


I was dragged down onto the floor by whoever this person was. They had a mask on which was covering their face so it was impossible to see.

They loomed over me punching my arm and leg, luckily not my stomach. I used my hands to protect my stomach.

I waited for the right moment. The man was standing over me so I gathered all the strength I could get to kick him in the balls. As soon as my foot connected he instantly doubled over in pain.

I quickly got off the floor even though my arms and legs ached from the beating.

While he was doubled over on the floor I took the opportunity to kick his back so he went face first into the ground.

Once I was satisfied I had done enough to make my escape to the car I ran like mad.

Ohhh this piece of shit picked on the wrong person.

I could see the car now in my vision. I sprinted even faster as I got up to the car.

Alessandro looked up as I approached the car. He had a confused look on his face as to why I was running.

I jumped in the passenger seat, panting.

" DRIVE" I screamed.

Alessandro looked at me concerned but saw that I wasn't playing around so immediately put his foot to the floor and drove away.

I looked in the mirror to see if I could see the man but there was no sign of him.

I put my head in between my legs to try and get my breathing back to normal.

Once I calmed down a little I glanced over at Alessandro and I could see he kept turning to look at me. He looked concerned yet unsure of whether he should ask or ask later on.


" I was attacked " I told him deciding to just tell him everything now.

He instantly slammed on the breaks. Luckily there were no cars behind us. Fuck me, he could of got us killed.

" Alessandro what are you doing. Carry on driving" I told him.

He didn't listen and instead proceeded to ask me questions.

" you were attacked?" He asked calmly.

" yes" I told him.

As he turned to look at me I could see his dark blue orbs were filled with pain

" is the baby okay?" He asked concerned as he reached for my stomach.

" I think so. I protected my stomach with my hands" I assured him.

" can you carry on driving. I'll tell you as you drive " I asked him as I reached out my hand and gently stroked his.

He nodded his head and tuned his attention back to the road.

" I was walking back to the car and just as the cafe came insight a man all dressed in black with a mask on came running towards me. I tried to outrun him but I couldn't. He pulled me back by my hair, dragging me down to the floor. He beat up my legs and arms but didn't touch my stomach. I kneed him in the balls so I could get away. "

" fuck " he muttered

We talked about it for the rest of the ride home.

Once we got inside I was about to go upstairs when Alessandro gently pulled my waist.

" you need to see the doctor " He commanded as he led me into the kitchen .

The doctor was waiting for me already in there. He checked me over thoroughly and the baby too and he said everything is okay.


I'm likely to have small amounts of swelling on my arms and and legs and bruises but nothing else.

It was lucky Alessandro was in the car.

Later that day I was upstairs in my room, doing schoolwork when Alessandro walked in.

He walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. Suddenly I was hungry for more. My tongue started exploring this mouth in places I've never been before. His hands roamed down my back making me feel alive. My hands gently played with his hair.

We both pulled away breathless however still wanting more.

His hands found the clasp on my bra and he hungrily undid it. Then he pushed me down onto the bed. As we kissed his hands roamed my body, lighting up every dull flame inside of me.

End of chapter!

Just want to say thank you for all the votes and reads! Lately I have been getting a lot of votes and I'm thrilled! Hope you guys enjoyed!!!!

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