《Villainess Series 1: Bullying the Male lead》21: Bad


"Greetings to His Highness Nan King." Bai Muro kowtowed.

"Greetings to His Highness Nan King." The other Bai family members and I followed suit.

"Don't stand on ceremony. Thank you for inviting me to your manor."

The male lead attired with his usual black brocade. He looked like a Grim Reaper more and more. Scaring people to death!

"No, it's an honor Your Highness. We wanted to sincerely thank you for saving my eldest child."

Li Han only smiled as the Bai couple guided him to the main courtyard for lunch.

Bai Muro showed too much enthusiasm during the meal to the male lead. People who've seen this affectionate scene might think that the Prime Minister has already taken the fourth prince as his son-in-law.

"Oh, forgive me Your Highness. You must be bored talking to this old man."

The chopstick on my hand suspended in the air. I have a bad feeling about this.

Bai Meili turned to me, "Spring has just arrive. Nü'ér, why don't you show His Highness the Plum Blossom Garden?"

"I also want to come." Bai Yan interjected.

"Bai Yan, behave. Don't be rude to the guest." Bai Muro scolded.

I fixed my twisted expression; barely showing a shy expression. Changing into another tactic, I intentionally blinked my eyelashes multiple times to the male lead just to disgust him, wishing for him to disagree.

'Why me? I'm tired. Don't choose me.'

To my bad luck, Li Han only stared at me blankly then he eventually nodded to my parents; totally acknowledging the trap.

"Jin'er, where's the vase?" I whispered.

"Ah.. here it is, my lady."

I stretched my hand when she noticed my let-me-die-face, Jin'er immediately hid the vase to her back.

"Wait, why do you need it my lady?"


"Give it to me. I need to smash it to my head to stay sane."

"My lady! You can't. Please calm down!"

Hearing the small commotion, Li Han glanced at us who's following behind him on the way to the Plum Blossom Garden. Jin'er waved her hand and bowed her head to beg for forgiveness.

When we reached the garden, Li Han said. "Leave us."

I gulped.

Jin'er showed me her toothy grin before hurrying up to leave, abandoning her master to the hungry dog in the Plum Blossom Garden. The other servants also left even the guards. No one was brave enough to disregard the prince's order.

A shiver run down my spine.

'Mother of Pearls, what dog blood scene is this?'

"How are you feeling?"

Eyes on the ground, I answered. "I'm fine now, Your Highness. Thank you for your concern."

"Do you know him?"

He must be talking about the wolf man.


Li Han stepped forward and I restrained myself not to run.

"So you're telling me that you don't know the reason as to why that person want to kidnap you?"

"No, I don't know, Your Highness."

"Haa. I really don't have much patience. But once I catch that criminal, I'm going to cut him to pieces and feed him to the dog."

My palms started to sweat.

"He dared to threaten me with you? With those filthy hands.. dared to touch my woman?"

I gasped when Li Han grasped my chin, lifting it towards him.

His passionate gaze was telling me that he badly wants to kiss me.

Panicking, "Don't."

He paused.

"Don't you like me?"

I wish the ground could swallow me up.

The male lead leaned more, our nose touching. He placed his firm hand in the back of my neck, making my head unable to back away.


I.. really don't know how to deal with the persistent male lead. 'Author-san, this is not my fucking field of expertise okay!'

"I want to kiss you. I'm too angry. For days, I can't calm down. Just the thought of you being touch by another person. It's driving me insane." Li Han said huskily.

'Ahmm. Can I refuse?'

"I really want.." He heavily panted. "..To kiss you."

"If you kiss me right n-now.."

I swallowed my saliva, feeling a bit thirsty. At my side, my hands clenched into fist. Somehow, I mustered a little bit of courage within me.

".. I'd hate you."

My eyes even dared to glare at the male lead.

He stiffened.

I don't care anymore. Just because he's the male lead, it doesn't mean he can do anything he wants. I'm not the female lead. Li Han can't kiss me! I can't allow him to play with this villainess.

'Male lead, you must stick with your character settings okay?! Hmp.'

When I saw how his pupils turned into slits, my blood ran cold. I think.. I'm seeing things, there were dark clouds forming behind him with flash of powerful lightnings. 'So scary!'

No wonder he's the male lead!

I want to slap myself. How can the 'poor villainess me' dare to instigate a fight with the male lead? I must be seeking death! 'So stupid!'

Whatever. Just kiss me. Isn't just a kiss? I'm matured enough not to give much significance to just a small kiss. I'm not petty for a kiss.

"Y-your Highness.."

Ahh. Coward.

I thought I became stronger and braver. Still a coward person I see. If you want to kiss, just kiss already. 'Stop scaring this villainess!'

Li Han suddenly let me go. I watched how he turned away and walked towards a tree.

I gasped when he drew his sword from its hilt and start striking the tree infront of him.

'Poor tree.' I subconsciously touched my neck then swallowed. Why am I imagining myself as that poor tree?

Li Han threw the sword when it finally broke from his vigorous attacks, then he switched into punching the tree with his bare hands.

He's mad! No, he's butsh*t fvcking mad! This crazy dog is scaring me. Help!

Whimpering, "Y-your Highness.."


I flinched when his red eyes stared back at me. Blood dripped from his fists. His heavy and rough breathing seems like crushing my weak soul.

"Do you know what I'm thinking right now?"

When Li Han moved towards me, I clumsily stepped back in response. Scared, I even almost slipped.

What? Perhaps this male lead is the type of guy who can't accept rejection so he want to attack people in revenge?

"I'm thinking.. of doing something bad."

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