《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 34- "The Ring" Part- 3



I woke up the next morning with Liliana cocooned in my arms. Her face was snugged in the crook of my neck, and I embraced her in my arms. I smiled softly at the feeling of her body in my arms, and realized that this is how I wanted to wake up every morning if possible. I kissed her head, and she snuggled closer in her sleep, humming softly before a soft snore erupted from her nose. I wanted to laugh at her cute actions, but I didn't want to wake her since she looked so peaceful. But now that I was awake, my elbow was quickly starting to cramp up, and I realized I'd have to move my arms soon, even though I didn't want to disturb Liliana.

After waiting for a few minutes, my arm had completely numbed over, so as softly as I possibly could, I removed my arm from under her form. She muttered in her sleep again, and decided to turn over and change sides, but before her back could fully flush against me, I pulled myself out of bed, not wanting a repeat of yesterday morning. When I was fully out of my bed, I headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I headed back to the room.

Liliana was still sleeping, so I didn't even bother to wake her, and instead headed downstairs to order breakfast. After I did that, noticing I had a chance, I dialed the number I had stolen from Liliana from the very first night she spent at my place. While the phone rang, I felt completely calm and collected, but then she answered on the other side of the line, and all of my composure and confidence flew out of the window quicker than a burglar in the middle of the night.

My heart trembled against my ribcage, and my fingers suddenly moistened around the phone while I cleared my throat awkwardly before I chose to speak.

"Good morning, Mrs. Chavez, how are you this morning?" I greeted, smiling softly, though my heart felt like it was beating in the lowest pit of my stomach.

"Frantz is everything alright?" her tone urgent and worried.

And I replied in haste, "yes, yes of course, I'm sorry if I startled you." I wanted to face palm myself, "oh, well alright. How have you been?" She asked casually, and I responded, "well, thank you. Listen, the reason for this call is I wanted to know if I could come by and see you and Mr. Chavez later today. Lili and I are currently in New York, but I can take her home, and then fly over to you in a few hours. There is something I would like to discuss with you." I explained, my left index finger absentmindedly tapping on the counter, a way to destress on my part.

"Oh well of course." Mrs. Chavez replied enthusiastically, and I smiled in relief, my heart calming just slightly.

"Alright, well I look forward to seeing you later." I bid, and with a reply of her own, we ended the phone call.

Just as I hung up the phone, the door bell rang, and I opened it and allowed the chef to enter and set the table for breakfast. Once the young man had done so, I tipped him, and as soon as he left Liliana came downstairs, no longer dressed in her night wear from the previous night, but instead in one of my large shirts and pair of sweatpants. And I did not hate the view.


"Good morning." She said softly, her cheeks flushing with a slight blush, her fingers playing with the hem of my shirt.

"You're stealing from me again." I teased, as I approached her, and she looked away before clarifying, "more like long term borrowing."

"Mmh hmm, sure." I hummed, and I pulled her in my arms, and kissed her.

She kissed me back eagerly, but I pulled away, hoping to avoid any tension so early in the morning. She smiled at me in a mischievous way and I realized once again she was teasing me. So I did the next best thing. I got her back.

I pulled her into my chest suddenly, and kept her pinned to my body. Her hands were flat against my chest, her eyes wide and expectant. I looked into her eyes, as her eyes searched mine, and I caressed the back of my right fingers against her cheek, before tracing her bottom lip with my thumb.

She opened her mouth an in anticipation for a kiss, and I leaned down and allowed her to feel my lips before I whispered in a promise, "one day, you won't get away with teasing me like this." Then I pulled away, and walked towards the table, knowing very well, she would be fuming, meanwhile I was smiling from ear to ear.


He did it again.

He got me again.

I don't know how he continuously managed to catch me off guard. I know it's not the smartest choice to tease him but it's always so fun, until he gets me back that. But that part's fun too.

I followed him to the table where breakfast was set, and I smiled as he said, "I ordered something for us to eat before the flight back. I have to drop you home, and then I have an emergency to take care of out of state." He explained causally, as he pulled my chair out, and allowed me to sit down.

"What kind of emergency?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me, though I didn't make it a habit to question him about his whereabouts. I trusted him.

"Oh you know, standard company stuff. All the details will bore your head off." He brushed, and I smiled as I shrugged and explained, "not really, I could always pretend that you're speaking Italian." And it wasn't a lie. I loved it when he speaks Italian, it was soothing and sexy at the same time.

"Mhm and I bet you love it when I do that, don't you?" He questioned as he sat down, and we began plating our plates with pancakes, bacon, croissants, and scrambled eggs.

"I won't answer that question." I replied while trying to hide my smile. I couldn't let him in on all of my secrets.

"And why not?" He asked, raising a sexy eyebrow my way.

"Because..." I shrugged, and he rose his eyebrows before saying, "of course."

I chuckled at his response and we began eating. While we ate breakfast, we kept making eye contact with each other, and I felt myself falling for him all over again. My encounter with him last night proved to me that he loved me. Where he could've taken advantage of my vulnerability, he sheltered me instead. It seems ever since Frantz came into my life, he'd been somewhat of a savior for me.

When I first came in contact with him, had someone told me that I would love him this much, I would've laughed, and possibly thrown the person off the plane. And yet here I was, madly in love with Mr. Cavalier.


Where I initially thought him to be rude and insufferable, turns out he was just trying to keep himself from getting hurt again. And maybe I wasn't always the kindest towards him, but he sure as heck put up quite a fight.

"You're staring at me as if I was a pancake." He mentioned, and I started laughing while shaking my head, "do I look delicious to you?" He questioned, and he started making faces he deemed as sexy by pouting his lips and giving me a profile view, and I couldn't stop laughing.

When I finally got my laughter under control I explained, "yes, well I always thought you looked as delicious as a piece of red velvet cake." I clarified, and he sighed rolling his eyes.

"Mhm, I don't mind that." He smiled, and it was my turn to roll my eyes and shake my head, even though I couldn't stop smiling.

"You know that I love you right?" He said after we had stopped laughing, and my heart jumped to the sky as I replied, "and I love you too."

After that exchange, we finished breakfast and headed to the airport. The flight back home consisted of my reading, and him working away on his laptop, with minimal flirting between us. When we landed, he made sure to drive me home, but he did not come inside.

He dodged my questions by blinding me with kisses, and then he left before I could pry too much about his standard company business trip. I tried not to let my mind wander too much, and instead decided to clean around my house to pass the time.


While Liliana busied herself with sprucing up her home, Frantz was quick to return to the airport, then he was on his way to Georgia. Once he reached the state, he had arranged for Liliana's parents to meet him at his hotel, and when he arrived, he greeted them with his heart on his sleeve.


"Mr. Chavez, Mrs. Chavez, it's good to see you." I greeted, though I was a nervous wreck. I guess it was a good thing I wore a black suit to meet them, or else they would see just how sweaty my armpits were.

I extended a hand to both parents, but Mrs. Chavez skipped the handshake and simply pulled me in her arms, and greeted me with an embrace. I chuckled at her kindness, and then we sat down to eat.

For a while we indulged in casual conversation, a stalling technique on my part to allow me enough time to gather my wits. I hadn't been this nervous since the second grade when I had to stand in front of Mrs. Perrybowl's class for a science presentation. Time was passing quicker than I had anticipated, and that did not ease my nerves one bit. My heart was thrumming against my rib cage, and my breathing felt faulty in my lungs. My palms felt sweaty, and before I realized it, my leg began bouncing under the table.

"So Frantz," Mr. Chavez spoke, "I understand you had something important to discuss with us?" He asked, and I cleared my throat as I replied, "eh hem, yes, actually," I nodded, then gulped, before I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the box containing the ring.

The moment I did so, Mrs. Chavez brought her hands to her mouth as she frowned, her eyes swelling up with tears even before I had opened the box. When I did open the box, I placed it in front of them, and I released a shaky breath, my nose tingling with nervous tears as I cleared my throat again and finally said, "I wanted to know if I could have your permission to marry your daughter."

"Oh my..." Mrs. Chavez whispered, looking at her husband just as the tears finally spilled from her eyes. Mr. Chavez also looked at his wife in amazement before he looked at me, his face slightly flushed.

"Y-You want to marry my daughter?" He questioned, as if in disbelief.

"Yes, I love your daughter, with all my heart, and I don't want to waste any more time. I want her to be my wife. I want to start a family with her." I declared confidently, my nerves no longer a bother.

Mr. Chavez looked once again at his wife, who reached across the table and clasped her hands over mine as she smiled and cried at the same time. She looked at her husband, and nodded, and Mr. Chavez looked back at me and released an emotional chuckle as he shook my hand and said, "well of course son, of course you have our blessing." He gave my hand a hearty shake, and I released a relieved chuckle of my own and we exchanged further pleasantries, before we decided to exit.

"So how exactly will this happen?" My mom asked, as I sat on the plane, on my way back home.

"Well, I was thinking of taking her to Rome. It's the first place we ever went to ball, and there's one happening this weekend. I wanted to fly her parents and Chamille out there, and you guys could join me. She wouldn't know anything, until the day I propose." I explained, as I imagined how I would propose to Liliana.

"A ball? That's quite the public statement don't you think?" my mom questioned, knowing that I was a very private person.

"I know, but I'm not ashamed of my love for Liliana mamma, nor am I ashamed to show to the world that yes I love her, and I have chosen her as my wife." I explained, unable to stop myself from smiling.

"Well I am proud of you son, your father is too. Will you let me know when you get home?" She asked, and after I agreed, we ended the call. I leaned back against my chair, and sighed with a smile. A few days from now, hopefully, Liliana would be my fiancée.

The weekend arrived quicker than I expected, and soon enough Lili and I were flying to Rome. She was in her modest hostess outfit, and yet she made it sexy.

"Mr. Cavalier," Liliana called out to me, and I looked up into her eyes from seat with a sly smile and responded, "yes Ms. Chavez?"

"We spoke about this." She said, looking down with a deep blush.

"Spoke about what?" I asked casually, my eyes running from her head to her toes.

"That." She pointed then added, "when you're looking at me like you're undressing me with your eyes."

"Mmh..." I simply hummed, unable to stop myself from admiring her beauty, "I want a kiss." I said suddenly, and her eyes widened before she blushed and said, "I'm trying to work."

"I know, but still, come on just one kiss." I begged, and Liliana sighed and said, "you always say that, and then I give you a kiss, and then you ask for more, and so on..." She trailed off, as I bit my lip at her. She rolled her eyes and giggled as she said, "you're making my life difficult."

"I am not." I denied, and she sighed before looking back at me and replied, "okay fine. One kiss." She clarified, and I smiled like a boy on Christmas morning.

She approached me, but what she did next I did not expect. She stood close to me, then bent over as she placed her hands on my shoulders. She caressed her palms around my neck, then down my chest. As her hands lowered, the small cleavage of her shirt came in my line of view. I admit it, I looked, and then I gulped. She caressed her hands over my belt, and I felt my body twitch in my pants. She steered clear of me down there, and simply rested her hands on my thigh.

She leaned in, placing her nose near my ear and neck, as she breathed in my cologne in the most sensual manner, then she ran her lips over my cheek, and towards the corner of my mouth. Her left hand squeezed my thigh, and her right hand grabbed my tie. She pulled me by tugging at my tie, and just when our lips were about to meet, she said, "I'll kiss you, when I'm no longer on the job." Then just like that she pulled away, leaving me clueless, and somewhat bothered.

I looked at her receding form and swaying hips, and I felt like panting after her.

She sent me a devious look over her shoulder because she knew very well what she had done, and I had no comeback so I simply remained in my seat, mute and dumbfounded.

When we landed, Lili didn't say a word to me. She simply kept a victorious smile on her face, and I felt cheated. It was my job to tease her and leave her high dry, but now the tables seem to have turned. I didn't like this feeling, and now I understood why Lili hated it when I teased her. I said nothing until we were in the car. I had to settle the score, or else I would not be a happy camper.

Liliana was busy looking out the window as the car drove on. It seem she never got enough of Rome's beauty, and I never got enough of hers.

I knew I was playing dirty, but I had to get her back. So I sat up, and the moment I did so, Liliana sent me a cautious look. I didn't smile, I didn't even blink. She looked my way and the uncertainty in her face told me that she was not anticipating my retaliation. I began by running my index finger against the length of her lower leg.

"You know," I began to speak, the tip of my finger running over her knee and back down, as she instantly stiffened, "it seems to be a habit of yours," I continued casually, my index finger going over her knee and little bit further on her thigh before going back down again, meanwhile Lili was barely breathing, "to tease me," I continued, my finger sneaking under the hem of her skirt, "almost past the point of no return." I concluded, and then I sent her a quick smile.

Liliana, with wide innocent eyes, like a deer in headlights shook her head quickly, then she gulped, my finger teasing her upper thigh, but I did not inch close to her area.

"No?" I questioned, and she shook her head again, it seems all her bravado remained on the plane.

"Mmh." I simply hummed, and I retracted my hand as I said, "guess it was a misinterpretation on my part." I added a smile, then I leaned back, pretending to look away from her.

Then I mentally counted, five, four, three, two, one.

"You son o f a biscuit!" She whisper yelled, just like I knew she would.

"What is it love?" I asked, feigning innocence, "you, You, You- Ughh!" She growled instead of saying anything coherent.

"That's what you get for teasing me." I pointed, and she pouted and crossed her arms as she dared, "bite me."

"I did that already, though it was on your shoulder, would you like me to do it again somewhere else?" I offered, not letting her get away with anything this time.

"You don't play fair." She accused, as she leaned forward, "yeah and neither do you." I pushed back as I also sat up and leaned forward. We were face to face now, both of us breathing heavily.

"Do you still want that kiss?" She asked, looking between my eyes and my lips.

"Darn right I do." I declared, then I placed my hand on the back of her head, and kissed her. She gripped onto my jacket, and pushed back against me just as hard, but before I could get committed to the kiss, Armagio had arrived at the hotel.

We pulled away breathless, and she looked down flustered due to my heavy gaze.

"There's something I need to tell you." I spoke, as we both attempted to catch our breaths.

"What is it?" She asked.

"We're going to a ball tomorrow evening." I declared, and she shook her head as she said, "are Edna and Jay coming tomorrow to help me dress?"

"Who?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The stylists you had come over the first time we went to the ball together." Liliana clarified, and I asked in disbelief, "you mean Sandra and Marco?"

And she blinked my way confused as she said, "sure..." I laughed at her response and nodded, "yes, they'll come by to help you."

"Okay." She smiled, and Armagio opened the door and helped her out of the car.

I smiled as she exited the car, and next to my heart, I felt the velvet box move in my jacket pocket. In just a few more hours, Liliana would soon call herself my future wife. And damn, I was blessed.


Hey my loves!

So here is the update for this week, with a special treat of the chapter being mostly in Frantz's point of view. You're welcome.

So, my mans Frantz got the parents' blessing, what did you think of that scene? What do you think of his proposal plan? And how do you think Liliana is going to react when she sees her parents and Chamille there?

Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING!

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