《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 37 -"My Blessing" Part- 1



"Tomorrow's the big day, how are you feeling?" My mom asked, as she brushed my hair, before platting it for the night. We were currently at Frantz's suite. His mother pretty much kicked him out earlier today, and turned his suite into the bride's headquarters, and I wasn't against it.

I looked at my mom through the mirror, and smiled with a nervous sigh, "I feel everything and nothing all at once." I explained, and my mom nodded her head as she said, "yeah sounds about right." She squeezed my shoulder, and I laughed along with her, then without saying anything else, she kissed my forehead, and bid me goodnight. Mariella and Chamille had already turned in for the night, and I was the only one awake. For some reason I was not sleepy.

I was rather calm in comparison to a few days ago. After my talk with Chamille, I headed home feeling less anxious, and to my surprise, Frantz had been waiting for me. I hadn't expected him to return until the weekend, but he flew in early just to see me before the wedding. He took me out to dinner on the beach that night, we spoke of everything and nothing. We joked, we laughed, and we just lived.

I saw him earlier this morning, but Mariella was so skeptical about him seeing me so close to the wedding, that we didn't even have a chance to say hello. And now here I sat, thinking of nothing else but him.


I paced around the living room, a floor below from my suite, where Lili was most likely trying to rest up for the big day. Yet in my mind, sleep was the farthest thing. I just couldn't seem to memorize my vows. I paced up and down, and in my peripheral vision could see both my father's and Mr. Chavez's eyes watching me. I was nervous, anxious, and my brain wasn't working at this point.

"Weren't you the one who wrote the vows?" My father quizzed, "of course I was." I replied, running my hand through my hair.

"So why are you freaking out? You wrote it, just read over the vows a couple of time, breathe, and let your mind relax. You're making a fuss out of nothing." My father explained, and I turned to him as I replied, "gee thanks dad, that makes me feel a thousand times better." I couldn't help my sarcastic tone.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes before drinking the last contents of his glass cup. Meanwhile, Mr. Chavez who had been watching me lose every bit of my confidence over the past few hours finally decided to speak up.

"Alright, have a seat." He said, and I frowned before sighing and sitting down.

"As awkward as this may get, I'll ask it anyway, what is it that you love about my daughter?" He asked me, as he fixed me with a firm glare, and I felt my neck warm up with nerves. Being stared down by the father of your future bride was not the easiest place to be in.

I felt my palms warm up and moisten with sweat as I cleared my throat and felt the urge to loosen my collar, then I spoke, "well, I love her smile, I love her strength. She is a very headstrong woman. When I am with her, I fear nothing because even before I slip, she'd catch me. Liliana makes me feel like a man. When I'm around her, I feel like I could be whoever I want to be. I don't feel the need to be cold or guarded around her, I can be myself, and she loves me for it." I spoke with ease, and with every praise I spoke, I felt my nerves melt away, until I was now staring back confidently at Mr. Chavez.


He stared at me a bit longer, but my gaze did not waiver, then he clapped once while leaning back and opening his arms as he declared, "there it is. You see the way you just spoke that with ease, without stumbling, that's because it was not rehearsed or memorized. It's something you know. A vow is not a speech, and as long as you speak of your true love, then you have nothing to worry about. Do you understand what I am saying?" He asked me in the end, and I nodded while saying, "I do, thank you."

"No need. Now, how about you take a moment, clear your mind, then head to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day." He explained, and I smiled shaking his hand while saying, "thank you. Have a good night."

Once Mr. Chavez headed to his room, I turned to my father who had watched our exchange in silence.

"Do you feel ready this time?" He asked me, and I shrugged as I replied, "I was ready for a long time dad, it was just the matter of finding the right one."

"And find the right one you did. Liliana is a lovely girl Frantz. I see the way you look at her, and that's why I'm not worried about you tomorrow, or any day after. That girl loves you, and you love her just as much. I am proud of you son. Now, I'll leave you to gather your wits, just don't stay up too long." My father spoke, and I smiled, feeling a sense of pride and fulfillment fill my chest.

"Merci Papa." I replied in his native language. He smiled, and tapped a hand on my shoulder blade before passing me by, and heading up to his room as well.

Finally alone, I sighed, and sunk myself on a seat. For a while I thought of nothing, then my eyes slid over the phone, and before I knew it, I was dialing the number to my suite, turned into the bride's suite.

Liliana answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" She answered softly.

"Il mi amore." I answered.

"Ciao Signor Cavalier." Liliana replied, repeating what I had taught her a while back, and I smiled like a total goofball before replying, "save the dirty talk for the bedroom my love," and I could feel my heart skyrocket to cloud nine when Liliana giggled on the other side of the line.

"You're such a goofball." She pointed out, "and yet you're absolutely in love with me." I replied, and I could imagine Lili rolling her eyes as she replied, "yes, whatever helps you sleep at night sir."

"I miss you." I admitted softly, as I leaned my head on the back of the armchair where I sat.

"We saw each other this morning." She pointed out, but I could tell she was smiling, "yeah," I frowned then added, "but we didn't even get a chance to talk."

"True..." I heard her admit, and I gasped dramatically as I said in a mock appalled tone, "are you finally letting me win an argument? My, my, this is a grand day."

"I let you win arguments sometimes." She was quick to defend.

"Getting defensive are we?" I teased, and she sighed as she asked, "did you just call me to tease me?"

"No." I replied in a straight tone, "I called you to tell you that, I can't wait to make you my wife tomorrow." I finished, and Lili sighed as she replied, "and I can't wait to call you my husband."


"Lili?" I called out, and she replied, "yes Frantz?"

"You do know that I love you right?" I asked in all seriousness, feeling my heart beat with harsh thumps, as if pumping out jugs of love through my veins for the girl which sat across the phone, "and I love you with all my heart Frantz." She replied, and I sighed in relief, always pleased when I hear her reciprocate my feelings.

"I should go get some sleep." I muttered, my eyes suddenly tingling as I yawned widely, and Liliana sighed as she said, "alright my love. I'll see you tomorrow."

We hung up the phone, and I headed to bed.


I hung up the phone with Frantz, and while he sounded sleepy on the phone, I was still wide awake. For some reason, there was a heavy feeling weighing on my heart, and I just couldn't bring myself to go to bed yet. I ate some of Frantz's ice cream from the freezer, I watched an episode of Friends, I had a mini dance party, and yet no sleep. The clock was racing towards midnight, yet my heart raced as if it was pumping at twelve in the afternoon. The later it got in the night, the more anxious I became. I mean, why couldn't I sleep?

Then finally, at 12:01 AM, there was a knock on the door.

I looked at my phone just to be sure that the time on the clock was correct, and when I noticed that it was, I frowned and looked back at the door. Another set of knocks sounded. They were not rushed, they were not urgent. In fact, they were soft, almost friendly.

Knowing that this was the only door on this floor, I figured whoever it was may have gotten lost. Or maybe it was Frantz trying to surprise me. Shrugging, but gulping nervously, I headed towards the door, and opened it to find none other than Christina with mascara running down her face, her eyes red and puffy, her red lipstick smeared across her pouty lips as she spoke in a slurred tone, "well, here comes the bride."

She shoved passed me, and stumbled into the suite, and I stared on shocked and speechless.

I looked after the disheveled blonde, with a blank mind and closed the door as I followed after her. I didn't even try to think on how she found out where I was, I was mostly worried about the state she showed up in. She was wearing a dark red sweat suit, though the jacket was unbuttoned, with one of the sleeves hanging off her right shoulder. Her blonde hair was in a curly mess, with a few knots, and the smell of smoke and alcohol hung on her shadow like a signature perfume.

I sunk myself on the sofa facing her, my hand on my knees in a harmless manner, as I studied her. Her glossy eyes looked over at me, and then she started crying. She placed her face in her palms, propping her elbows on her knees as she sobbed and sniffled. Meanwhile I sat there like Casper the ghost, just watching the show, but making no attempt to comfort her.

Was she drunk? Was she bitter? Was she hurt?

I didn't know. So I waited for her to get it together. She continued to cry for a few more seconds before she picked her shoulders back up, and wiped away her tears.

She looked back at me, and I kept a straight face, hopefully void of any emotions, though I was sure that my confusion, and slight surprise was well displayed on my brow.

"Damn, it hurts even more because you're actually a passable beauty." She muttered to herself, and I simply kept a straight face with pursed lips.

"Can I help you Christina?" I asked, unsure of her motive for this unexpected visit.

"So we're on first name basis now?" She asked in a snarky tone, and I shrugged as I said, "I don't know your last name so, I'm just trying to be courteous. What are you doing here?" I asked again, feeling more and more excited and worked up. Her unexpectant presence was throwing me off balance. I wanted her gone. The last time I saw Christina, she almost ruined my relationship with Frantz, and now she shows up on the eve of my wedding with him. I had to be careful.

Christina looked at me, before opening her mouth and sticking her tongue in the crevice between her left upper canine and molar teeth, her eyes studying me before she declared, "He was meant to be mine. He wasn't supposed to move on or love anyone else but me." And I felt my eyebrows rise before I made an 'oh' with my mouth, then I pursed my lips forward and nodded. I understood her problem.

So Christina was bitter.

"And How long were you planning on waiting before getting back with him?" I decided to entertain her self-centered ego.

"Well that's the thing. I expected him to get over the betrayal, I expected him to stop licking his wound, swallow his pride, and crawl back to me. If he wanted to have me, he would learn to live with my faults and decisions." Christina spoke selfishly, and I smiled and said, "unless he found someone to treat him like a king, and love him as he equally as he does of course." I couldn't help the proud and slight sarcastic smile on my lips.

"Of course." Christina said with a bitter chuckle.

"Guess the latter came true." I pointed, unable to stop the soft smile which covered my lips in that moment from widening even more.

"I guess so." Christina hummed, then she nodded as she added, "you take care of him, he deserves that."

When she said this, I felt the urge to shut her up by saying 'don't tell me how to treat my husband', but I figured she was already suffering enough, rubbing it in her face would not make her feel any better, so instead, I nodded softly and smiled as I said, "I will."

Christina nodded, then without saying another word, she stood up, though slightly unsteady, she began making her way towards the door. The closer she got to the exit, the more I felt a sudden pressure weigh on my mind. A feeling so suffocating, that I did not feel relief until from my lips blurted the words, "Christina, would you like me to pray with you before you leave?"

At my words, Christina froze in her steps. Her shoulders stiffened, and she turned with an erect posture while asking with a disgusted scowl, "Why? What are you a Saint or something?" and I shook my head and replying, "No, none of that. But I want to pray with you anyway. I can tell that you are not okay, and I just want to help you find some comfort. In a sense, I owe you Christina." I admitted, and she frowned and asked reluctantly, "what are you on about?"

With a sigh, I stood up with relaxed shoulders, and decided to approach her. When I felt close enough that she wouldn't be able to hit me, I clasped my hands together while saying, "believe it or not, you Christina, were my blessing in disguise. Without knowing it, you helped me find the love of my life. And now I want to help you. If you will accept it." I explained, and Christina scoffed before she crossed her arms and looked away.

"I don't need any help. I am perfectly fine. I am doing great." She declared, but it felt forced, and I frowned. I didn't speak, and for a moment, neither did she. I wasn't sure for how long we stood there in complete silence, but eventually I began feeling a bit sleepy.

"Well I should probably let you rest for your big day. Have a good life." Christina suddenly declared, then she turned sharply as she swung the door open, and led herself out in haste.

"God be with you Christina..." I whispered quietly as I looked after her until she disappeared into the elevator, without turning around. I closed the door, and leaned my head against the surface. I closed my eyes, and my heart no longer felt heavy, yet I couldn't help it when a lone tear escaped my right eye. I breathed out a shaky breath, before I locked the door, and finally felt ready for bed.

The next morning I was startled awake by the arrival of Sandra and Mario. Sandra's boisterous tone downstairs managed to find it's way to my ears as she spoke loudly, "Where is the bride? Bring me the bride!"

Then a few moments later, I heard a set of steps climbing the stairs, then my door burst open as Sandra made her way into the room. I wasn't ready to leave my bed. I felt so tired, an aftermath of heading to bed late last night. It was already 12:00 PM, and the wedding was at 3:00 PM. I couldn't believe that I slept for over ten hours, and yet I still felt tired. I guess it explains why Sandra was so close to having a heart attack.

"Oh my!" She said in an appalled tone, "Darling what are you doing?" She asked, as she began ripping the sheets away from me, taking away my warmth, causing the cold to freeze away any remaining ounce of sleep I had left in my body. My mom appeared in the doorway, and shrugged apologetically as Sandra began to rush me out of bed.

"Do you know what time it is? You're getting married in less than three hours and you're still in bed? Now straight to the shower young lady, I need to have you so smoking that Frantz will sin in front of the priest." She babbled on and on as she shoved me towards the bathroom, before I could even blink properly.

When Sandra closed me in the bathroom, I placed my head against the door and muttered a quick morning prayer. Once I was done, I headed to the sink to brush my teeth, and then I saw my reflection, then my heart jumped out of my chest as my eyes widened.

Today was the day.

Holy cow!

I am getting married today.

Before I knew it, I pulled the door open in haste, and found my mom still standing at the door. I lifted my arms above my head as I screamed, "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!"

I began cheering out of nowhere, and my mom joined in. The noise attracted Mariella and Chamille, and when they walked through the door, I screamed again, "I AM GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" Then my mom added, "SHE'S GETTING MARRIED TODAY!"

Then Chamille jumped in, "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED TODAY!"

And I screamed back, "YEAH!" and we I started jumping up and down feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. Sandra looked at the watch on her wrist, then back up at me in horror. I know how she loved working on schedule, but I just had to let the adrenaline loose.

I'm getting married today!

And then it hit me.

I'm getting married... today. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and it's as if all the energy left my body in a flash, and I stopped jumping, my bones suddenly feeling like a heavy burden for my skin and muscles. My entourage noticed the change in my energy level, and I heard Chamille mutter, "uh oh..."

"She's going down." Mariella pointed, and I felt myself sway from left to right in a dizzy manner, before I finally swayed far enough that I fell into my mom's arms.

My mom laughed as she said, "Well at least we know she's having the proper reactions. Come on honey, get it together. A nice warm shower, and you'll feel much better." Then my mom ushered me back to the bathroom. Back in the bathroom, I looked at my reflection again, feeling overwhelmed with feelings, and yet completely numb all at once. My head was heavy, my heart was pumping faster than that of a car's piston, my stomach was boiling with a tornado of butterflies, and my skin felt clammy and damp. But then, all these feelings seem to cancel each other out, and now I felt as if I was floating. It was hard to get in touch with my nerves at this point, so without wasting any more time, I brushed my teeth, then headed in for a shower.

When I stepped out of the shower with a bathrobe around me, Sandra rushed me to the closet, where I put on my underwear, and a garter, which caused me to blush at the idea of what would happen because of this garter. Once I was done, I applied lotion and spray that Chamille had purchased on my skin, then still in my bathrobe, I was once again rushed downstairs where I found my moms and Chamille with their hair already done by Mario's team.

My mom had managed to find two of my little cousins to be flower girls, and they looked so cute in their buns, and white dresses. I smiled as they ran about, and Mario ushered me to his chair. As soon as I sat down, one of his team members began working on my feet, while another group member worked on my hands, and Marco started with the hair pulling. With the dress I had chosen, Mario decided to go with a fancy low bun, as I'd like to describe it, and once he was finished, he saw to my makeup.


While Liliana and her wedding party were getting groomed upstairs, Frantz a floor below was fidgeting with his bow tie. Frantz woke up earlier that morning. He had already ran in the gym, lifted a few weights, ate a hearty breakfast just to past the time, and now the clock was winding down and he was starting to become nervous.

His father who had watched him for a while called out to him, and Frantz went over to his father who began fixing his tie.

"Alright son, just breathe alright? Everything is going to be fine. Now have a shot of scotch, and let's do this." His father pepped, and Frantz breathed slowly before nodding and flashing a tight lipped smile to his dad.

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