《The Witch's Alpha》Chapter 8



If you had told me a week ago that I was going to wake up this morning with a man in my bed I would have laughed. If you had told me that man was a werewolf, I would have had you admitted to the psych floor. And yet here I am, sweating my ass off because werewolves are like space heaters, wrapped in the arms of the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. I looked over at Owen, still sleeping, and took some time to admire his features. He looked so peaceful and even younger while he was sleeping. I traced my finger along his cheek and across his lips as I let my mind wander to the evening, and the orgasms, we shared together. Not only was he talented with his tongue, he was sweet, funny and too charming for his own good.

“Stop staring at me you creep.” I blushed, not realizing he had woken up.

“I can’t help it. You’re sexy as fuck.” He laughed and pulled me in to a sweet kiss.

“Get up, love. I’m making you breakfast.” We shared breakfast together before we both went off to work.

When I arrived at the hospital, I couldn’t keep the stupid grin of a lovesick puppy off of my face. One of the other nurses, Gavin, noticed and sat down at my table with me over lunch.

“What do you have to be so happy about?” He looked at me skeptically.

“Oh, nothing in particular. Just a mind-blowing orgasm from a delicious man.” His eyes widened in shock.

“Seriously? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of you with a guy.”

“Because I’m usually not. I’m just… drawn to him. It’s incredible.”

“Well, if he’s got a brother you better hook me up soul sister because I could use a little lovin.”

“Things not work out with Eric?”

“No, if you think I’m a queen you ain’t seen nothin till you dealt with him. He’s an extra kind of extra.”


“Ah, I’m sorry Gavin. If you need anything let me know.”

“No, no sugar. I’m just happy to see you happy.” He gave me a little peck on the cheek and went back to work. For once I had a man and Gavin didn’t. My how the tables have turned.

The next week passed in a similar fashion. Owen came over every night, we had dinner together did something dirty, went to bed and woke up in each other’s arms. We had even started sleeping naked together, but I was becoming concerned. I was ready to take it all the way. I wanted to have sex with him, to feel him moving inside of me and moaning my name while he climaxed, but he seemed hesitant to take that step. It was confusing and a little hurtful. So, I turned to the expert on all things male. Gavin.

“Hey, Gavin! I got you your favorite coffee, white chocolate mocha with an extra shot and whip cream!”

“Alright, who’d you kill and how do I help cover up the murder?” I giggled and waved my hand at him.

“Nothing like that. I just need your advice on Owen.”

“Ooooh the sexy beast of a man who picked you up the other night? You know how I love a man with a big truck.” I rolled my eyes. Beast? If only he knew.

“Yes, that Owen. We get along great and he seems to be attracted to me but, we haven’t had sex even though I feel like I’m giving out all of the signals. He’s used everything in his arsenal to get me off. His mouth, hands, my vibrator and he even dry humped me into an orgasm. I felt like a fucking teenager again but for some reason he won’t stick his dick in me!” The volume of my voice raised and went up a couple of octaves there at the end and Gavin started laughing at me.


“Calm down sweetie. Maybe he’s just self-conscious. Or maybe you think you’re giving out all of the signals and you’re not. Why not plan a sexy evening? Light some candles, wear a garter belt and tell him to fuck you till the sun comes up. No man has THAT much self-control. Hell, I’d probably even fuck you if you did that to me.” He gave me a wry smile and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re right. Tonight, I’m going full sex kitten and he’s gonna fuck me whether he wants to or not!”

“Well, babe, I mean, you want him to want to though….” I rolled my eyes again.

“Yeah, Gavin you know what I mean.”

“You get him boo thang!”

That night I primped and preened until my skin was smooth and soft. I put on the new black lingerie set I bought on my home from work, lit enough candles in my bedroom to set off the sprinkler system and waited for Owen. I buzzed him in and told him to come right in. Once I heard the door open and close, I started to breath quickly and felt my pulse quicken. I was so nervous, and instantly started to regret my decision. There wasn’t time to back out because he was looking for me.

“Grace?” I slipped out of the bedroom towards him. As soon as his eyes found me and traveled my body, I saw his pupils dilate and turn completely black. He growled a little, one that didn’t sound completely human. I went towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hard and fast kiss. Pouring all of my insecurities into him, asking him with my lips to take them away. I pulled away from the kiss and started peppering small kisses along his jaw and up to his ear.

Then I whispered to him, “I want you inside of me tonight, Owen. Make me yours.” He growled again, louder this time and I knew his wolf was trying to come out to play. He lifted me in his arms bridal style and carried me to my bed and laid me down gently. He ripped off his clothes before I could blink and was on top of me. He kissed me hungrily, like he had never wanted anything more in his life.

“Please, Owen.” I begged him to take me. I wanted nothing more than to become one with this man. He looked me in the eyes and shook his head a little, and when he looked back at me his eyes were the shade of green and blue that I love so much.

“I can’t do this, love.” My heart sank and my face fell.

“Why not?” He started to climb off of me and I tried to hold onto him, but he was much stronger than me and able to disentangle himself from me. He sighed deeply and pulled me up.

“Is there something wrong with… it?” I asked gently.


“You know…” I motioned towards his crotch “it.”

“What? God no. There’s nothing wrong with IT. IT works just fine.” I let out an agitated huff and felt my voice get louder and a little whiny, which I wasn’t proud of. But I’m horny damn it!

“Well then what’s the problem? Do you not… want me?” My voice got small and I looked down at the bed, not able to meet his eyes.

“What? No sweetheart is that what you think? It’s not that at all it’s just that…” He let out an exasperated sigh, took my hand and started pulling me towards him.

“Come sit next to me, Grace. It’s story time.”

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