《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 35- "The Proposal"



The next day, Liliana woke up feeling both nervous and excited. She had called her parents the night before when they had reached the hotel, but her parents did not answer, and earlier that morning, she called again and received no response. Lili also called Chamille, but just like her parents, she did not answer.

While at breakfast, Liliana told Frantz about it, and he simply replied, "I'm sure they're either sleeping in, and maybe occupied, don't worry, you'll be able to hear from them soon." He reassured, but that did not ease Lili's worries. Throughout the day she attempted to clear her mind by thinking about the upcoming ball, and how she'd have to face Frantz's crowd. Liliana then thought about what she would do if Christina showed up.


I sat in the living area, sipping on chamomile tea, my index finger tapping my cup as I compensated what I would do if I saw Christina again. Well for one, if it came down to a confrontation, I'd rip her a new one. After I let Christina manipulate me, and push me to the point of almost forcing myself on Frantz, I knew I had to grow a pair and tell her to back off. As much as I hated name calling, Christina is a snake, and as far as I was concerned, she was hissing a little too close to my man.

Besides my worries about seeing Christina, I was still feeling uneasy about my parents and not being able to reach them. There was also a constant flutter in my stomach, as if something big was going to happen soon, except I didn't know what it was. Maybe it was just excitement for tonight's ball. This would be my third time attending a ball with Frantz, but only my second time attending a ball with him as his girlfriend. I guess I've always felt nervous whenever I had to mingle in his world. Yet there was still a lingering excitement in the back of my mind which just wouldn't go away. Whatever it was though, I only hoped it was good news.

When the time came for me to get ready for the ball, which Frantz seem more than anxious to attend, there came knock from the door, and swinging it open, I was met with a "Daarliing!" from Sandra, who, even though I knew her real name, I still think that Edna fit her better, and of course Marco.

This time, when Sandra entered the suite, I noticed that she only carried one dress in her arms, and Marco had his usual to go make up section. I welcomed the pair in with a bright smile, and left them to set up, while I rushed to her bathroom for a quick shower. When I had just exited the shower, the phone in my room rang, and initially I thought it was my parents, but then I realized that it wasn't.

I didn't mean to sound disappointed when I answered the phone, but my soft, "hello?" was just that.

"Hey babe," Frantz answered rather anxiously, "are you alright?" He asked, and I could feel his frown through the phone.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just weird that my parents are not answering their phones you know? I'm getting kind of worried. If I don't hear from them soon, I might have to fly back tomorrow." I explained as I sat on the bed, and began applying lotion on my skin.

"Oh, I'm sure they're fine. Listen, I think Marco and Sandra should've arrived by now right?" Frantz asked, and I replied, "yep, I'm just stalling to avoid getting a pencil jabbed into my eyes."


"I, my love, cannot relate, but I'm sure you'll be fine." Frantz replied, and I smiled as I noted, "well you sound pretty excited about tonight, is there something I should know?" I questioned, the flutter coursing through my lower abdomen again, as soon as I asked the question.

"I'm just looking forward to spending the evening with you." He cooed through the phone and I smiled as I replied, "mmh hmm, okay."

"You don't believe me?" He asked carefully, and I replied, "it's not that I don't believe you, it's more like, I keep getting this excited flutter in my stomach, as if something is going to happen, so I don't know, maybe you have something up your sleeves." I noted without even realizing, and Frantz chuckled while saying, "sorry to disappoint my love, no surprises tonight, just a million kisses on your cheek, and my undivided attention. I know it's not much."

"Alright you corny hopeless romantic, I have to go, I can hear Sandra calling out to me. I love you." I finished, and Frantz replied, "I love you."

I hung up the phone, and giggled like a schoolgirl before heading down to Sandra and Marco, after putting on my undergarments.

When I entered, Marco instantly beckoned me over, and the hair pulling begun. I winced, and cringed, and winced again, my sensitive scalp finding Marco's touch to be rather torturous. But after my eyes had watered a few times, and my nose had burned, Marco finally finished my hairdo, and now I had another thing to cry about. The dreaded eyeliner.

By the time my faced had been beaten and patted with sponges and powders I didn't even know existed, Sandra pulled me from my seat without allowing me to look in the mirror. I knew my hair was upwards in a bun, and I knew that I had mascara and lipstick on, but I did not know what the final result was.

"Oh Darling you look like an entire platter of desert. Frantz is not going to be able to keep his cool tonight." Sandra admired, as she escorted me over to where the dress sat in a black zipped bag. Till now, I had not seen the dress, but just as Sandra pulled the zipper back to reveal the royal blue material, I once again felt the slight flutter in my stomach.

When Sandra removed the dress, and held it up for me to see, I felt my hands fly to my face, as I gasped in wonder.

"Don't touch the face!" Mario suddenly warned, and my hands dropped quicker than a falling cinder block.

In Sandra's hand, hung a satin royal blue, floor length dress, with a sweetheart neckline and off the shoulder sleeves. There was a laced girdle detail in the back, and the soft shiny material was absolutely beautiful. I had no words to describe what I felt while looking at the dress.

"Well don't just stand there looking at it, try it on." Sandra urged, and with their assistance, the dress was soon comfortably fitted around my body. I was still not allowed to look in the mirror until my matching royal blue heels have been put on.

Sandra spritzed expensive perfume over my skin, then finally looked my way and sighed as she asked, "are you ready?"

"Yes I am." I nodded eagerly, and then she instructed, "alright then, you may turn around." And with a nervous breath, I carefully turned around, and acknowledged my reflection.


"Oh wow..." I whispered, as I noticed the natural make up, with blue eyeshadow darkening my eyelids, my eyebrows trimmed and clean, and my lips painted red. I began to blink quickly, my eyes filling with tears. I was overwhelmed with emotions, but Marco quickly stepped in, "you look absolutely gorgeous darling, but there is no need to cry. Your prince charming will be here soon."

And just as I took a deep breath to stop myself from crying, there came a knock from the door. At the sound, my heart jumped in my chest, as I drew in a sharp breath. When Sandra opened the door, Frantz was there, looking so handsome, I fell in love with him all over again. He wore an all black suit, with a satin royal blue bowtie, and a matching handkerchief in the side pocket.

"My, my," he hummed in appreciation, "you look absolutely stunning." he mused, and I blushed.

"Thank you." I murmured softly, as he approached me and landed a swift kiss on my cheek, to avoid a scolding from Marco.

"Marco, Sandra, thank you." Frantz acknowledged the stylists, before he led me out of the door. On our way through the hotel lobby, Frantz escorted me in the most charming manner, and in the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Delia, and she did not look so confident now. By holding on to Frantz's arm, I was able to walk without tripping, though I could feel the hotel guests looking at me from left to right.

"You're so gorgeous, they can't help but stare." Frantz complimented and I giggled shaking my head but I did not reply.

In the limo, Frantz appeared nervous. His hands kept shifting from tapping his knees, to his index finger tapping his lip, and almost unconsciously, every once in a while, his hand would brush over the area where I believe his jacket pocket to be.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, because now he was making me nervous.

"Uh yes and no. Yes because you're with me, no because I'm going to have to give a speech today, and I haven't practiced much. In fact I haven't even written it." Frantz explained and my mouth fell as I said, "so how did you plan on delivering this speech?"

"Well, I was sort of thinking of just winging it." Frantz shrugged, and I shook my head at his laid back nature while echoing "winging it? Well I guess, you have the confidence, so I think you'll do just fine." I replied encouragingly.

"You really think so?" Franz asked, and I nodded with a smile.

And he breathed in relief as he said, "Well let's find out shall we? We're here." And just as he said it, Armagio pulled up to the red carpet, however, this time, there were less paparazzi, and Frantz and I were able to make it through the crowd without much of a struggle, and for that I was grateful. Just as we stepped foot into the hall which led to the ballroom, I once again felt the flutter in my lower abdomen. My heart also skipped a beat, and my chest fluttered as well. I thought of my parents in that moment, and once again hoped that the flutter and my unknown excitement was due to soon to come good news, rather than anything bad or tragic.

Frantz hooked our elbows, and with a "shall we?" He led me into the hall.


As I led Liliana to the ballroom, my heart thudded so harshly in my chest, I feared Lili would hear it. I had been really anxious since this morning, and Liliana was slowly picking up on that. Every step I took echoed in my ears, as we got closer to the ballroom, where I would ask Liliana to marry me.

This would be the second time I'd be proposing to someone, except this time around, it felt different. When I proposed to Christina, I did love her, or at least I tried to convince myself that I loved her. But the proposal felt forced, the choosing of tuxedos felt forced, even going to book the church felt forced, and when I walked in on her in my bed with another man the night before the wedding, I realized that it was me who forced the relationship to go to the next step. Christina was along for the ride and fame, and the publicity.

But now with Liliana, walking towards our future with our elbows looped, it feels more natural. I love her and she loves me. And that's all I needed to boost my confidence.

I escorted Liliana to the ballroom, where we were welcomed by the host, and led to our table. This was an exclusive party, and not a lot of guests. It was just perfect. My mom had worried about a crowd, but I had planned it perfectly so that Lili would not be overwhelmed. There were no unwanted guests at this party, and my engagement to Liliana would not be ruined by any unwelcomed individuals.

As usual, Lili and me mingled with a few of the guests. We sipped on champagne, Lili smiled, I looked at her, kissed her cheek, and repeat. As we moved from guest, to guest, I looked across the room and began to notice my invited guests around the room. Chamille was sitting to a table on the far side of the room, but was blocked from view by another guest. Lili's parents were sitting at a table close to the bar, so I made sure to keep Liliana's gaze in the other direction. My parents were also sitting with Lili's parents. My mom smiled encouragingly my way when our eyes met, and I smiled back, thanking her for the vote of confidence.

I made sure Liliana was thoroughly distracted from the very start of the evening, and when she began to whisper in my ears that the heels were suffocating her pinky toes, I led her to a table where neither our parents' position, or Chamille's position were in our line of views. The hired musicians played smooth ballads, and as the night progressed, Lili and me indulged in casual conversations.

She seemed more laid back than before, and appeared to be enjoying herself.

At some point I lost a grip and began staring ta her like a total creep, with a bright smile frozen on my face.

"What is it?" She asked me as she blushed and slightly frowned.

"Nothing, I just think that this lifestyle suits you. You interact well with everyone, and make me look less mean and threatening." I commented, and she looked down then away as she giggled and replied, "well someone had to tame you, might as well be me."

"Why couldn't it be anyone else?" I questioned quizzically, though her smile was infectious.

"Because you're my man." She declared, and my heart jumped with excitement.

"Ooo, possessive much?" I questioned, and she simply shrugged as she said, "call it what you like, but it's the truth."

"Well I like the title of being your man." I muttered, before I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Once I pulled away, I checked my watch and realize that it was almost time for me to do what I came here to do. At the thought, before I realized it, my hand brushed over the small box inside my jacket pocket, and I sighed shakily, feeling a bit nervous. I cleared my throat, and leaned towards Lili as I spoke, "so listen, I figured out what I want to do for my speech." I spoke, all this part of my plan.

"Really? That's great." Lili encouraged, and I just loved the idea that she was my cheerleader, and she encouraged me even when she wasn't too confident of my motives.

"Yeah, but I need to you assist me." I explained, and the color instantly drained from her face.

"Me?" She asked, pointing to her chest, and I nodded with a goofy smile.

"What am I going to do?" She asked, looking around nervously.

"Nothing much. When I give you the cue, all you have to do is say yes." I explained, and she blinked in uncertainty as she said, "okay," though her voice did not sound too confident.

"Alright, the host will be calling us soon." I nodded and smiled. At least the first part of the proposal was complete.

Now for the moment of truth.

The host ceased the music, and took a moment to thank everyone for coming. Though the crowd was small, there were plenty of witnesses for what I was about to do. Once the host finished expressing his gratitude, he invited me to the microphone, and standing up with my heart beating in my throat, I extended a hand to Liliana, who took it gracefully, and we began making out way towards the microphone, as the guests began to applaud.

I led Liliana through the ballroom, and she walked beside me in such a graceful manner, no one could tell that her heels had murdered her toes. She had such poise and confidence, I felt my heart thrum in honor of being able to be loved by this woman. The entire walk towards the center of the room, I found myself reciting Psalm 23, something about it just brought me comfort. I don't know, maybe it was because I now associated that Psalm with Lili. Whatever it was, it was doing the trick of lowering my anxiety.

When we reached the microphone stand, and all the guests had finished applauding, I finally let go of Lili's hand and cleared my throat as I began, "ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Sky High Incorporated, and on behalf of this fundraiser, I'd like to bid you all welcome, and thank you all for your generosity and donations." When I paused, another round of applause followed, and Liliana clapped along as well, her smile confident.

"When my grandfather founded the company, he made a sole promise of giving back to the community in any way he could, and through my father, and me, this promise has lived on, and it is an honor that you all seem willing to join in and help provide support for the humanitarian crises around the world." Another round of applause. Liliana by my side could not stop smiling, and her pride was directed at me, which caused my nerves to melt away completely.

Even now, her eyes remained glued on me, and she had not realized that there were a few familiar pairs of eyes looking our way. And it was time to make her notice.

"I believe that when we donate, whether it comes to mind or not, it is our way of showing that we love and care for others, and when it comes to loving others, I may know a thing or two." I stated, earning a few chuckles around the room, "we all have people we love, whether it's our parents, or our significant others, or the secret stash of forbidden snacks hidden from your wives and husbands," I pointed, earning another wave of laughter in the room, "we all know what love is. Well ladies and gentlemen," I sighed, as our parents were revealed in our line of view and Chamille joined them, and in my peripheral vision, I notice Liliana take notice of them, and she frowned in curiosity, "There is one person I love dearly in this room," I continued coolly, as I swiftly removed the box from my pocket, while Liliana was distracted while staring at her parents, "it's this beautiful woman, right here." I announced, and Liliana's eyes snapped to me just as I got on one knee, and she gulped before her mouth fell open.

Upon registering my position, Lili's hands flew to her mouth, as several awed gasps could be heard across the room. She began sobbing even before I spoke. And that caused me to get teary eyed, as I opened the box and revealed the diamond ring.

"Liliana, from the moment I met you, you have proven to me that some things are not just handed to me, instead they must be earned, and you allowed me the honor to earn your love. And now here I am, asking for you to be my wife. Liliana Chavez, will you marry me?" I asked, keeping my proposal short and simple, and saving the rest for my vows. As she giggled and sobbed at the same time, I almost whispered, 'that was the cue', but before I knew it, she nodded eagerly as she said, "yes. Yes!" The she leaned down and kissed me, then ring still in my hands.

As we kissed, and I straightened myself, the other guests at the ball erupted into cheers and applauses as our parents began to approach us. When we pulled away from the kiss, I placed the ring on Lili's finger and kissed her one more time, before our parents separated us.

Liliana was instantly engulfed in her parents' arms as she giggled and cried at the same time while saying, "I was so worried, I called and no one answered."

"Well we were already here sweetheart. Oh baby congratulations my love, I am so proud of you." Her mother also cried, then Liliana was pulled into the arms of her father, who kissed her head as he said, "well my baby girl is officially grown up."

After they embraced, Lili was congratulated by Chamille, who couldn't stop smiling, and then we traded parents, Lili's parents welcomed me to the family, and my parents embraced Liliana as they kissed and welcomed her to our family.

When Liliana returned in my arms, we shared a kissed which would forever be engraved in my mind. Liliana Chavez was officially my fiancée.


Hey guys!

So here is the first update this week. Like I said in my earlier announcement, I will try to complete this story this week. So expect a few more updates throughout the week.

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