《My Possessive Husband (ManxMan)》Chapter 7


"You must tell me how you were able to get my son to settle down. I also wanted to know where and how you and my son met." Says the elegant woman, and waiting eagerly for my response. We are currently sitting down in the fancy living room. I was speechless, I had no idea how to reply to her whatsoever. I didn't know where to begin. My mother-in-law was rather entertained at my loss of words. So, instead the man who was sitting next to me, tried to answer her with careful ease.

"Mother, do understand that I of course, one day will settle down with someone, and that someone happened to be my Renmen" I could tell he had more to say, but she unmistakably ignored whatever he just said to her.

"I was talking to Renmen. I want him to reply to me, not you. So please Renmen, tell me at least how you met my son." She responded, her eyes boring into my own. Making it seem, as if she is looking into my soul. I lower my head, and began to speak, not really sure on what to say.

"Since it seems like I'm not wanted here, I'll head to the office. Renmen, I'll probably come home late, I won't be able to eat dinner with you tonight. Mother, don't try to call me when I'm at work, because I won't answer you. I'll probably see you again, goodbye." I nod in return, and he leaves. His mother disregarding him, only paying attention to me at the moment.

"Umm...Well, the first time I met N-Nicolas was in his office. I had to discuss some financial issues with him, because of my father." I didn't want to go into detail, and I don't think it will be a bright idea to tell her the whole reason why I'm really settling down with her son. The arrangement was consensual, but of course no other option was provided for me. Good thing I remembered to call him by his first name, because he will keep pestering me if I don't. I just find it reasonable and proper, to address him by his last name.

I assume that he wants me to call him by his first name, so it can be a sign of us getting closer. That's indeed the last thing I want to accomplish. He continually shows me the consequences, whenever I make the mistake of addressing him in the way I want. I glance at the classy woman in chic clothing, when looking at her I could tell she wasn't content with the little information I gave her. In the end she gave up, and continued pretending that the subject didn't matter. I was relieved, since I know I won't be able to somehow avoid the touchy subject again.

"Well, I definitely approve of your relationship. If my son is happy, that is all it matters. I'm sure my son already informed you that I decided to plan an engagement party. In fact, I already made some homemade invitations." I didn't want an engagement party, but she is so elated to have one. I guess I don't mind if she's happy, maybe it won't be so bad, I might even enjoy the party. She hands me a couple of card invitations. Now, who I'm I going to invite to the party?



"Hey! Wait up, Renmen!" hollers a familiar voice. I turn around, just to make sure that the voice belongs to who I believe it is. Undoubtedly I was right, it was Samson's smooth and baritone voice. I stop walking towards the university library, waiting for him as he wanted. I smile at him and he makes the same gesture, exposing his own healthy smile. I of course notice the look of admiration of Samson's boyish good-looks coming from the ladies, which are walking past and near us. I'm used to his appearance, and his friendly personality.

I can still remember the first time Samson and I met. I was running late to my microbiology class, and not paying much attention to my surroundings and I bumped into Samson. A quite embarrassing position, I almost fell, only just in time did he catch me in his arms. Ever since then I kept on meeting him, I believe in coincidental situations. We have become good friends, of course I was nervous and awkward when he first started having a conversation with me. Gradually I was able to be open around him, and just be myself.

I don't know if I should invite him to the party. My mother-in-law, did tell me to invite friends and family members. I invited my parents already, father and I relationship have become normal again. I planned to never talk to him again, but my mother practically begged me to talk to him. He hasn't gone to any casinos or perform any other idiotic actions lately, which brings shame to the family, but I don't have any hope or trust in him anymore.

I already invited Amy, and she was thrilled. He already knows that I'm engaged, because of my forgetfulness. I one day didn't put the ring in my backpack. I'm forced to wear it, because when Nicolas didn't see it on my finger he was extremely angry. So I decided to not wear it outside, only to slip it on around Nicolas. So, when Samson saw a brilliant and visibly bright ring, then and there I had to tell him that I was engaged. I didn't tell him who I was engaged to, I didn't think it was necessary to mention that.

I could see a hint of sadness and disappointment in his eyes when I told him that I was engaged, I wonder why. I don't have many friends at the university, in fact, Samson is my only friend. I decided to give him the card invitation. We are already in the library, sitting together on a comfy couch. The reason I wanted to access the library in the first place, was to do research on my upcoming thesis. I handed him the card invitation, anxious about his reaction. He only has a puzzled expression. I was staring at him, wondering why someone as attractive as himself wanted to be my friend. I was examining his face, astonished at how handsome his appearance is.

He was approximately 5'10, and has a muscular physique. His wavy, luscious, and natural blonde hair, perfectly complemented with his tan skin tone. His bone structure was fine and perfectly symmetrical. He possessed a rather chiseled jaw, it was manly. His eyes stood out the most, a mysterious deep blue. I assume I was staring too much, because Samson snapped his fingers in front of my dazed face. I jumped a little, surprised at the sudden movement. Looking down embarrassed and scratching the back of my neck. I start to pay more attention to him, focusing on what he was saying. He laughed wholeheartedly, awfully amused at my sudden daze.


"Now that you are paying attention, I was thanking you for the invitation. I'll definitely come next week, I'm glad that we are close enough, that you would invite me to your engagement party. To tell you the truth, I was quite surprised you were engaged, I really was planning to keep you all for myself." He tells me, giving me a weird look in his eyes, that I couldn't comprehend. I laugh, hoping that was the right response.

"Samson, I of course think you are a good friend. I'm glad I was able to meet someone as wonderful as you at this university. And trust me, I'm quite surprised myself that I'm engaged. You don't have to come to the party, I know you will have way better things to focus on." I say to the beautiful man near me.

"Oh I'm coming to the party. I would like to meet the person that got their way with you before I did." Samson says, a mischievous expression on his charming and appealing face.


After meeting the last relative of Nicolas family, I really just wanted some fresh air, so I made my way to the open balcony upstairs. I felt suffocated, out of place, forcing myself to display a fake smile to complete strangers. The party was elegant and classy, just like my mother-in-law. She really organized and made sure everything was perfect. She wouldn't allow me to help, no matter how many times I told her I was able to.

Not too many people attended the party, just close relatives and friends. I felt as if everybody was observing me. As if they were discreetly judging me, inspecting silently if I was good enough for such a powerful man. Wondering what so special about me, that a man like Nicolas would want to marry me. Pressure was a weight on my shoulders. Maybe I'm just imagining things, making rubbish assumptions. Maybe the pure tension and strain in the atmosphere at the party was all an illusion in my own mind.

I'm not naïve, I could tell they were phony. Their compliments, smiles, politeness, and respectfulness weren't real genuine. I don't know, but it's as if they were putting a façade. Nicolas wasn't relaxed at all, suspicion was clear on his face, a constant scowl. No wonder he didn't want a party at all. I could already tell that the party won't be long-lasting, which was fine with me. There has to be a history behind this family. My mother-in-law didn't seem to recognize the tension, and went to enjoy the party, as if everything was peachy. Amy and my parents left really early, me perfectly understanding the reason why.

I sigh, and gaze at the distant stars. Daydreaming and trying to calm down the nerves that continue to rise. I wasn't aware of the towering figure slowly lurking behind me. I only sense the person behind, when I felt a pair of big hands land on my now trembling shoulders. I quickly turn around only to be embraced in an overwhelming hug. I was going to struggle, and confront the complete stranger. However, I was let go of the warm hug, and was faced with Samson's smiling expression. He was handsome, but he couldn't compete nowhere to Nicolas' looks. Why I'm I suddenly thinking about his looks anyways? How annoying.

"I must thank you for inviting me to this fine establishment. But to be honest, the atmosphere is real shitty. I would like to meet your spouse to be, if that's okay with you." Samson has a menacing expression in his eyes, I couldn't comprehend on what he was thinking. I just smile, and say

"I'm glad you made it Samson! The party is quite boring, but since you came it doesn't seem all that bad. I don't know if Nicolas would like to meet you. But I could-"I was interrupted by a familiar deep voice, knowing it was Nicolas.

"I'm his husband, since you wanted to know so badly. Who are you to my Renmen?" He declares directly, with a threatening tone. His expression is blank like usual, but I know that he's somehow angry. He looks like he was trying quite hard to control his seething anger. Why was he so suddenly upset? I only move closer to Samson, don't want to be anywhere close to Nicolas right this moment. Samson smirks at him, we are standing next to each other, allowing him to caress my back gently with his strong hand.

I believe he was trying to calm me down, it relaxes me. I glance at Nicolas and notices that he clenches his jaw. I notice a little twitch on his upper lip, and I could tell that was not a good sign. Suddenly he grabs my arm roughly, and his constricted grip made me gasp in pain. He glares at Samson and that one look, makes Samson flinch. However, Samson returns a challenging expression, and says with amusement.

"Renmen I'll see you again, and maybe we'll have some fun after class. And Mr. Guerriero it was nice meeting you again. I was hoping we could talk alone, but I unfortunately didn't have that opportunity." He leaves, his head held up high. Wishing he could somehow save me from the monster that has a death grip on me. Nicolas stays silent, his growing anger was similar to the scorching heat during summer time, hard to cool down. I start to struggle, and whine.

"N-Nicolas what have I done? P-please let me go, you're hurting me." But my pleas fall on deaf ears, he completely ignores me. His emotions clouding his mind, not letting him think reasonably. Instead of letting me go, he forces everyone to leave the party.

Even kicking out his mother, she protests but, immediately backs away when she sees her son's killer aura. I was hoping and wishing that someone was brave enough to persuade Nicolas to let me go, but no one dares. When everyone was gone, it was only Nicolas and I, his rough hands caressing my face. Dread and sorrow hit me in full force, when I see lust and a equally domineering expression.


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