《Never Trust a Rogue》Chapter 12


Chapter 12


I can't say that I wasn't worried. I can't say that I'm not scared. I have someone that could tear my world apart, or make it worth living. Just depending on her mood and that is never constant.

After she left the bed room I realize I might have been too possessive but I have to make her want to stay. I don't know what else to do.

She is so secretive, like leaving for hours and not tell me where she went. She hasn't been her more than 2 weeks and she hasn't said anything more about her past, not opening up to me. I want to tell her all my secrets and I want to hear hers, but she never communicates.

I don't know whether she is running from something, or chasing after it.

But it's obvious she has a purpose to her running across the world. but luckily that purpose brought her to me, so I'm not complaining.

"Luke," my Farther's commanding voice echoes through the study.

Which hasn't officially become mine, not until I mate with her. Which was a constant thought in my head.

"Yes?" I respond, trying to get the image of her under me, moaning my name out of my head.

"I'm going to Alpha Noah territory tomorrow. He is having some boarder issues with Rogues," he says and looks sternly at me.

Meaning he wants me to go see Alpha Noah myself. I hold in a sign, he wants me to do this tedious jobs, because it's supposed to help me become a better alpha. So far he is right, but I just got my mate, it feels like he's trying to break us apart.

I'm still not sure how he even feels about her, but for my mom's sake he won't say anything that's not accepting and caring.

"I will go as well, me and Sophia will pack tonight and leave tomorrow morning," I say and shuffle some papers around the desk trying to find the folder containing the travel log.

When I still feel my fathers presence in the room I look up at him.

"I'm not sure that's would be good," he states making me freeze in my spot.

"What?" I ask starting to get upset. Why wouldn't I bring my mate?

"This is important business, I don't want you being distracted." He states and I hold in a growl, this isn't the time to challenge him. He is still alpha, and my father.

"As Luna she will need to know the other Alphas and pack locations. As well as have a strong, positive bond with them. She won't be a distraction, she is a necessity," I calmly inform my father as he holds my stare.

"You're correct. But is she ready to accept that role?" He asks and the doubt in my fathers eyes pisses me off. I could feel my wolf become angry and my eyes begin to darken.


"I don't mean to upset you, but I do wish to know if she will run when the pack needs her or not? That's all," he says and walks out of the room before heading my comment.

I take a deep breath and leave the office to go find Sophia. I know she is still jumpy and hasn't promised to stay but she wouldn't leave if we needed her. Would she?

Before I could continue to drown in thought, I run smack into a small figure.

Immediately I feel the electric charge shoot through my body as soon as I make contact with her. God I love how this feels, knowing that a single nudge can effect me so much.

I quickly wrap my arms around Sophia's waist to stop her from falling backwards. In truth, I knew she could catch herself and stop herself from loosing balance, but I wanted her in my arms. I wanted her indescribable scent to surround me.

"Luke," she breaths surprised.

"Hey," I say standing us up but not letting go of her waist. "I was just looking for you." I resisting the urge to growl when she tries to squirm out of my hold.

I tighten my hold on her waist and she just glares up at me, before letting out a sigh giving into my grip.

"What did you need?" she asks resting her hands on my chest looking up at me.

"I need to go negotiate with an Alpha of a near by pack and I wanted to bring you along. Would you mind?" I ask, usually Alpha's are demanding and controlling to their mates but that's not me.

I don't want to scare her or boss her around, she has her own mind, but I do want to keep her safe.

I do want her to be happy with me and I want her to realize that she will forever be happy if she stays with me. I will cherish her and no man could ever compare to how I treat her. I need her to know that.

She gives me a nervous glance, "Which Alpha?" she asks not looking me in the eyes anymore. I brush my finger across her chin to make her look up at me.

I know she feels the tingle sensation as my fingers touch her skin, because I feel her shiver into my hold.

"He's an older man, 30s, he's kind so you have nothing to worry about and you'll be safe with me the whole time," I say and kiss her forehead gentle.

She lets me hold her for a few more minutes before stepping away from me, I let her as she smiles up at me.

"I'll go pack our things," she says and walks towards the bedroom. Our bedroom.




To say I was ready to run was an understatement, I had my stuff packed and ready to leave with my tail between my legs.

I was not about to go meet other Alphas, especially Alphas close by, I know the area around here and I am not looking for confrontation with anyone. None of them are level headed, none of them are compassionate.

Then again most Alphas' aren't; most are brutal, cruel, and clever, but they have to be, to protect and direct their packs. They enforce the rules and punish those who break them, humans like to call it a cult.

It used to feel like a prison to me, like I was trapped and could never do anything for me, it was always about the pack. To 'better' the pack, to keep the pack healthy and happy, but what about me and my happiness? No one understood that and so I never fit into any packs.

But then again I had never had a companionate pack, no one cared for me, so I never cared for them.

"Dammit Sophia not now. Now is not the time for a pity party," I mumble to my self as I rush to gather my things, in that old gray bag once again.

I rush down the back stairs that lead to the kitchen, I run past the empty room to the back door. I can see the dense tree clearing ahead.

As I look out at the clearing my heart thumps louder and louder, and I get further from Luke's room, it begins to ache, like my chest will burst. I clench the material around my chest and continue speed walking towards the woods. My heart is dying.

But I am forced to stop when, I run into a hard chest.

It wasn't as strong as Luke's though it was wide and muscular, but it didn't have his smell, and it's touch didn't effect me like Luke's.

I shake my head. Since when did I start comparing every man to Luke?

But as I do I miss him uncontrollably. His laugh is something I could hear for years and only want more. How he tries to be funny but just ends up laughing at his own joke, before he finishes it and how he cares for Jason so well.

Ignoring the urge to see him, I shoot my head up at the sudden contact, I met the eyes of a young man around 18 or so. His black hair dripping with sweat and his dark brown eyes glancing over at me with a look of annoyance, like he didn't have time to spear.

"Watch it," he barks at me.

Before I could respond, the young man in front of me is slapped on the back of the head. I look around the man to see a girl who appeared to be a couple years older then me standing behind him. Her dark features matching his.

"Oliver, be nice," she spits at him with a glare. I don't bother to respond to them before trying to run around the pair.

"Jasmin, don't hit your brother-" a woman with bouncing blood locks begins, but then pauses when her vivid blue eyes spot me.

She drops her bags to the ground and her hands fly to her mouth as she gasps.

"Luna!" She shouts getting the boy I ran into - Oliver and the girl that hit him - Jasmine, quickly turn around. They don't bother to hide their surprise, as they stand beside their mother gawking at me.

I mean I didn't really look like I was the female leader of 500 wolves, with my faded colored jeans and long sleeve, red crop top.

The blond woman bows and physically pushes the other two to do the same. I look around noticing the glances of the few wolves that are not on patrol.

"Please stop," I whisper through gritted teeth. Trying to stand them up, they slowly rise and look at me questionably.

"The formalities aren't really my thing," I mumble nervously, and glance around seeing the wondering eyes go back to what they were doing.

The family glance at each other and back me, "Where are your escorts?" Oliver asks with his eye brows knitted together confused.

I shrug trying to be casually, "I wanted some space." I say and I glance over my shoulder hearing some voices come from the side door behind us.

"Well I'm going for a run," I mutter and try to pass them, but Jasmine blocks my way.

"By your self?" She asks, I just nod and again try to move towards the woods.

"Do you need that large a bag for a run?" The blonde woman asks eyeing my stuffed sling on bag, again I just nod, looking for a way pas them.

I know once I made if past the clearing I would be safe, they couldn't catch me. I just have to make it past these people and I'm okay. I stayed for as long as I could, I didn't tell luke any of my secrets, he won't be able to find me.

I pause at that thought, I won't see Luke again. I stay rooted in my spot trying to understand why I felt so empty saying that, but while I was trapped in my thoughts. Oliver seemed to guess what I was doing.

"Luna are you trying to leave," Oliver asks, making my head snap in his direction.


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