《Pride and Ashes: A werewolf Story》Chapter 4: In which I am consumed


Bad dreams

Bad dreams

Go away.

Good dreams

Good dreams

Please stay.

The Blue Moon Ceremony happens once every 15 years.

I would have been four when the last one happened.

Thinking back I don't remember it. That was a time when things were good. When my world was whole and I had people who loved me. When I was too young to know the words starve or work.

I imagine that mother and father sat on the back porch so we could watch the moon. Me in mothers lap, while father ruffled my hair with affection- still able to remember me and love me with his whole heart.

Closing my eyes I can still hear mother's laughter ringing. High like the chirp of a bird, with fathers deep voice accompanying it. The sound was the best music I could wish for.

My fantasy was cut short abruptly by Lizzy's violent shakes and squeals.

"Omy gosh Fayette!" She jumped up and down, grabbing my hands, forcing me to put down the clippers that I had in my hand and jump with her.

"Alpha Bruno just told me you're going with us!" She squealed again and hugged me tightly.

I hugged her back. I was always desperate for love and attention but was good at hiding it.

She pulled away to smile at me.

"I'm so glad," she said. "I was going to ask Alpha Bruno if you could come, or if I could stay with you!" She started to stroke my head affectionately. "I didn't want to leave you here with people who could hurt you."

My emotions almost overwhelmed me. To hide the tears that were threatening to overflow I quickly hugged Lizzy. She laughed and gave me a tight hug back.

"Thanks, Lizzy," I whispered.

"No problem my little sunshine," she said laughing.

We sat down on the porch to the pack house. I had been trimming the bushes before Lizzy arrived, but decided a break was needed.


"I'm so excited you're going," Lizzy gushed. "And maybe if we have time off from work we can catch a glimpse of the Prince!" Lizzy mimicked the emotion of swooning.

I laughed at her silliness. "I thought the Prince was doing a travel around the world or something?" I asked.

Lizzy's eyes brightened at the question. "Yes!" she said, "The Prince is so romantic! He's traveling around the world to find his life mate!" Lizzy started to squeal again.

I smiled at her. I loved it when she got excited and crazy over meaningless topics. In some ways, it helped all of us omegas stay a little sane and remember that there were other things to life.

I got lost in thought while Lizzy explained all the places the Prince had been to.

So he was searching for his life mate. I think I vaguely remember hearing that. When your an omega though, reading through 'Werewolf Weekly' wasn't high on the list of things to do.

Lifemates for werewolves were rare and hard to find. Alpha Bruno told me one time that only 14% of werewolf's found their life mate. Most people did find the love of their life- just not their soul mate.

Mother and Father were life mates, I mused... I winced at the end of their love story though.

I registered Lizzy's voice, jerking me out of my train when she said, ".....when he came I was so excited and nervous I- "

"Wait," I interrupted, "When who came?"

"The Prince, Fayette!" Lizzy sighed and said, "he's so dark and handsome and didn't speak but-"

"What do you mean the Prince came?" I asked. "When did the Prince come?"

Lizzy looked at me with blank eyes.

"Ummmm.... I think.... Ya.....I'm pretty sure he came at the beginning of his search....like....two years ago?" she said, giving me an uncertain look.

"I never met him!" I yelled. "Where was I?"


Lizzy gasped and then started to laugh hard. "Oh Fayette," she said between gasps of breaths, "don't tell me you were working while the Prince came!" Lizzy leaned down and couldn't talk anymore with the hysterical laughter that had taken over her.

"Ya," I grumbled. "Ha Ha, Boo Hoo me. Missed the Prince while I was working!" I smiled at Lizzy who was still laughing and wiping tears from her face.

"I'm sorry Fayette," she gasped, "It's just, ha ha ha ha, only you! This could only happen to you!"

I couldn't hold it back anymore. Her laughter was infectious. I burst out laughing myself.

"I was probably cleaning the toilet!" I gasped.

Lizzy laughed harder. "Then it's a good thing you didn't meet him!"

We couldn't talk after that.

I laughed so hard my sides started to hurt. But we still kept laughing. It was the fact that we were able to laugh. Able to sit on the front porch and be like this that made me not want the moment to stop.

I only disobeyed Alpha Bruno's orders once. Only once in my life did I go against what the Alpha wanted.

"Don't give him what he wants Fayette," Alpha Bruno said, looking down at me with burning gold eyes- letting me know that his anger was getting to him.

I nodded. "I won't," I whispered.

Alpha Bruno sighed and gave me a hug and then left me to go to bed.

That was the only time I disobeyed the Alpha's orders.

I walked inside the house, cringing at the creak the door made.

"Father?" I said into the darkness.

A huddled figure gave a slight movement.

I walked up to it and crouched down.

"My love. You came," my father weakly said, stroking my face. I watched as tears slowly trailed down his face.

I pulled a needle with clear liquid from my back pocket and inserted it into him.

The effect was immediate. His face fell when he realized it was me.

"Dad?" I whispered.

"Fayette," he whispered back to me.

We both stared at each other. I knew he was waiting for the drug to wear out so that he could go back to his delusional state.

I took a deep breath. I found what I was looking for in his eyes.

"I have what you want father."

For the first time in a long time, I saw something in my father's eyes. Hope.


I was jerked awake.

I heard a desperate whisper, one full of pain and sadness say, "Fayette, you need to come with me."

I was lead to the house.

The door opened with a creak.

I didn't call out for father. He was right there.

Lying on his side, staring at a picture of mother.

Scattered around him were empty needles.

'"Fayette I'm so sorry...."

My head didn't register the voices though. I slowly walked up to the fallen man.

The last thing he saw was her.

Not the picture of us.

I knew the guilt was too much for him- the fact that he was leaving me. The fact that he had asked me to help while abandoning me to the to cruel world.

Suddenly I heard screaming.

I felt a prickle of pain on my arm as I looked down and saw a needle with clear liquid in me.

'Oh,' I thought. 'That was me.'

I woke up screaming and covered in sweat.

I quickly covered my mouth though.

How long have I been screaming? Did anyone hear me?

I sat there calming myself for a long time. My heart rattled in my chest, never quite getting back the beat it needed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Y-yes?" I answered startled.

"Hey Fayette," I heard Jane's voice say behind the door, "We're leaving in an hour for Breen Castle. Just wanted to let you know."

I heard Jane's footsteps walk away.

Trying to take deep breaths, my stuttering heart would not be still.

It had been a long time since I was tortured by my own mind.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long chapter! Hopefully, it wasn't too bad

I hope this is not confusing you readers, and maybe ya'll are enjoying it!

Thanks for reading!


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