《Nicknames》Chapter 31 ~ Poker



We've been playing for a few rounds and I've done well each time even though my mind is upstairs in bed with the beautiful woman I can call my girlfriend. I didn't really want to to go, but I also didn't want to not show up and get talked about behind my back. So here I am the only white guy sitting at a table with cards and chips in front of me.

It's this round when the interrogations start. Maybe it's to throw me off my game, but they don't know my history and questions about Luna isn't going to distract me. Everything I want to do with her is clear and concise and I answer their questions one by one as I continue to focus on the game.

"Carter, what are you doing with Luna?"

I just shrug. "Right now I'm doing nothing with her, she's upstairs," I tease.

Her stepfather, Raymond, laughs and shakes his head as if the thought is ridiculous. "What would he want to do with her anyway?"

Or punch him...

I chuckle dryly and lean back into my seat. "Actually I want everything to do with Luna. One day soon, I'm going to marry her." I push my chips forward. "All in."

Everyone folds except Raymond.

He chuckles and shakes his head again. "You aren't marrying her without my blessing."

I sure as hell don't need his blessing. "When Luna says yes, I will marry her. I'm not asking for your blessing, I'm telling you that I will marry her. If I am to get anyone's blessing it would be her mother's or anyone else at this table, because it's obvious you don't like her for some reason that I can't understand. Is it because of who her father is? Is it because of her race? Is it because of her father's race? Please let me know now so I know who I need to keep my future kids away from."


I'm starting to get upset, but I'm hoping I'm doing a good job of hiding it. I could give zero fucks about how he feels about me, but whatever shit he has towards Luna is gonna come to the fucking surface. What fucking man sits here and lets the woman he loves to get talked about like this?

The table is quiet and I'm not making a move until I get my answer.

"Luna is nothing but a fucking bitch and a mistake." I feel my muscles tense and I focus on my breathing. "Chris stayed on my wife. He always spoiled the kids and always tried to show me up. Look where that got him, he's dead."

I take another breath before I hear that very familiar voice come from the direction of the stairs that lead to the basement.

"My father died in the army, you prick." I stand up as she makes her way over to the table. "He did everything you could have never done. He treated us better than you ever have and you're just jealous that you could never amount to him."

Tears stream down her cheeks and I really wish she didn't have to hear this. "Let's just go to bed," I whisper pulling her into my arms.

"You were nothing, but a spoiled little bitch."

We both tense. I feel it and she does too, but with false calmness she turns to him as he stands fuming. Then with a patronizing voice she says, "You are nothing, Raymond. Never have been. Never will be."

"Luna, let's go to bed, okay?"

We both need to get out of here. I need to get out of here. But Luna has some things to get off her chest and she makes that clear when she glares at me and shoves me aside before shifting her gaze to Raymond.


"You treated me like shit ever since you came into our lives. You turned my own fucking Mom against me. What type of Mother agrees that it would be best if I stayed with my biological father 10 hours away because I upset her husband?"

She begins to step closer, but I hold onto her waist keeping her where she is. I don't like the look in Raymond's eyes.

"You smile in people's faces then gnash your teeth at me. You act all fucking nice when everyone is around then when they're gone you finally pull off the facade. Then when my father died and I had to come back to this godforsaken place you rubbed salt into my fucking wounds. You're nothing but a snake. A coward. You're the little bitch."

The last sentence does him in and he does exactly what I hoped he wouldn't. He lunges for Luna. I push her aside and block his attempt. Holding him back with my hand against his chest tilting my head in question. Is this really how you want this to go, Raymond?

"Luna we didn't—"

Her brother starts to apologize, but Luna just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "All of you sat along the sidelines and watched." Her laugh is painful.

"Let's go, Luna."

This time she nods, heading for the stairs. I wait until she's up them before releasing Raymond and picking up my phone from the table. He still manages to scoff even in his situation. Then he opens his mouth, unable to know when to shut up.

"So you fold?"

I smirk and set my cards face up looking at my Royal Flush. "Sure, Raymond."

With that, I grab my phone and walk back to my room where I find, Luna sitting on the bed with her knees pulled to her chest as the lamps cast a golden glow against her skin.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Smiling softly, I tug her feet and pull her until she's lying flat on the bed. I kiss the bridge of her foot and up her leg and thigh before stopping at her pelvis and doing the same to the other one. Then I spread her legs to find her bare to me.

"Baby don't you ever apologize for something like that."

"I want to go home. Our home. Can't we just change the tickets out and leave tomorrow."

Sighing, I spread her legs wider and begin to please her with my tongue. I drag the flat of my tongue where she likes it and give her a firmer lick where she needs it. I enjoyed doing this to her, I liked tasting her and feeling that firm, aroused bud in my mouth as her thighs clench and quiver around me.

I wanted to flip her over and rail her into the bed, but I can't right now.


Once again, I give her an orgasm so she can have a goodnight's rest. Then I turn off the lamp and slip in next to her, closing my eyes and holding her tightly until I fall asleep too.

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