《Forced Enemies》Chapter Eight


We were silent once again the rest of the way through, and I could practically feel the anger radiating off of him.


I hope he's mad, I hope he's fuming with anger and hate.

I wanted snap back a remark when he stuck his hand out, blocking me from walking further.

But I didn't get far when he pushed me into a closet, our buddies squished together as he placed a hand on my mouth.

The sound of footsteps echoed along the hallway, and we both watched through the door window as a group of mafia soldiers came running by.

He didn't remove his hand when they passed and I felt him release a breath of relief.

When I turned my gaze to him, his eyes were already on mine, his breaths short and shallow.

He slowly removed his hand, and looked out the window once more.

I myself let out a breath of relief, and not for the reason of the group passing.

"Come," he said, signalling me to follow him further down the hallway.

It was another silent walk, and when we reached the stairs, our shoes echoed across the cement steps.

When we reached the end of the hallway, I stopped and turned toward him, his gaze set on me as I began talking.

"The drugs will be in the crate at the back," I pulled out a note from my pocket, handing it to him for him to look at.

"A code?" He asked.

I nodded, "that's the code to the crate."

"How did you get this?" He asked once again.

I shrugged, "I just broke into the Russian system, simple really."

He let out a sigh of laughter, and I didn't miss the hint of surprise in his eyes.


"I'm impressed," he stated. "The American princess isn't really who I thought she was."

I rolled my eyes," yeah, whatever," I said blankly, grabbing the paper out of his hands.

We didn't talk any further when we stalked up the the main room, a large crate in the back and many scattered in the middle.

"That back you say?" He whispered from behind me, his voice so close to my ear, that I knew his body was right behind mine.

I nodded, eyes the passing guards. "That one right there," I whispered back, pointing to the crate in the back.

He walked in front of me, perching himself behind the closest crate to us.

"What are you doing?" I quietly hissed out, following him.

"If you think we're sneaking past these guys, you're wrong."

"We're outnumbered, there's no-" he cut me off, putting a finger to his lips, quietly telling me to shut the fuck up.

"Luckily, you have me." He smirked, and I watched as he trotted off to the middle, catching the attention of the guards.

I widened my eyes as they came running for him, preparing for them to slaughter him right then and there.

But my eyes widened more when he whirled around, using a knife from his thigh to slice through them, and the shots of his gun ringing throughout the room.

When he took down the last guy around him, he turned back to me, wiping the spattered blood on his cheek.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked, and my breath hitched. He didn't even glance as he pointed his gun toward the door, shooting the person that just walked through.

I walked forward, the gun at my side as I reached him, my eyes travelling down his blood soaked body.


My eyes darted to where another group came running through, the doors bursting open as they rushed through.

He smiled to me, —not a kind one— but one so dangerous I felt the shiver run down my body.

"See you on the other side," he said , winking at me before running toward the group, his body smashing against theirs.

I took a deep breath and followed him. I quickly shot the first person who came into my sight, then followed by another.

But there was too many of them, and soon I had run out of bullets, my gun dropping to the floor as I resorted to my hands, and the knifes that were at my thigh.

A loud yell made me whip around, a man running toward me quickly.

I ducked down, dropping to my knees as he approached, his body toppling over mine.

I took my foot and smashed it into his face, his eyes zooming in and out of consciousness.

I didn't have time to deal with him further when I another person came at me, their gun shooting toward where I stood.

Luckily, they had missed, and I lunged at them, taking them to the ground with a knife in their chest.

It was like that for awhile, stabbing and grabbing onto people.

But I winced in pain as someone used their own knife, theirs slightly grazing over the skin on my arm.

When I looked down on it, I sighed in relief.

Not enough to get stitches

I wiped the pain away and pounced on them, my legs wrapping around there head as I twisted myself around, their strong body slamming onto the ground.

When I got up, no one was around, and Kye stood next to me, slowly clapping.

"Impressive," he said, a sly smirk on his face, his eyes trailing over my cut wrist.

I rolled my eyes, placing the knives back in their hold.

"It's back here," I said shortly, walking towards the crate that stood in the back.

I kneeled down in front of it, putting in the code that was on the lock.

I let out a satisfied sigh when it clicked open, I pulled the box to reveal a stash of drugs .

"Your father will be happy," he said from behind me, coming up to pack the bags into the backpack.

We followed the same route out, avoiding more soldiers by hiding in more closets, our bodies always pressed so close together.

I mentally cheered as we reached the exit, and when we made it safely down the road, a car awaited us.

"If we hurry now," Kye said, turning to me. "We might make it to dinner."

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