《Bear Roberts》Chapter Eighteen


I woke up to be snuggling into Bear's chest. It felt nice waking up to him. I have for the last week. We switched from my bed to his every night though.

Even though I argue that his bed was comfier and I should just sleep in there. He said it was his space and didn't want me moving my girly shit in there.

I only wanted to sleep in there!

I was in love with bear by the way. I wasn't gonna deny it anymore. I want to tell him, but I just-

Am a little bitch and have been chickening out.

I giggle as Bear's arms tighten around me and he snuggles his face into my neck. His strong tattooed arms.

I get up before him every morning, so I just look at them.

My favourite was his dragon. It looked so cool and it kind of reminded me of him.

It must of hurt a lot.

I'm still a tattoo virgin.

My fingers were drawing circles on his arm as he slept. I bite my bottom lip when I feel his morning wood against my thigh. Now that has never happened before.

That's a bit surprising actually.

"Bear," I whisper.

He doesn't flinch or anything.

"Bear," I hiss.

He groans. "Fuck off, Daniella."

Oh, so he was gonna play it that way. I can play that game too.

"Bear," I say teasingly, kissing at his neck. I toy with the strings of his sweatpants. "I need you," I whisper in his ear.

"Not now," he grumbles.

"I guess I'll just have to go get Adrian," I say, starting to get out of bed.

I gasp, as Bear pulls me under him, his hand grasping my neck. Not hard enough to choke or bruise me, just there to show dominance. "No other man is ever to touch you," he growls. "You are mine."


"O-okay," I whisper, extremely turned on.

"I'm going to go sleep in my room," he says.

"No," I whine.

"You thought your little stunt would work?" He questions, smirking dangerously. "You can get yourself off."

He gets off of me and storms out of my room.


I get up, not bothering to put any pants or shirt on, following his footsteps.

He was waiting for me, leaning against his doorframe.

I walk over to him and snuggle into his chest, wrapping my arms around him. "I have you around my little finger," he whispers, in my ear.

I hum, putting my hands underneath his sweatpants and grabbing his ass. "I want you." I lean up and kiss him.

His hands grab my face and deepens the kiss. I start to trail my hands to his front, when someone clears their throat. I gasp and pull away from Bear entirely to see-

Who the hell is that?

Bear scowls at the guy. "What the fuck you doing here, Darren?"

This was Bear's older brother.

And I just realise I'm half naked.

I run into Bear's room and grab a hoodie to wear. When I walk out, Bear was making the two a cup of coffee, all the while Darren was sitting on a stool, watching.

"So you must be Danny," Darren says. "My wife talks non stop about you."

"Hopefully good things," I joke, sitting beside him.

"Very much so," Darren says.

"What are you doing here?" Bear asks again, sliding the coffee Darren's way.

"Thought I'd come see my baby brother," Darren says. "That a problem?"

"You could of called," Bear scowls.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Darren murmurs, sipping on his coffee. "Didn't realise I was gonna walk in on something."


I blush and avert my eyes. "Shut your trap, asshole," Bear hisses.

"So what do you do, Danny?" Darren asks.

"I study at Cornell," I answer.

"What you majoring in?"

"Marketing," I reply.

"Nice," Darren says. "You should ask Jay for advice if you ever need it," Darren states. "That guy owns thirteen other beauty parlours across America."

I awe. "I only thought he had the one."

"This one is family based," Darren states. "He cuts the hair, I do the tattoos-"

"Did you do, Bears?" I cut him off.

"All of them," Darren confirms nodding.

"I love the dragon one," I gush.

"Yeah, he made me do that in one whole day," Darren states. "Your boyfriends a freak."

Darren hisses as Bear punches his shoulder, while walking past us.

"I'm having a shower," he says. He kisses my cheek and walks away.

"He's great company," I giggle.

"He loves me," Darren says. "He just doesn't like to show it."

"I hear y'a," I mutter.

"What do you mean?" Darren questions.

"He's just hard to read," I murmur.

"You can tell by certain things," Darren claims. "Like he will do this big thing for you and act like it's not a big deal."

"Well he got me furniture for my room when I moved in," I state. "Then got this guy beaten up for me, who ditched me on my date, then-"

"Wait, The Adrian kid?" Darren questions. I nod. "That was me!"


"I owed him one and he called me the night of, saying I needed to find this guy and scare him a bit," Darren states.

"What did you owe him for?" I question.

Darren frowns. "You don't know?"

"No," I say slowly.

"He went to jail for me," Darren whispers.

My jaw drops. "How? Why?"

"I was trying to support a pregnant Mac," Darren says. "And I got in bad for stealing cars and selling them. When they started getting on my case, Mitchell went in and told them it was him. I tried to tell him no, but he said, there was no way he was letting me miss the birth of my child."

"Oh my god," I whisper, feeling the tears come out.

"When he went in, I just felt so guilty," Darren says. "And then he came out and couldn't even be touched, that I just felt even worse."

"You shouldn't feel bad," I murmur, touching his knee. "Bear wouldn't of taken the fall, if he didn't think he could handle it."

"Thanks," he mumbles.

"Does Mac know?" I ask.

Darren scoffs. "Of course, I can't keep shit from her."

"Okay good," I say. "What about Jay?"

"Jay doesn't, cause he can't keep a secret," Darren laughs.

"Bear does call him big mouth," I state.

I officially love Bear. He's the best guy ever.

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