《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 36- "Pre-wedding Jitters"



Over the next 6 months, life for Frantz and Liliana would change drastically. The night of the proposal, upon noticing Frantz's display of affection, one of the main developers from Madrid, Spain was part of the audience. As soon as the congratulations dissipated at the party, Frantz was approached by the developer, Mr. Cardenas, who offered Frantz a contract to build a new hotel in Madrid, the capital of Spain.

Upon hearing this offer, Frantz was struck silent. It had always been Frantz's dream to have a hotel in Madrid, except, he never wanted to do it himself. When someone invested in his company, it created more profit and revenue, versus when Frantz started from scratch in a new city. Frantz had called his father over, and the three men began speaking over the contract.

While the men were busy spreading to new avenues, Mariella and Mrs. Chavez assured Frantz that the wedding, and Liliana would be taken care of. Frantz found himself constantly flying to and from Spain. His time with Liliana had become extremely limited, and the sudden distance was beginning to take an emotional toll on their relationship.

"How long are you staying this time?" Lili asked, as she held the phone close to her lips, and spoke in a hushed tone, while laying down in her own hotel suite. While Frantz had to focus on the new hotel, Liliana was back to flying with her regular clients. She was currently spending the night in New York. She had flown the Dunns this morning, and would be returning with them to Florida the next day.

"Well," Frantz sighed, and Liliana could tell that he was physically tired, "I have to stay until next week because our contract was just approved by the government. We start meeting with the engineers and discussing the basics tomorrow. Then we have to go scout for the best merchandise, and meet with vendors, and so on, and so forth." He concluded, then yawned.

Liliana nodded, blinking quickly. She had not seen Frantz for the past three weeks, and it had been a month since they had been engaged. Liliana looked down at her ring, and before she knew it, tears had blurred her vision. Liliana shook her head softly, closing her lids, letting he tears escape quietly over her cheeks, like a culprit trying to sneak away from the police.

Frantz noticed that Liliana had gone real quiet, and he sighed pressing his palm against his forehead as he closed his eyes, and gulped back a lump which suddenly formed in his throat. He missed her so much, and could only guess that her silence was a reflection of the heart wrenching pain he was feeling sue to their distance. Frantz couldn't remember the last time he kissed her, and held her body against his. He wanted to go home to Liliana, and have her by his side at all times.

"Lili babe, are you okay?" Frantz decided to ask quietly. Liliana on the other end of the line blinked and swallowed back the rest of her salty tears, as she sniffled and nodded before realizing that he couldn't see her, "yeah, I'm alright, just a little tired is all. And I miss you." She added in the last second. Liliana figured she could be as honest with Frantz as possible. They were engaged to be married anyway. There was no point in being shy with him at this point in their relationship.

"I miss you more." Frantz mused, and Liliana chuckled as she replied, "no I miss you more."


"Do you really want to turn this into a competition?" Frantz challenged, and Liliana giggled as she added, "Oh you're on mister."

"Well I miss you so much, that my heart constricts with every syllable you speak." Frantz explained, and Liliana felt her heart flutter as she pushed back, "well I miss you so much that I can barely blink without seeing you standing in front of me."

"I miss you so much, that my fingers tingle at the memory of your soft skin." Frantz hummed, and Liliana placed a cool palm against her hot cheek, unable to stop smiling, but not ready to let Frantz have the last word, "And I miss you so much, that I can practically feel your arms around me."

Liliana heard Frantz release an audible breath through his nostrils, and she could easily picture his jaw ticking as he slowly grinded his teeth. Something he did when the tension between them got under his skin. And she loved when that happened.

"Ready to give up yet?" Liliana dared, making sure her voice dropped a few octaves. Over the days of dating Frantz, Liliana picked up on a few tricks on how to tease Frantz so much, to the point where his knees would go weak, and he was ready to pull his hair out. A trick she used whenever she wanted to get back at him for teasing her.

Frantz released another slow breath before he asked, "Do you really want to go there Liliana?"

"Sounds like you're scared." Liliana decided to push back, and Frantz released a dark chuckle which caused Liliana to feel a tremble run through her lower abdomen, in a manner which made her breath falter for a moment, and she absentmindedly crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together, hoping to ease the pressure of the tingles forming in between her legs.

Liliana licked her lips, and swallowed a gulp, waiting for Frantz's next tease bullet.

"Oh I am not scared my love, but you on the other should not get so comfortable. I miss you so much that in this very moment, I want nothing more than to pin you against the wall and kiss you so hard, you'd have to beg for me to stop." Frantz spelled out, and Liliana could hear his European accent clearer than the light of day. So Frantz was really aroused. Liliana blinked quickly and gulped again, as she drew in a breath, attempting to build her strength.

She knew that playing this game with Frantz was really dangerous, and slightly unfair given her abstinent promise, and his celibate state. The sexual tension could be felt across the phone line. Liliana's palm moistened around the phone's beige exterior, and Frantz gripped his so tight, his fingers may soon smash the plastic object.

"Well I missed you so much, that I'd want your fingers to dig into my skin and squeeze my thighs so hard, that I'd bruise and remember you every time I see the marks." Liliana fired back, and Frantz felt his excitement jump in his trousers. Liliana was giving him a run for his money.

"I see you like playing dirty Ms. Chavez." He remarked, his teeth squeezing and nipping at his bottom lip, while he imagined it to be Liliana's skin.

"Only when I am provoked Mr. Cavalier." Liliana was not going to back down, though the stirring in her loins was begging her to not push past her limit. Liliana hated that Frantz always won these sessions. He always knew how to get her to stop pushing him. But not this time. He always won the teasing sessions, but Liliana was not ready to give up so fast.


"You talk the talk, but can you keep your word?" Frantz dared, and Liliana closed her eyes. He actually went there.

Liliana hissed, then she blinked and pouted. Yep, he had won. Over the phone, Lili was braver than a lion, but as soon as she came face to face with Frantz's dark chocolatey eyes, it was game over. Whenever his form towered over hers, his warmth caging her in, his intoxicating scent entering her nostrils, Liliana would become as mousy as a prey facing a hungry predator. Face to face, Frantz had all the control.

"You don't play fair." Liliana finally submitted.

"As you like to remind me every time I stop you from throwing me over the edge." Frantz noted with a smile, and Liliana sighed as she closed her eyes, suddenly feeling real sleepy, but in love all at once. Taking Frantz on over the phone proved to be rather tiring. Between the waves of tremors in her lower abdomen, and the squeezing of her thighs together to help ease the tension which had grown over the last few minutes, Liliana was suddenly feeling really sleepy. Frantz on the other hand was simply excited.

"Babe?" Frantz called out, and Liliana hummed a response, though her eyes were closed, and she had begun drifting off to sleep.

"You know that you're a blessing to me right?" Frantz asked softly, and Liliana smiled softly, "and I thank God for you everyday. I love you so much. I know right now with the new contract things are a little difficult. I miss you so much. I wish I could call you my wife already and take you with me everywhere I go. I don't want to spend another moment away from you, but I am doing this for you. Our future, and hopefully the future of our children. Now you sleep my love, and I will see you soon."

Liliana was serenaded to sleep by Frantz's lullaby, and when she didn't reply, Frantz registered a soft snoring across the line, and with a tired smile of his own, he made a smooching sound with his lips before ending the call.

The next few months following that exchange, Frantz and Liliana would only get to spend a few hours together in between flights and business trips. Liliana tried to not let the stress of their distance get to her, and instead tried to focus on the wedding. When things did feel too heavy on her mind, Liliana would turn to her gospel music, and allow that to clear her mind. Whenever they were apart, Liliana found herself praying more and more often for Frantz. She often prayed that his flights were safe and without any mishaps or turbulence, and Liliana found that she couldn't breathe easy until he called her to let her know that he had landed.


The past few months flew by quicker than I could blink. And now the wedding was only a few days away.

"Lili, are you alright my love?" my mom asked me, as I sat in a daze, my eyes blank, my mind even less interesting. The closer the wedding day got, the more anxious I felt. And it was beginning to show.

"It's just the pre-wedding jitters, I am sure." Mariella added, and I blinked before I forced a smile on my face, as the driver pulled up to the wedding dress shop. I had picked my dress weeks ago, but had to get it tailored to fit me more comfortably. Today was the day to try it on before the wedding. Frantz's suit, along with my dad's and his father's were ready. Chamille's dress as my maid of honor was also prepared. Frantz and I had agreed on a small wedding, of only a few guests, including my regular clients, and some of the employees.

Frantz had only one special request for me, and that was for me to allow Priest John, to bless the wedding. Apparently, this was the same priest who had spoken to Frantz the day after Carlos had assaulted me. Frantz recognized that the Priest's advice helped boost his patience, which led to our relationship solidifying. Frantz was grateful, and so it was settled that out wedding would be blessed by Priest John.

Mariella and my mom had worked like a well oiled machine over the past few months. Booking the church, preparing the venues, and every little detail needed to make the wedding a success. All Frantz and I had to do, was show up to certain appointments in time. Whether it was at the tailor's shop, or at a menu tasting event, our mothers took care of everything, and for that I was grateful.

I realized that the closer the wedding got, the more nervous and dumb I became. My heart was constantly trembling. My lungs were just not functioning properly. I was always zoning out, and I could barely stomach any real food, except for cake and thin crust pizzas.

"Dear God, she's looking as pale as a ghost. Maybe way worse than me around the time I was getting ready to be married to her father." I heard my mom remark, and I blinked shaking my head as I reassured, "mom, I'm fine really. It's just six months ago, the day seemed so far away, but now, it's only less than three days away. I'm not ready. I don't have my vows, who knows if my dress will fit, since I've been stuffing my face with thin crust pizza and cake and M&Ms, and-"

"Liliana." My mom called out, stopping me from ranting on and on, "it's alright," she coached, as she caught my eyes, and breathed along with me.

"I'm scared. Mom, I don't know how to be a wife. What I am supposed to do? How am I supposed to live with him? I-" I could barely finish the sentence without choking up. I thought I had more time to prepare. Six months was not as much time as I thought it would be.

My mom shook her head, and she seemed prepared to speak, but Mariella beat her to it.

"I got married to Frantz's father at the age of seventeen. I didn't love him then. Barely knew him. My parents were farmers. His parents ran the town. When we met, he made it known that he wanted to have me as his wife. When we first married, I was petrified of him. He wasn't a cruel man, he never laid a hand on me, but he was arrogant, proud. He knew what he wanted, and he didn't mince his words. I had to improvise as I went, until one day, I took a chance to really look at him, and that's when it happened, I began falling for him. My point Liliana, there is no rulebook to being the perfect wife. And here, you have an advantage. You've already matured as a young woman, and you have a strong mind. You already know Frantz like the back of your hand. You love him. That love that you feel for him, you have to bring that into your marriage. It's hard work, there will be good days and bad days, but your love is what will make the marriage work. Everything else will fall into place as it should." Mariella advised, and I breathed slowly, as I shook my head, and blinked my tears away, my heart slowing down just slightly.

"And do you know what I really love about you Liliana?" Mariella asked, and I shook my head as I admitted softly, "No."

"I love that you bring God in the middle of everything you do. After our family lost Franco, we were in a really bad place. Our divorce papers had already been drawn up, and the next thing was that my husband and I would discuss custody terms for Frantz. The day before we met with the lawyers to sign the papers, I went back to my home town, and went directly into the small church where I had grown up in. Frantz was with me. When I got there, I prayed and cried like I had never done before, and I didn't open my eyes until the man I fell in love with lifted my chin from the ground, and dried my tears. Do you know what he said to me? With teary eyes, he said, 'I knew I would find you here. This is where I first saw you and knew I wanted to be with you, and here I was reminded of the promise I made you on that altar'. Point is Lili, you keep your faith, and you keep it strong. It'll come in handy." Mariella spoke, as she held my hands, and tapped her palm over my hand.

I sniffled and giggled as I looked down, and my mom rubbed my back.

"I will." I nodded softly, and Mariella smiled while saying, "now how about we go in there, and see if the cakes and thin crust pizzas have really made a difference."

With a soft chuckle from each of us, we exited the car, and entered the shop.

The dress I chose was an A-Line, off shoulder straps, with a sweetheart neckline. The off white material was covered with white lace appliques, and a cathedral veil which also served as a train. My shoes were Ivory heels, with similar lace patterns on my ankle strap and because they wouldn't be visible, I chose moderate height heels, something comfortable. Something I could clearly avoid breaking my neck in. I mean who wanted to break their neck on their wedding day because of high heels? Certainly not me.

When I entered the fitting room, and one of the staff members helped me into the dress, I could barely breathe. I felt lightheaded as the zipper began gliding upwards along my right ribcage. I was so afraid that the dress wouldn't fit, I had not realized that the door was open for me to walk out and show my moms the final result. When I stepped out of the dressing room, my mom's face had me ready to burst into tears.

"Oh my," Mariella whispered, as she placed her hand against her flushed cheek, meanwhile my mom's eyes were wet with tears.

"Mom?" I called out with a groggy voice, before I gulped nervously, waiting for her approval.

"You make such a beautiful bride, my, you're going to stun the crowd. Oh my darling, you look absolutely stunning." She complimented, and I sighed in relief, though my stomach could only expand that far, given that breathing room was now really limited, thanks to the cakes and thin crust pizzas.

After that tearful and emotional trip to the shop, I dropped my moms off, and then met up with Chamille, who requested that I meet with her at the mall. Except she wouldn't tell me why we were there. I embraced her in greeting as she sighed and said, "alright come on." Then she hooked our elbows together, and began leading me into the mall.

"What are we doing here?" I chuckled, and Chamille replied casually, "well, as maid of honor, your mom has assigned me to one specific job she felt was more suitable for our relationship. We're going to pick out the lingerie you're going to wear in order to have Frantz lose all his common sense." At Chamille's words, my mouth ran dry, as I blinked quickly.

I was so caught up with the wedding, I didn't even think of what would come after. The honeymoon.

"Oh, uh uh, nope," Chamille began shaking her head upon noticing my face which had drained of blood and suddenly felt really cold, "don't even get that weird look on your face as if you didn't think this would happen. Now we're gonna go in there, and you're going to pick something that will have Frantz drooling in seconds."

"But- But-"

"Ah, no buts." Chamille cut me off, just as she dragged me into a Victoria's Secret store. At least she went to a place I was familiar with.

"Now, what do you usually buy from this store?" Chamille asked me, as we entered he dimly lit space, with various bra and panty displays, along with overpriced perfume and cosmetics.

"Boy shorts and T-shirt bras." I admitted proudly, just as one of the perky associates approached us with a smile on her matte burgundy painted lips.

"Hello, welcome to Victoria's Secret, my name is Sasha, are you ladies looking for anything in particular this afternoon?" Sasha greeted, and before I could speak, Chamille spoke up, "yes, my dear friend here is getting married in a few days, and she is in desperate need of a thong."

My jaw hit the floor.

Sasha did not appear fazed, instead she smiled and said, "Ah I see, I think I know exactly what you're looking for."

"Oh it doesn't have to actually be a thong, I'm perfectly fine with a pair of boy shorts." I cut in quickly, and Chamille added, "just make sure it's something naughty enough." And I shook my head. You just had to love Chamille.

"Right this way." Sasha smiled at our exchange before leading us past a few displays, until we reached an area with a few rather revealing sets of underwear.

"So we have this style," Sasha explained, as she pointed to a mannequin wearing a black and red singlet with lace details, ending just above the mannequin's upper thigh. The sheer fringe details added to the flow of movement, but was thin enough that anyone's skin and belly button would show. The sweetheart neckline along with the pinned fashion just below the chest, accentuated the breasts, with a full on cleavage of the mannequin's boobs. The sheer material revealed the lacy boy shorts underneath. As my eyes ran over the material design of the set, I felt my face heat up at the thought of Frantz admiring me in this piece. Heck I was admiring the mannequin in this set of clothing.

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