《My Possessive Husband (ManxMan)》Chapter 10


I feel complete remorse about yesterday. I admit that I went too far with Renmen. I lost control, and I realized that my emotions got the best of me. I didn't mean for him to cry, I never imagined I would make the love of my life feel such pain. I reacted irrationally, but I couldn't help it. The thought of Renmen's heart belonging to someone else but me, makes me go insane.

Sometimes I think its best if I just keep him away from the outside world, so that I would be the only one he can depend on and needs. If he doesn't go near Samson again, all is well. Just the way that Samson looks at Renmen, easily tells me that he has feelings for Renmen. Or maybe he is just doing this to get under my skin.

That bastard friend of his is obviously pulling my strings, and I'm expressing it towards someone who doesn't deserve it. I must find a way to earn his forgiveness and I would do anything. I plot away ideas to make Renmen understand that I'm sorry, while I sit in my airy office. Suddenly my phone vibrates alerting me that Briggs is calling me, and I answer it.

"Yes Briggs?" Hoping it's nothing serious, he usually doesn't call me when I'm at work. I only call him when I'm done at the office and he has to pick me up.

"Sir, I must inform you of something that I believe you must know." Briggs calmly tells me through the phone.

"Yes, what is it Briggs? If it's something important tell me, don't waste my time." I reply to him a little bit annoyed and impatient.

"Your fiancé, is still interacting with that friend of his. Since you told me to notify you of this, if this still continues. I in fact saw him greet his friend this morning, surprised that he initiated the interaction." He states. I pause for a minute, still processing the words Briggs just said. For some reason, I couldn't bear to believe what Briggs said. So I chuckle in response.

"What nonsense are you saying Briggs? That can't be possible, there is no way that is true. If this is some kind of joke Briggs, I don't find it funny whatsoever. In fact, if this is a joke, then you might as well be unemployed when I hang up." Briggs then suddenly speaks up, a slight nervous tone seeping through his voice.

"Oh no sir, I wouldn't joke about such a matter. And all I have said is the complete truth. If you still have doubts, then I suggest you pick up your fiancé when he is done at his University." Briggs suggestion has me quite taken aback.

"Alright Briggs, I will take your suggestion. I don't mind at all. So what will become of you Briggs if I find Renmen not at all socializing with the lowlife?"

"I don't believe nothing will become of me sir, because I would be more than stupid to ever lie to you. I don't want to face the consequences, knowing the consequences are dire."


"Very well, Briggs." I hang up, a little antsy to witness what Briggs is saying. Well, come on. There is no way that Renmen will disobey me. He couldn't be that stubborn. I mean, the things I did to him is obviously more than enough for him to understand not to disobey me. He couldn't even think of ignoring my orders. Well, I just have to see myself.


I lean on my dark blue Ferrari, looking around to spot Renmen. Only to see him walking with no other, but that trash he calls his friend. My blood is boiling, but I keep a calm and composed facade. Never would I think Renmen would disobey my orders. I must keep a tighter leash on him. They are having a conversation while walking.

They stop in front of a car that is not very far from mine. I wanted to walk over there and drag Renmen to my car, but I don't want to make a scene. I will just patiently wait till Renmen notices me. What really got on my nerves is when Samson hugs Renmen, instead of Renmen pushing him away, he hugs him back, in fact quite warmly. I take a deep and long breathe to calm myself and I needed to stay calm, because soon I will walk over there and beat the shit out of Samson.

Surprisingly, I managed to stay calm for quite some time. I cross my arms in restraint when Samson looks directly at me and deliberately gives me a teasing smirk, definitely knowing that I'm witnessing this in anger. I glare at him with clenched teeth. I quickly force myself to calm down. Renmen finally turns around and he gives me scared expression. Well, at least he knows, that he is in trouble. Samson leaves quickly, I'm more than glad that the rat is away from Renmen.

He walks towards me timidly and shaking like crazy. I don't blame him when he keeps a distance away from me. I don't know what to do, I'm beyond disappointed at Renmen at the moment. What must I do for him to understand that I don't want him near Samson again? Why can't he just listen to me? It can't possibly that hard to just obey what I tell him. I finally speak my anger expressed through my words.

"I thought Briggs was lying to me when he told me that you are still interacting with that piece of shit. I told Briggs, that my little Renmen wouldn't disobey me. That he definitely understood the consequences of angering me. I also told him that Renmen is smarter than that, he should know better, I was proven wrong." He doesn't say anything. Oh, that's right, he is giving me the silent treatment. If he could just say something, but no, he acts as if what he just did was just. I continue to speak since he won't respond to me.

"Do you have anything to say Renmen? Any excuses or reasons why I witnessed such a thing. Or are you still giving me the silent treatment? To tell you the truth, I'm quite surprised at what I saw. I definitely underestimated you Renmen. Now get in the fucking car!"


When I'm done yelling at him, he decides to get in the car. He was scared, but he also seemed angry. I got in the car after him. I make sure to calm myself before I start driving. I glance at him, and he has a frown on his face. I don't understand why he is angry I should be the only one to be angry. No one disobeys me, I mean no one. I start driving home, and it was silent anger in the car for quite a while. Until I decided to speak.

"Renmen, I don't want to punish you, I never want to punish you. But you must listen to my demands. All I ask of you is to not go near that man you call your friend. I promise you he doesn't have good intentions, I could just feel it. Try to understand, I'm begging you. I don't want to hurt you again, anything but that. And I'm trying so hard to control myself." He seemed to relax a little bit. And respond quietly to me. Looking down at the car floor.

"You are just too controlling. You can't just tell me who I can't have a relationship with. There is nothing wrong with Samson. You just need to control your jealousy, and if Samson tries to make a move on me or whatever I'll reject him. I understand you don't like him, but he's a friend. Just let me keep my friend please."

"I'm sorry Renmen. But I must decline what you desire. I just don't trust him and please understand. Renmen, tell me you understand." I say with a firm and stern tone of voice. He says nothing, and just stays silent. Which is brings back my fierce rage, I forced to control. We are already at the mansion, before I will park the car in the back garage, I park in front of the house.

"Renmen! Do you understand!? Because I will not repeat myself once again!" I slam my fist on the steering wheel, to emphasize my loud statement. Renmen jumps in fright, and glare at me. His heated hate clear on his face.

"W-Whatever Nicolas. I just can't believe how ridiculous you are, it's a real shame." His response gets to me and I surprisingly growl like a furious savage. Before he tries to quickly escape, I grab his arm. I pull him towards me and make him look straight at me, I must have a terrifying expression on my face because he whimpers, his lips trembling.

"You better be careful Renmen! I'm giving you one more chance, and if you fail me! I won't be so lenient and calm. So Renmen, will you disappoint me once again?" He shakes his head rapidly. Knowing that I'm not playing around.

"Y-Yes Nicolas, I'll won't ever disobey you again. Just let me go, you are hurting me." He speaks, his every word trembling. That's good, hopefully that fear will keep you from making a stupid mistake. I let go of him, not before I glare at him. He quickly gets out the car, and runs towards the mansion.


It's the weekend and I plan to go visit my mother. I just need to be around her, and I haven't seen her in almost a month. But before I walk out the door. I call Nicolas to tell him where I'm going. This man has just been more and more unbearable to live with. Imagine that I have to spend the rest of my life with him, how in the world I'm I going to cope.

I can't stand his behavior. He has become stricter with me, he says he can't trust me. That I must tell him where I'm at, at all times. To prove that I'm at a specific place I must take a picture of me at the location, for evidence. It's crazy how he's keeping track of me.

I'm imprisoned and I can't taste freedom in a long time, not until Nicolas can trust me again. Amy invited me to one of her friend's get together parties. I had to tell Nicolas beforehand, and he gave me a curfew. That I had to come back at the mansion at 9:00 p.m. The party is in 4 days.

Nicolas has become more controlling lately, and it's making me go insane. He constantly tells me what to do, every action I take I must notify him. He says the more I have you in my grasp, the less you will have a disobeying attitude. It doesn't make any sense to me and I think it's quite absurd.

Why must I have such a fate? A fate involving such a controlling man, I can't have any privacy. I can't message Samson, because Nicolas knows who I send my messages to. It's just too risky to be around Samson. Samson sensed that something was wrong, especially since I kept my distance away from him.

He seems to understand when I explained everything to him during our lecturing in class. I told him how Nicolas doesn't trust him and that he hates him with his every being. He was angry and he even suggested that he will talk to Nicolas, to maybe change his mind about him. He believed that they had a rough start, and he could just fix it if they become friends. I immediately told him to never think of doing that, I warned him not to go near Nicolas.

Since Nicolas won't hesitant to kill Samson. Even though I won't be talking or interacting with Samson much, I promised him that I will study with him for our final in Philosophy. Of course I'll plan and make sure Nicolas doesn't find out I'm with Samson, and I'll probably lie to him. I just hope to God I don't get caught.


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