《My Possessive Husband (ManxMan)》Chapter 9


My alarm went off, I reacted to it with a jerk of my aching body. I quickly deactivate it, since it was worsening my throbbing headache. I was alone on this massive bed, and memories of yesterday came flooding my mind.

"I'm quite disappointed that you are clueless about the reason why I'm angry. Well, that's fine, I don't mine elaborating it to you. But first, strip now Renmen."

"A-Are you out of your mind? I won't do that, oh please don't make me do that."

"Either you do it yourself, or I will and I don't have any problem doing so."

It made me unable to get up from the bed, the memories only made my heart heavy with dread and misery. Forcing with all my will to push back the sickening memories of yesterday. The memories filled with shame and humiliation.

Staying depressed like this won't do me any good. I sigh, knowing I eventually have to get up and go to work. Then I realize the monster isn't around my presence, at least I don't have to deal with him right now. I'll make it my mission to never talk to him again! Sure, I'll share this house with him, I'll even take on his name, but I will surely never acknowledge him. I can't forgive him for what he did to me. The first step I must take for my mission to be successful, is to not think about him.

I continue to brainstorm other ways to avoid Nicolas, while creating enough energy to get up from the bed. I ignore the irritating ache coming from my body, and glad that my headache has suddenly vanished. I walk towards the bathroom, ready to brush my teeth and do other hygienic duties.

When entering the bathroom, I also turn on the light. Turning towards the mirror, I immediately gasp when I see the obvious evidence of yesterday on my neck and collar bone. I can't help, but tremble in disgust. I raise a shaking hand towards a bite mark, and wince when I touched it. If this is what he wanted to accomplish yesterday, he succeeded, and it's making me never want to cross him again. I take my hand away, and calm my panicked breathing. It's alright, I won't make a big deal out of this. I'll just apply ointment to the marks and bruises, and then hide it with a scarf before I go to work.


After Briggs drops me off, I say my daily thank you and walk towards the entrance of the day care. I was surprised that Amy arrived before me, greeting her while I put on my apron and name tag. Like usual her greeting in return is a warm secure hug. I giggle slightly when she kisses both of my cheeks.

"Hey beautiful, how are you doing this fine afternoon?" she asks me with an overly cheery tone of voice. Her mood is quite suspicious, along with her bright facial expression. I can't help, but to cock an eyebrow and have a questioning look on my face.

"I'm doing pretty fine gorgeous, thanks for asking." I didn't put much on my response, since my attention was mainly focused on whatever Amy was hiding obviously behind her. My curiosity got the best of me so I quickly moved my head and tried my best to peek behind whatever she is hiding. Unfortunately, it didn't do me any good.


"Renmen, why do you have a scarf on? It's pretty warm in here. Why don't you take it off?" Amy tells me, and I quickly had to decline her suggestion.

"Um...I feel pretty cold, it's probably just me. I'm fine and comfortable Amy no need to worry" I respond, hoping she will understand and not pay any attention to the subject any longer. I know she wasn't buying it, Amy knows when I'm hiding something and surprisingly we are that close. I had to change the subject and my curiosity was at its peak. So I asked Amy what she was hiding behind her back.

"Amy...What are you hiding, if you don't mind me asking." I wait, hoping she would tell me. She looks at me reluctantly and at the same time excitingly. Maybe it's best if I don't find out what she is hiding. She looks down at the floor, and then shyly peeks up at me. I have a bad feeling about this. It takes her a few minutes, but she finally talks looking directly into my eyes.

"Fine, since you want to know so badly....." The anticipation is killing me, and I feel she is taking her precious time on purpose.

"Here! It's your engagement gift." She says, bringing forth a garish and shiny gift bag. I hesitated a little, quite suspicious. Well, it's only a gift, but the way Amy is acting so strangely, it's making me think twice. I take it from her hands, and look at her wearily. She gives me a reassuring smile, and says

"Go on! Open it!" Loudly she speaks, and follows her statement is a weird giggle. I look at the bag in my hands, and slowly dig through the gift paper. In result, I pull out a pack of exactly six bottles containing of gel like substance. I read the label displayed on the bottle, and I was able to understand that it was scented lube. I was completely perplexed and asked Amy.

"Why give me scented lube? I don't understand Amy?" Her reply was a disturbing one.

"Well, it will be needed when you and your husband do the dirty. And you have another addition, if you want to get it in the bag." I was shocked, and still wondering what other absurd thing she can possibly have for me. So I search for the other item she suggested, and found a bright red and pointy object. I couldn't figure out what it was, so I had no other choice but to ask her. I have a feeling, it's probably something disturbing again.

"What is this weird object Amy?" Hoping she can fill me in what I couldn't comprehend. She sighs, and then replies to me.

"It's crazy how innocent you are, so pure indeed. Well, since I probably ruined your innocence. The thing you are holding in your hand is a butt plug." She says, like the words she just said really didn't matter. I was truly disgusted, and I quickly drop the vulgar thing back in the bag. Suddenly, the memories of yesterday came back with vengeance.


"I really don't want this Nicolas. Please just listen to me for once."

"I swear if you move one more fucking time Renmen, I'll make you regret that movement. I dare you to move!"

"Now I want you to understand why I'm quite angry at you. You need to learn, so for now I'm going to punish you. You must count to 10, next time you misbehave, it will go up to 20. At every slap I want to hear your count following it. So I will begin."

"Please don't do this. I don't deserve this, please just tell me what I did. I beg you, please calm down Nicolas. I don't want this, just forgive me."

"Nicolas please stop this! It hurts, just leave me alone."

"You are my belonging, I own you. Don't you ever let another man look at you or even dare to touch you. Every part of you is my possession!"

I couldn't force the memories back and it made me feel filthy. I just felt frustrated, dirty, used, angry, and most of all worthless. It's not like I could do anything about it, or erase it from my mind. It's something that will leave a huge scar, and I admit that I'm more quite terrified of Nicolas. Even though he was so rough and cruel with me, I won't let him control me. I'll talk to whoever I want, and I'll just be careful. I'll make sure he doesn't catch me talking to Samson.

"Are you okay Renmen? I'm guessing you don't like the gift." Amy questions me, forcing me out of my own mind. She touches my shoulder to try to comfort me. I calm my trembling, and force myself to ease on to a mood of happiness. So I did, and smiled as brightly as possible.

"I'm perfectly fine Amy, everything is okay." She doesn't look convinced, and before she says anything, I quickly embrace her in a warm hug. She is taken aback at first, but returns my gesture. I say, while I still hug her.

"Thanks for the engagement gift. It was thoughtful."


"Wait up Renmen!" I turn around, and meet Samson's welcoming face. I slow down and wait for him as he wanted. He catches up to me, and then embraces me in a hug. His sudden action surprises me, since he never made this kind of gesture before. I hug back, before the situation turns awkward.

"Hey, how are you Renmen? How is your Husband? I hope everything is going well." Samson says, and seems overly interested in Nicolas and my affairs. I really don't want to talk about anything related to that man. So I reply in a complete, utter lie.

"Everything is fine. Thanks for asking. How is life treating you lately?" Intrigued on what he would say. We walk together to the entrance of the university.

"Life has been treating me real shitty lately to be honest, especially with the midterm coming up. In fact, I have been meaning to ask you if you wanted to study together, whenever you are available." I glance at Samson, and he seems real desperate. I reply to him positively. I feel enthusiastic, but also a little anxious.

"I'll be more than happy to study with you. It's really no problem, can we start in like two weeks. Since I really have to fit it in my schedule."

"Alright! Awesome, that's fine with me. You know Renmen, I don't deserve someone as great as you." He says, with eyes full of admiration. I look down at the floor, and scratch the back of my neck in shyness. I look at him, and just nod. I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings, and now realized that we walked all the way to the university's parking lot.

"Okay, Renmen See you. Get home safe." Samson tells me softly, and once again hugs me. This time I instantly hugged him back. I'm a little reluctant to release from the hug, since it was so comforting. When I did, I looked up at Samson and saw him portraying a teasing smirk at someone. Wondering who he was smirking at, I followed the direction he was looking at. I felt my heart drop, when I caught the blank expression of the devil himself. I instantly distance myself from Samson, and he left. While I stand shaking and trembling in fear.

I calmed myself, enough to walk slowly and nervously towards Nicolas. He is leaning against his car with crossed arms, and is staring at me with fierce and intimidating eyes. I made sure to distance myself a couple of feet away from the area, the area I'm currently dreading. Maybe he really isn't angry, and he won't make a big deal out of what he just witnessed. But all hope is gone when I hear him speak.

"I thought Briggs was lying to me when he told me that you are still interacting with that piece of shit. I told Briggs, that my little Renmen wouldn't disobey me. That he definitely understood the consequences of angering me. I also told him that Renmen is smarter than that, he should know better, I was proven wrong." I said nothing at his statement, and I don't believe I need to, it's not worth it. He seemed calm and collected, he didn't at all seem angry. But through his sharp words and enraged tone of voice, I definitely knew he was beyond angry. He continued to talk.

"Do you have anything to say Renmen? Any excuses or reasons why I witnessed such a thing. Or are you still giving me the silent treatment? To tell you the truth, I'm quite surprised at what I saw. I definitely underestimated you Renmen. Now get in the fucking car!" I jump at his harsh tone of voice, portraying his anger no longer concealed. Maybe I should make a run for it, but I know there is no point of doing so.

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