《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 32- "The Ring" Part- 1



"Tell me about it." My mom prompted softly, and sighed, as I placed my head in my hands, and curled my fingers around my hair.

"When we first started dating, Liliana made it clear that she did not want to have sex until we were married, and I agreed. I even said that if she thought I wouldn't stick around until marriage, she had another thing coming." I explained, and my mom nodded as she frowned attentively and said, "okay, sounds like a fair deal."

"Well that's the problem. Whenever I'm around her I can barely control myself, and I know that she's often curious and gets aroused, and we have a little fun here and there, but I never push too far because I know that even if she gave me consent then and there, it would be the lust talking, the morning after she would wake up regretting her actions, hating herself, and me. She is a spiritual girl, and the last thing I want to do is push her so far past the point of no return only for her to punish herself afterwards." I sighed frowning as I shook my head.

"Alright, I'm listening." My mom encouraged, and I drew in a deep breath, my cheeks flushing slightly. Having this conversation with mamma was not as easy as I expected it to be.

"Um, eh hem, anyway, this morning we shared a moment, and it took everything I had and more to pull away from her. I was sort of disappointed in my lack of control, and as a result, I kind of kept to myself for the rest of the flight and the day. I avoided calling her when I arrived home, and I went to bed. She called me, and I admit, I purposely acted distant on the phone, and then she said it, she said she loved me, but I didn't say it back." I explained, and my mom took a moment to ponder on my story.

She looked at me, then sighed as she shook her head before asking in a confusing manner, "so what is the issue? I mean, I remember when you called me after saving her from that man, you told me that you confessed your love to her in the elevator."

"I told her I was in love with her mamma, but actually saying 'I love you', it's big you know." I shrugged, knowing my argument was not as strong as I'd liked it to be.

"So do you love her?" My mom asked softly as she searched my eyes, and I shifted my eyes upwards to the sky. I closed them, and simply breathed in the crisp night air. Of course I loved Liliana.

I didn't realize it, but a tear had escaped the corner of my eye, and turning to my mom I revealed, "Yes, I love her."

"So why are you sitting here for? That poor girl is probably upset and confused because you left her hanging, if you truly loved her, you would be driving to her home right now." My mother shoved my shoulder, and I chuckled, sniffling, and I swallowed a gulp an turned to her as I held her hands.

"Mamma?" I called out, while I looked in her eyes, "si figlio mio?" She responded softly, "can you keep a secret?" I asked her with a soft smile, and she frowned slightly before her own lips parted in a smile, and she nodded eagerly, "well of course."


I felt my smile widen, hoping what I would say next would make her proud, "I got a ring." I whispered softly, and she let go of my hands as she gasped, and brought her hands to her lips.

"What?" She whispered quietly, her eyes pooling with tears, and she frowned as she blinked quickly, and I pulled the box from my pocket to show it to her.

She sobbed softly when I opened it, and noticed the square diamond and silver band, and she chuckled and pulled me in for an embrace. I laughed out loud, my own tears pouring from my eyes. When we pulled away, she sniffled and giggled again as she asked, "When did you get it?"

"About a month ago." I began to explain, "Lili had just returned from a trip, and I invited her to dinner. I told her I had a surprise, and I swear to you, I had planned on giving her a necklace, but after dinner, when she sat in the living room, and I went to my room to get the necklace, I saw my old photo album. For some reason, I picked it instead of the necklace, and I brought it to her. I told her about him mamma. I told her about Franco, and every moment I sat there with her, and she wiped my tears and kissed me, it only solidified my decision. That same night after dropping her home, I went to Marco's and got the ring. I haven't found the right moment, and I chose to wait until she expressed her love for me, and tonight she did just that."

My mom sighed proudly, then she pulled me back in her arms. After the embrace she suddenly slapped my arm as she said, "that's for making me cry so early in the morning. You know I am a hopeless romantic and watching you find love, true love, is the best gift a mother could ever wish for. So when are you going to propose?"

"I am not sure yet, but for tonight, I just want to tell her one thing." I determined, and with a set of nods, my mom encouraged me to go. I stood to my feet and planted a kiss on her cheek as I muttered thankfully, "Grazie mamma, ti amo.(Thank you mom, I love you.)"

"Ciao mio amore." She sniffled again, and I left with a smile.


While Frantz hopped in his vehicle and began making his way towards Liliana's home, Lili woke up from her restless night, and made the journey across her small home, straight to the fridge where she opened the freezer and retrieved a Neapolitan ice cream bucket. She grabbed a silver spoon and opened her television. During her free time, she had begun binge watching Hell's Kitchen and without wasting any time, she picked up at the last episode, and just as the narrator began the recap, she began digging into her ice cream, although avoiding the chocolate flavor as much as possible. She never really understood the reason for chocolate ice cream, and often always ate the vanilla and strawberry flavor.

Liliana sniffled, her already clogged nose worsening due to the cold treat, and she found that she enjoyed watching the chefs get yelled at by Gordon Ramsey, hopefully they could feel the pain and rejection she was currently feeling.

Every time the memory of her feeble voice saying 'I love you' echoed in her ears, Liliana cringed. Her nose burned, and soon, the tears followed. She couldn't help it. She was scared. She kept wondering whether her slip up would be the cause of Frantz leaving her.


When the ice cream started to soften in the bucket, Liliana groaned and paused her show as she headed back to the kitchen, and placed the container back in the freezer. Then she opened her fridge and stared into it for a few minutes without blinking. When she couldn't find a suitable snack, Liliana closed the door with an annoyed groan then she remembered her stash of expensive Walmart chocolate, hidden in her pants drawer, and with a determined stride, she crossed through her small home once again, and retrieved the box of chocolaty caramel filled goodies.

When she bit into the first soft candy, Liliana sighed softly and closed her eyes. The sweet taste of chocolate and caramel against her tongue was absolute heaven. But sugar induced trance broke, when thunder and lighting sounded in the sky above, and soon, rain began to pour and pelt against the window.

Liliana looked at the rain, and was amazed at how the storm reflected her earlier emotions. No longer sleepy, though it was around 3:00 AM, Liliana returned to her couch, and became completely invested in her show.

Liliana had made it through the episode's dinner service, and Chef Gordon was about to eliminate a chef, and as the music and suspension built up, and Lili prayed that her favorite wouldn't be booted off, a firm knock came from the door, startling Lili to the point where she almost jumped out of her own skin.

Looking out the window, the storm was still raging outside, and Liliana wondered who could be knocking on her door at this time. Pausing the TV, Lili thought that she may have heard wrong, so she waited in silence to see if maybe her ears had deceived her. Then the knocks came again.

With a gulp, Liliana looked around her home for a weapon, and then she remembered her bat under the couch. Dropping to the floor, Lili retrieved her pink metal bat, then she began walking towards the door just as a third set of knocks resonated through her home.

A first Lili thought to yell out 'who is it?' But figured if it was a kidnapper or robber, they probably would not want to identify themselves as such. Taking a deep breath, and securing her grip from the door, Liliana unlocked the door swiftly, and threw it open, but just as she lifted the bat above her head, Frantz walked through the door, dripping wet, his hair and clothes soaking, as he grabbed Liliana's face and kissed her with all his might.

Liliana dropped the bat instantly, as she cradled his neck in return, and kissed him back. Kicking the door with his leg, Frantz closed the door, as he pushed Liliana back until her back was flushed against the wall. He pinned his hips against her and made his arousal known to her, and Liliana gasped as she felt his body against her.

When he could no longer hold on without breathing, Frantz pulled away, only enough that the tip of his lips brushed against hers. He breathed heavily, his dark eyes boring into hers, causing Lili to feel a stir of arousal deep in her abdomen. The water from his hair dripped onto his neck, and his wet chest connected his hers. He squinted his eyes softly, while her eyes searched his, and then he said deeply, "I love you. With every cell in my body I love you. And I'm not saying this because I can't keep my eyes off you, or my hands, but I am saying this because you showed me that I can be loved, and I deserve to be loved."

His speech had Liliana's eyes running with water, but she had no chance to truly cry for he locked their lips again, and Lili jumped into his arms, as she wrapped her legs around his waste. He felt her axis rub against his arousal, and Frantz groaned into her lips as she bit his bottom lip. He squeezed the skin of her bottom, and carried her to the couch. He sat down and she straddled him, feeling his body against hers, and she sighed into his kiss, as he wrapped his arms around her back, and pressed her against him.

Frantz could feel the tables turning quickly, but he had to exert control. He had to show Liliana he loved her enough that he would help her keep the promise she made to herself.

Though against his physical wants, Frantz placed a hand on her chin, and pecked her lips again before he pulled away from the kiss.

Liliana breathed just as heavily as he, and she placed her hands against his chest, as she closed her eyes, and attempted to gather her wits.

"You..." She trailed off, as she kept her palms flat against his chest, "you know how to tempt a girl," Lili admitted, and Frantz chuckled as he caressed his nails over her spine and sides, causing Liliana to curl her toes, and push further into him, "and you..." Frantz added, his eyes looking into hers as if mesmerized, "are my weakness."

Liliana placed her forehead against his as she sighed her lips parted and she spoke sincerely, "I know you can't wait much longer-" But Frantz had already stopped her as pinched her chin between his thumb and index finger, his lips brushing against her, "for you, I'll wait a thousand years, because I know the longer I wait, the sweeter the it'll be when I have you."

Liliana searched his eyes, and frowned deeply as she asked in a breathy tone, "Who are you?"

Frantz smiled deviously as he declared, "I'm the man that's going to make you mine, and I'll be damned if someone else tries to take my place."

Liliana giggled, and kissed him again, then she simply cocooned her head under his neck, and rested her ear against his chest, while she listened to his heartbeat. She didn't care that he was dripping wet and most likely soaking her couch and carpet. She didn't care that in the morning she'd have to dry the water off the floor. All she cared about was being in his arms.

Frantz hummed as he hugged her tight against his body, then he kissed her head before he relaxed his head against the couch, and soon he drifted off to sleep. The rain outside served as a lullaby for the couple as they drifted off to dreamland together.

In the morning, Lili woke up to find herself still cocooned in Frantz's arms. She had no idea how they managed to fit on her small couch, or how they got to their lying position, but she was just glad to be able to wake up in his arms. It was the first time she slept with Frantz, and she had to admit, she looked forward to more mornings like these.

Feeling warm and comfortable in her spooned position, Liliana smiled, and closed her eyes as she pushed herself further into Frantz's warmth.

His clothes now dry, Liliana absentmindedly wiggled her hips against his jeans, and Frantz's eyes snapped open.

"Uh oh." He muttered, and practically jumped and ran out of the couch.

"What, what, what?" Liliana questioned confused and shocked, and Frantz said quickly, "Nothing!" then he dashed to the guest bathroom quickly, and Liliana blinked confused. Then it dawned on her. Oh no.

Her cheeks flushed as she remembered her actions. What she felt on her back was not just his jeans!

Oh Liliana could die right around now.

Lili wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. She was so embarrassed, she had no words to describe the amount of blood which rushed to her now red face.

In the bathroom Frantz was about to lose his head. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, then down at his pants. Frantz gripped the marble top counter and wanted to scream. He wouldn't be able to keep this up for long. Sooner or later, Frantz feared he would lose his footing, and he would no longer be able to control himself.

Liliana walked to the bathroom with fidgety fingers, and a nervous breath.

Her heart was beating in her chest, harder than a dribbling basketball.

She approached the door, and leaned her forehead against it as she took a deep breath and spoke softly, "Frantz? Are you okay? I-I am so sorry- I- I didn't mean- I mean- I did-didn't know- I-I-I was-Well- I- I'm sorry." Liliana gave up on trying to explain herself, meanwhile on the other side of the door, Liliana's voice was driving Frantz crazy.

When Frantz didn't respond, Liliana asked carefully, "are you okay?"

And Frantz drew in a difficult breath as he held the bridge of his nose and his jaw clicked, then he said, "I need a shower."

"I- okay." Liliana simply said, then she walked away from the bathroom.

When Frantz was Liliana was gone, he groaned out, "Gaaahhh!" then he stripped. He took off his clothes, and jumped into the ice cold water.

It wasn't the most comfortable temperature, but it did the job. His hot skin cooled down in seconds, and his excitement also winded down. He placed his hand against the cold tiles of the shower wall, and allowed the water to drench his head and, flow down his body. Once he was ready to soap himself, he absentmindedly found himself enjoying the fresh scent of Liliana's white soap bar, and he gladly used her shampoo in his hair. He smelled like his girl.

When Frantz finished his shower, he pulled the curtain back and noticed a pile of clothes by the sink. He didn't even hear Liliana come in. With a chuckle and a shake of his head, Frantz noticed his grey hoodie and matching sweatpants. He didn't have to guess how Liliana got her hands on these. Next to the clothes he noticed an unused toothbrush, still in the wrapper. Glad to be able to brush his teeth, Frantz got into his clothes, and headed to the living room.

When he arrived Liliana was in the kitchen moving around while grabbing necessary items for a quick breakfast, but Frantz noted the permanent flush in her cheeks as she avoided his eyes on purpose.

He knew she would feel uncomfortable, so he attempted to lighten the mood.

He joined her in the kitchen, and while she mixed the pancake batter, he began to make coffee.

He looked over his shoulder while Liliana stood over the stove. When he had set up the coffee maker, and it began to rumble, Frantz turned around and faced Liliana. He admired the view with a smirk as he swiped a hand through his hair and asked, "should I be worried as to how you ended up with my hoodie and sweatpants?"

And Liliana simply shrugged as she said, "I may have borrowed a pair or two when you weren't looking."

"Mmh hmm." Frantz muttered, then he pulled himself off the counter, as he approached Liliana. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and placed his head on the crook of her shoulder. He was sure to keep his excited hips away from her this time, and Lili was glad for that.

They stayed in this fashion for a while. Neither one spoke, but simply enjoyed the silent company of the other.

When breakfast was ready, Frantz set up the table, while Liliana began to plate their food. When they sat to eat, Lili still avoided his eyes, but he didn't want that.

Placing his cup of coffee down, Frantz reached out and grabbed Liliana's hand. Her faced instantly flushed, and she looked down.

"Hey, stop it." Frantz spoke softly, and Liliana blinked as she finally looked at him, "I feel like I am torturing you."

"But you're not." Frantz shrugged, he could handle his arousal.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts. I'm actually glad of your decision to wait until we're married." Frantz admitted, as he rubbed his thumb over the skin of her hands.

"You are?" Liliana asked, and Frantz nodded as he said, "because it's taught me to love you for you. For your uncontrollable mouth, and your love for sweets, and your tiny snores when you sleep, and for your smile, and so much more."

Liliana giggled as she looked away and said, "I don't snore."

"Uh yeah you do." Frantz pushed back, and Liliana simply laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh and there's one more thing I have to tell you." Frantz said, and Liliana looked at him expectantly as he said, "We're going to a ball tonight."

"What?!" Lili exclaimed in shock, "you tell me this now? I don't even have a dress." Lili groaned as she began to panic.

"I already have all of that sorted. It was always going to be a surprise. I have a dress appointment, and hair and nails set up." Frantz shrugged casually, and Liliana sighed as she frowned, "Frantz we talked about this. You're spoiling me."

"Yeah, and your whining is not going to make me stop either." Frantz smiled as he stood up and gave her a quick kiss, then he took his plate to the kitchen along with the mug.

"And where is the ball going to be?" Lili called out after him.

"New York. Yeah we're flying there in an hour, so I suggest you grab your stuff babe." Frantz replied, and Liliana shook her head in disbelief.

Oh yeah, she definitely loved Mr. Cavalier.



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