《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 38- "My Blessing" Part- 2



After that calming moment with her mother, Liliana finally felt ready to head to the church, where Frantz and their wedding guests were already waiting.

"Oh darling, you're looking like an angel. You go out there, and you be the best bride you can be." Sandra pepped, and Lili embraced her while saying, "thank you Sandra, for everything."

"It has been a pleasure darling, I'll see you at the wedding."

After that exchange, Liliana and her wedding party headed downstairs. While Lili was in her gown, Chamille wore a peach coral A-line gown, with a split at the left leg. The Flower girls wore white dresses with coral flower petals. The Moms both wore coral gowns, each with their respective styles. The men all wore navy blue suits with coral bow ties.

On the drive to the church, Liliana kept playing with the ivory and coral bouquet in her hands. Though small conversations were made around her, her mind was solely focused on the wedding, and making it through the day without a hitch. It didn't occur to Lili that she had not prepared her vows until the car arrived at the church.

When Liliana stepped out of the limousine, her father was waiting to greet her. When Mr. Chavez saw his daughter, his eyes swelled, his round cheeks blushed rosy as he smiled proudly with teary eyes.

"My, my, you're an absolute wonder." He whispered as he pulled her in and kissed her cheeks.

Liliana giggled, her eyes already watering, and her mother hopped in, "oh stop it you two, or else you're going to make me cry. Come on, it's already past 3:00 PM." She urged, and Lili's father looped his elbow with hers, and Chamille helped carry the bride's train.

Once the party was standing at the door which led to the inside of the cathedral, Chamille hugged Liliana once again, followed by Mariella, then finally her mom. Then they all took their respective places, with Chamille leading the formation.

The doors swung open, and both Lili and Frantz felt their hearts jump simultaneously. Chamille began the parade, followed by the moms, then the flower girls, and ring bearer who was also Liliana's little cousin.

When it was time for Liliana to be led into the church, she squeezed her father's arms, who in turned tapped his hand above her and said, "you look absolutely stunning Lili, you've always made me proud."

"Thank you dad." Liliana whispered before kissing her father's cheek.

Frantz had watched the parade with a smile on his face, but his heart trembled when the doors opened to reveal Liliana at the door with her father. Admiring gasps could be heard throughout the room, and Frantz felt himself fill with glee, wonder, and amazement. Without realizing it, Frantz ran hand above his mouth, and tears began to spill from his eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off his bride, and his father, placed an encouraging hand on his shoulder, squeezing it proudly.

Liliana looked absolutely amazing. Her father escorted her with pride, but as upon seeing Frantz's tears, Liliana released a teary chuckle of her own, squeezing her father's arm even more. Lili felt her chest swell with unspoken emotions, and it all reflected in Frantz's shining eyes as he gazed her way, while Liliana was being led down the aisle. The crowd was in awe of the couple's emotional show of affection, and when Liliana and her father almost reached the altar, Frantz made his way down in haste. Mr. Chavez kissed Liliana's cheek, and shook Frantz's hand, before handing Lili over into Frantz's embrace.


Frantz eagerly grabbed on to Lili's elbow with his own, kissing her cheek as he whispered, "I am falling in love with you all over again." Liliana felt herself flush red, her heart fluttering as Frantz simply smiled and led her to the altar, where they stood side to side.

Priest John smiled down at Frantz then looked over at Liliana before looking out onto the crowd.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man, and this woman in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. If any person here can show cause why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." Upon saying this, the Priest took a pause, allowing a respectable amount of time for anyone to speak, if they wished to do so, but no such disturbance was made, and so the Priest breathed with a pleased smile, while the couple breathed in relief.

"Marriage is a sacred union between husband and wife and shall remain unbroken. It is the basis of a stable and loving relationship and is a joining of two hearts, bodies and souls. The husband and wife are there to support one another and provide love and care in times of joy and times of adversity. We are all here today to witness the joining of Frantz Cavalier and Liliana Chavez. This joyous day celebrates the commitment and love with which these two have decided to start their lives together. Through God, you are joined together in the most holy of bonds. Who gives this woman in holy matrimony to this man?" The Priest asked, and Mr. and Mrs. Chavez replied in harmony, "we do."

The Priest nodded in a humble manner towards the parents, then he spoke, "before we continue the ceremony, do the bride or groom have personal vows to share?"

Frantz spoke, "I do."

"Go ahead." The Priest prompted, and Frantz turned and faced Liliana, holding her hands as he smiled at her, and she smiled in return, and after taking another breath, Frantz began, "Liliana Chavez, from the day you walked into my life you began shaping me into the man I am today. I never expected to fall so hard for a woman who speaks her mind, and has such strong will as you do. You taught me the meaning of patience, you taught me to appreciate what I have and what I have earned. With you, I feel like I can reach the stars and go beyond. Only you could have made me switch from a bachelor to a married man. You mean the world to me and if it wasn't for you my love, I don't know where I would be today. I love you with every cell in my body, and it is an honor to call myself your husband. You are my blessing. I love you." Frantz concluded, and Liliana smiled as she reached up and wiped his tears away.

The crowd laughed and cheered on Lili's actions but her shining eyes were solely glued on Frantz's eyes, and the priest, taken by their exchange, cleared his throat as he said, "and Liliana?"

Liliana looking up at the priest for a quick second, and back at Frantz also took a deep breath as she spoke, "Frantz, as I said before, you are the most persistent and stubborn man I have ever met, and yet that's exactly what drew me to you. When we first met, I never thought we'd be standing here, happy and in love, but you and your stubborn persistent ways won me over, and now, I don't want to imagine life without you. I love you, with all my heart, you are my blessing, and knowing that you'll be by my side from now on, I'm not afraid of tomorrow. I love you."


Liliana's vow caused the crowd to gush and make adoring comments. The priest smiled with pride down at the young couple, then looked back at the crowd, before turning to Frantz.

"Do you, Frantz Cavalier take Liliana Chavez to be your lawfully wedded wife and live together forever in the estate of holy matrimony? To love, comfort, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Frantz replied without wasting a breath. His hastiness earned a few chuckles around the room, and he smiled.

"Do you, Liliana Chavez take Frantz Cavalier to be your lawfully wedded husband and live together forever in the estate of holy matrimony? To love, comfort, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Liliana replied with a confident smile, earning another round of chuckles from the crowd.

The Priest nodded, and beckoned the ring bearer forward. Holding the rings in his hand, the Priest blessed the bands, then followed through the ring exchange ceremony.

"The wedding ring is an unbroken symbol of the everlasting love and commitment between man and wife," then he handed the ring to Frantz while prompting, "Repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed." Frantz repeated as he slipped the ring onto Lili's ring finger, causing a chill to run over Liliana's spine as she smiled and blushed, then the Priest prompted her to do the same thing, and Liliana performed a similar action by slipping the ring on Frantz's finger and saying, "With this ring, I thee wed."

As she did this, Frantz felt a sudden relief wash over him, and he smiled in absolute joy.

Priest John lifted his hands and declared, "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. With the power vested in me by God and the state of Florida, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Frantz released an even brighter smile, and he pulled Liliana closer, caressing her cheek before leaning down and kissing her slowly. A member of the crowed whooped, then another howled before the crowd broke out into celebratory cheers. Liliana laughed, as Frantz pulled away before pecking her lips again, then they faced the crowd, and lifted their joined hands above their heads. The crowd cheered wildly, and Frantz began leading Liliana out.

In the limousine Frantz showered Liliana with kisses and she laughed and giggled at his kiss attacks. He held her flushed against his body, and constantly kept kissing her.

"IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!" He muttered and Lili just couldn't stop laughing.

The couple had planned a swift get together for the family and guests, because Frantz planned a multi-trip honeymoon starting in Florida, to Rome, to France, and finally Spain. When the couple entered the reception venue, they were welcomed with warm cheers and excitement. The families embraced the newlyweds, the DJ had already started entertaining the crowd, and the event begun well.

Soon Liliana danced with her father, then she had her first dance with her husband, and finally came the moment where he had to search for the garter. Liliana was seated in a chair, and already her face was hot. Chamille cheered her on, and Frantz got on his knees. The moment he did so, Liliana let out a nervous giggle, and almost hid her face in her hands. Frantz winked at her, and Liliana felt like she had went to heaven and back.

He didn't ask her which leg, instead, he decided to find it for himself. First, Frantz picked up Lili's left ankle. He caressed his fingers over the back of her foot, and Liliana felt a heat rush to her face, as the wedding guests looked on and cheered. Frantz knew he could tease Lili however much he wanted, but decided to ease some of the stress. He ran his hand along the length of her leg, and Liliana laughed as she fanned her hot face, causing the crowd to hoot at their interaction.

Liliana felt Frantz's hand glide over her knee, and to her inner thigh. His hands caressed her skin around, but he didn't feel the garter, so skillfully shadowing his finger over her underwear, an almost evil glint shining in his eyes when Lili's lips parted in surprise and in slight arousal, his fingers then found the garter on her right thigh. He allowed Liliana to feel the motion of his fingers curling around the lacy material's elastic band, and he smiled pleased when she squeezed his hand in between her thighs, before he swiftly pulled it from under her gown, and lifted it for all to see.

The crowd went wild, and Liliana's face was on fire. Frantz kissed her, and she was able to relax a little bit, but now all that lingered on her mind was the feeling of his touch on her skin. There was the burning sensation of his shadow on her inner thighs, and Liliana felt the more she breathed in his scent, the more aroused she became. Frantz was well aware of the many time Liliana squeezed his muscles in a suggestive manner, and he knew that sooner or later, they'd have to be alone.

However, the wedding guests did not seem too eager to go home any time soon, and instead the bride and groom were sent off to their honeymoon. Liliana kept her goodbyes with Chamille and her mother swift, because the last thing she wanted was for them to say something risqué in her ears, and make her even more nervous than she already was.

Frantz decided to take Liliana to a resort by the beach for the first two days of their honeymoon. During the car ride, Liliana began feeling her nerves building up with every passing second. Though she leaned her head against Frantz's shoulder, and their fingers were intertwined together, Liliana couldn't help but feel slightly anxious. Her heart thumped harshly in her chest, and though Frantz's thumb caressed the back of her hand, Liliana feared that he could hear just how nervous she was.

Frantz and Lili made small talk mostly reflecting on the wedding ceremony and the reception, until they reached the resort, where the hotel staff prepared exclusively for the newlyweds' arrival. Lili and Frantz were led to their room, and by then, it was late in the evening, and the moon was shining high above the dark water of the ocean, which could be seen from the patio doors in the couple's room. Liliana entered the room first, and smiled in wonder. A king sized bed, arranged in white sheets, covered with rose petals in the shape of a heart was the first thing Lili saw. Then to the left of the bed, a few feet away was a glass wall, with white curtains, and double door leading to the patio, which led to the white sand, and ultimately the ocean.

As Liliana looked around the room, she absentmindedly found her fingers running over the soft white sheets, and Liliana blushed as she remembered the first time she was caught feeling Frantz's sheets on the plane. Lili had babbled so much that just the thought caused her to mentally face palm herself. Lost in thought, Liliana almost forgot that she wasn't alone in the room.

Frantz entered after Liliana, closing the door as softly as possible. Frantz could tell that Liliana was nervous, and as much as he wanted to spend the night with her, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her or traumatize her. He knew that Lili's last experience with a man did not go well so Frantz planned to be as cautious as possible. Grabbing a red rose from a bouquet by the door, Frantz approached Liliana, snaking his arms around her waist, he handed her the rose.

Lili grabbed rose with a smile then giggled when Frantz landed a kiss on her neck. He hummed against her body then whispered, "how are you feeling?"

"Just a little nervous." Liliana replied faintly, with a stomach full of butterflies, and extremely sweaty armpits.

"You know that I won't hurt you or force you to do anything you don't want to right?" Frantz asked her, and Lili smiled as she leaned into him completely and replied, "I know. I'm gonna head to the bathroom." Liliana concluded, then she turned and kissed Frantz deeply before she headed to the bathroom, making sure to grab her bag, which the staff had happily brought to the room.

When Liliana closed herself in the bathroom Frantz decided to sit on the bed. He loosened his tie, and unbuttoned the first few buttons on his dress shirt. He also unbuttoned his cuff links, and rolled his sleeves back, then he waited. For a moment, Frantz had forgotten what it felt like being in a bedroom with a woman, and where it was usually just for pleasure, with Liliana it was more than that. There was a level of intimacy which he felt suddenly swelled in his chest. Something he had purposely avoided since Christina's betrayal. The thought that he would soon have Lili in every possible way made Frantz both happy and nervous at the same time. As long as he pleased her, that's all that mattered.

A few steps, a wooden door, and a bolted lock away, Liliana stood looking at her reflection in the mirror. She had removed her wedding gown, and had slipped on the lingerie she had bought from the mall. Her hair was now unpinned and loose on her back. Her face was make up free, and the only cosmetic on her body was the body spray Chamille made her swear to wear tonight.

Liliana looked at herself in the mirror and began to have a pep talk with herself. The last time she had prepared herself to sleep with Frantz, the situation felt forced. She wasn't even his fiancée at the time. But now, she was married, and Liliana told herself that she had nothing to be afraid of. Taking in a deep breath of confidence, Liliana walked towards the door. She understood that the moment she swung that door open, there would be no going back. Liliana was aware of this when she placed a sweaty palm against the cold golden door knob, on which the warmth of her hand outlined on the golden metal. Liliana gave herself a mental count.




Then she opened the door.



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