason. He was always the guy you wanted to have around. He is such a happy person, all the time. The only time I have ever seen him broken was when Gigi and him broke up.

Nothing bad happened but I blame the whole break-up on Gigi's self sabotage when it comes to relationships. She always finds a way to screw up whenever someone great comes her way.

I think she is scared of getting her heart broken by a guy, so she chooses to be the cause of her own heartbreak.

It's a sad thing to witness, and as her best friend and roommate, I see it quite often.

As we walk out of Brewed, I hear a familiar voice call out my name.

I turn around to see that the voice belongs to Paul. Remember him? Paul the guy who knew where I lived without me telling him. The same Paul that even my own mother finds creepy?


The very same Paul stands in front of me looking snazzy in a suit. As much as he gives off creepy vibes, he is an attractive man that has great dress sense.

"Hey, Rosalie", he says again.

"Paul, hi". Can he tell that my smile is fake?

I'm not exactly thrilled to see him. And the same goes for Gigi.

"Georgiana" he acknowledges her with a nod.

"Satan", she says with a scowl. I can see her visibly vibrate as a shudder runs through her.

Gigi has never liked Paul, and the same is for Paul about her. It's a story that goes back to my first week working for Paul's father.

These two got into a spat, till today I still don't know what was the cause of it. But Paul had said some terrible things to Gigi, even going as far as calling her a 'gold digger'.

Since then, the blood between them has been bad.

"It's so great to see you, how's the new job?", he asks, turning his attention to me.

"It's okay, amazing actually".

He nods with a smile, "That's nice to hear".

A few seconds of awkward, uncomfortable silence falls upon us as we stand in the middle of the mall.

"Paul, we've got to go. It's been a long day" . Seriously, can he tell that my smile is forced?

"Yeah, yeah. See you sometime I guess". He says.

I wave goodbye at him as Gigi and I walk towards the exit.

Once we step outside onto the parking lot, I welcome the rush of fresh, crisp air into my lungs. Being in the mall for a long period of time, makes breathing hard. It feels stuffy, too many people in one place do that to air.

"I can't stand him", Gigi mumbles as we shove the bags filled with clothes into the backseat of the car.

Gigi is what you call a vagabond. She is a firm believer in energy and auras. I remember after her argument with Paul months ago, she said to me that he was giving off a bad, negative energy and that his aura was dark and murky that it resembled a swamp.

"If that does not tell you there's something wrong with his soul, then I don't know what will". Were her words to me on that day.

Once we get home, we unpack the stuff we bought and then order take-out for dinner. One of these days one of us needs to cook. Eating fast food for so many days is not good for our health.

Miss June and Pierre would die if they saw me eating like this.

I take a quick shower and slip back into my onesie.

I grab my stuff and toss them on the bed as I get comfy and start to study. As the night darkens, the exhaustion from staring at the screen seeps in. My ears cannot take anymore of my professor's voice in my ears as I listen to this online lecture.

My phone screen illuminates, displaying a text from Alexander.

I have not heard from him since I last saw him this morning. He must have had a very busy day at work.

A smile pops up on my face as I read his words.

Alexander: Miss Jones, I hope you had a good day and that mother nature has been less harsh on you today. Feel better and know that I miss you.

Have a good night, and I do hope that you dream of me tonight.

My heart melts. He is so sweet. The smile doesn't fall off my face as I reply.

Me: Mr Cain, I had a good day. I hope yours has been good and productive. I am feeling better, thank you for asking. I appreciate your concern.

Have sweet dreams and I hope you dream of me too.

I get up to put away the books and laptop on my study desk. For someone who spent a good amount of money on this fancy desk and chair, I don't use it as much as I am supposed to.

I would rather work from my bed, slouching over the keyboard and just completely mess up the alignment of my spine.

And then I wonder why I look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

I settle back into bed and welcome the wave of sleep as it takes me. A text notification makes me hunt for my phone on the pile of duvets I have on the bed. I am outright scared of the cold and will always make sure that I am under a pile of covers.

I finally locate the phone and open the text. My brows furrow in confusion as I see text from a number I don't recognise.

Unknown: you looked great today.

It's probably someone who sent it to my number and they meant it for someone else. Stuff like this happens.

I shrug and settle back into my comfy pillow. I fall asleep almost immediately as sleep pulls me in with it's warm, welcoming arms.

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