《Alessandro》The store


Authors note - oh my god I have reached 1k reads!!! I never thought anyone would read this so thank you. I hope you enjoy the book.


I stared into the toilet bowl deep in thought. No I couldn't be pregnant. I'm only 17.

I was sick once more before I decided to get up and go and speak to Leo. I needed to take a test yet I doubt I could go on my own to the shop so I would need Leo to go with me or for me.

I trudged down the stairs trying to avoid Alessandro. I looked in the lounge and thankfully I found Leo sat on his phone. I stood in the door waiting to see if he would notice me.

" Leo " I said quietly causing him to quickly look up.

" Mia are you okay? " he asked concerned as he got up from the sofa.

I guess he could see the slight panic on my face.

" I need to talk to you " he looked at me confused yet he followed me anyway. We walked all the way down the bottom of the garden so nobody could hear us. I sat down on the chair and Leo sat on the one next to me. He repeatedly asked me what I was doing while we walked down here but I didn't answer him.

" Mia what's happening " he asked again

" I might need your help"

" of course I'll help. What do you need help with " he asked in a comforting way as he rested his hand on my hand comfortingly.

" I think ..... " I stopped as I couldn't say the word

Leo still didn't understand what I was talking about so he waited for me to finish my sentence.


" I think I might be pregnant " I blurted out. When the words came out of my mouth it didn't feel real. It felt wrong.

I looked over to Leo and saw him gobsmacked.

" no way" he said getting a bit excited

" I don't know. I need to get a test"

" I'll come with you "

I nodded back to him and we both just sat their thinking.

" Leo what do I do. How will Alessandro act !" I asked sounding defeated and scared.

He looked as if he was about to speak but he shut his mouth again.

" I'm not sure " he said honestly.

The words upset me a little bit. I wanted reassurance that he would be okay with it but now I felt crushed.

" how long have you been feeling like this " Leo asked

" the past two mornings. It only clicked today that I might be Pregnant. I walked into the kitchen and Alessandro was cooking meat and I felt so nauseated. Then I ran upstairs as a wave of nausea hit and I have thrown up in the toilet a few times this morning and just before I came out. "

" okay, it doesn't sound like food poisoning " he chuckled.

" let's go and get a test. I'll just tell Alessandro that we're going to get you some school supplies." He told me.

" okay thank you" I said as he eloped me in his arms.

I waited in the car while Leo was inside telling Alessandro where we are going. My knees were bouncing up and down nervously as I waited in anticipation for him to walk out.

Thankfully around 5 minutes later, Leo walked out on his own. He got in the drivers seat.


" is your seatbelt on ?" He asked me cautiously.

" ummm yes I do know how to put a seatbelt on " I told him in a jokey way.

For the rest of the ride to the drugstore we chatted about random stuff. I did love Leo. He felt like a brother to me and I was thankful for that.

We both got out the car and walked up to the entrance. I took a deep breath and walked inside.

" so where are they" Leo asked questionably

" follow me " I told him as I lead him to the isle.

There were lots of different types . And I'm not going to lie, I didn't know half of them existed. Who knew what one was the best one cause I definitely didn't.

"holy" Leo said as he saw all the different tests.

" I know "

I picked up a five different tests and walked to the till. Leo payed for me and then we left the store.

On the way back we stopped in a store that sold stationary to get something to look like we really did go to get me supplies. I just bought some pens and a note pad.

On the drive back home we were both quiet. So many questions clouded my head. I was deep in thought that I didn't notice Leo open the car door for me to get out.

" you go straight upstairs and into your room and I'll check for Alessandro " I nodded and walked upstairs in a hurry. I turned to look down each corner to check no one from the mafia or Alessandro himself were near. Once I got to my bedroom safely I stuffed the tests in the bathroom cabinet while I waited for Leo.

Around half an hour later Leo came upstairs looking out of breath.

" sorry, I had to help Alessandro for a bit but he's busy now so he won't know we are up here. " he said looking smug with himself.

" well done "

Leo sat on the bed as I walked into the he bathroom and shut the door behind me. I peed on all 5 sticks. I left them on the side while I waited. God this felt like the longest few minutes of my life. When the timer went off on my phone I was shaking. I was scared to look at them yet I knew I had to. I took a deep breath and peered down at the tests. I could see on all of the tests two lines. Oh my god.

I sat myself down on the floor for a minute as I felt a bit unsteady .

Once I felt steady enough I got up and walked out the bathroom. I saw Leo say there tapping his shoe onto he floor nervously.

" so ?" He asked me.

" I am pregnant" I told him.

He jumped up from the bed and hugged me.

" come have a look" I told him as I led him into the bathroom to all the tests.

" wow " he said yet again gobsmacked.

It was this moment that I realised I already loved my baby. Even if Alessandro didn't want it, I was capable on my own to do this.

End of chapter!

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