《Married to the Northerner》27


It has been a few days since the heartbreak and I was able to keep up with the promise I made to myself. It was quite easy as Nathaniel was busy with the royal duties most days and I spent my time at Alina's house or the royal library.

Baby Maximus is now accustomed to me and I have to say I yearn to have a child soon. His innocence and watching him grow up, I wanted a bairn of my own, yet knew Nathaniel and I were not ready to be parents.

I couldn't bring a child to a broken family with its parents living separately. I've seen the toll it has taken on Nathaniel and I'm sure he wouldn't wish it on his children. I wanted the child to grow up with love and witness their happy family.

I was enjoying the comforts of a book in my hand when the door suddenly opened. I set the book aside and looked out the door to see Arabella, the maid I befriended recently.

She looked frantic before grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. I stopped my feet and looked at her questioningly.

"The Queen mother is burning your items from the trunk."


I whisper before racing down the halls towards my mother-in-law. My trunk is filled with my personal items and my family's heirlooms.

I saw a small fire and a pink cloth burning midway. Despite the fire touching my hands, I extinguished the sparks of fire on the fine cloth. Tears ran down my eyes seeing the burnt marks and holes littered on the side of the pink shawl.

"What are you doing you, foolish girl?! Let me burn that garbage!"

"This garbage you call are my personal items. You may be my mother in law, but you do not have the right to burn my things. This is what I have left of my mother and you burnt nearly half of it. What have I ever done to you! Why would you do something as cruel as this?"


I didn't care if she saw me sobbing, but I felt my already broken heart shattering more as most of my things were ashes now. All that was left were a few bangles that are common to wear in Alasia and parts of my mother's shawl. All my Alasian clothes were burnt, along with some paintings I drew.

"You are the wife of a Northerner now and you must act like it."

"I am also the daughter of Alasians. It is forever etched as a part of my identity and I could care less if you do not accept me for who I am."

Her hand raised towards my face to slap me, but I blocked it using my own. Letting her hand fall free, I grabbed my things and walked inside my chamber. I ran my fingers through the fine quality of the shawl and over the burn marks. I couldn't even keep a shawl safe, how was I to take care of anything.

"Princess Avani, you need to apply some herbs for those burn wounds."

"Now now Arabella."

"They will get infected otherwise."

"Please just leave me alone. Leave it to the side and I'll apply it."

I finally compromised before I heard the door close. I released the tears and clutched onto the dress. Why did my parents have to die? If they were alive, I was sure that my life would have been better. They wouldn't allow me to go through so much pain.

The door opened once again and I commanded the person to leave. A voice I hadn't heard in a few days reached my ears as I turned to face him.

"You should apply some of the medications to your wound. They will heal sooner. I will not negotiate when it comes to your health."


I nod my head knowing I wouldn't win this argument against him, as he began applying the antidote on my wounds. His jaw clenched slightly at the sight and he wrapped my hands in bandages.

"I'm sorry for what my mother has done. I talked to her about her actions and she will be facing consequences."

I nod my head, the certain emotion I buried within me a few days ago resurfacing once again. I looked back at the pink shawl that was littered with burn marks on the edge of it. Nathaniel's eyes followed my own before he gently caressed the fabric.

"Is this your mother's shawl?"

I nod my head, as my throat felt restricted from the overwhelming emotions running through me. A tear escapes my eyes thinking of her. Nathaniel's arm surrounded me as he gave me a hug and I cried into his chest. Little did he know that not only did I cry for the loss of my mother, but for losing the man I love.

I realized our intimate position and parted away, wiping the tears discreetly. He sighed in what seemed to be frustration and disappointment. His fingers ran through his soft curls before his light blue eyes looked straight into my brown ones.

"I don't like this. Us not talking and avoiding each other."

I wanted to tell him how I didn't like it either, that I hated it. I wanted things to go back to normal, but I knew it was impossible now. Maybe in the future, our relationship can be mended, but not this soon anyway.

"I'm sorry, but things can never be the same again. In order for me to heal and move on or at least accept the truth, I need time- time away from you."

He seemed hurt by my statement, but I had to give him an explanation. He deserved that. He nodded his head before getting up from my bed.

"I understand and take all the time you want. I want you to be happy even if it means being away from me."

He exited the room as I sighed in disappointment. Everything would be less complicated if he accepts the feelings deep within him. I couldn't let myself fall into that web of hope again, as I decided to finish reading a book to escape my depressing reality.


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