《Married to the Northerner》18


We walk until we are all surrounded by the thick forest and some trees have leaves as sharp as needles, while others are leafless. I was wondering how long the walk would be and why we would have to walk such a distance.



"Please don't think I'm daft for asking such a question, but are there no horses in Nordfjord? Do you guys travel by foot everywhere?"

He gave me a look in disbelief before cracking a smile. Shaking his head he silently pointed ahead, where I saw absolutely nothing. Giving him a questioning glance, he sighs and lifts me up lightly as I see horses just a few yards ahead.

"I really find your lack of physical height astonishing. Tell me Avani, did you stop growing when you reached a decade of your life."

"Stop teasing me. I am average amongst the people of Alasia. You northerners are just gigantic."

"Which is why we can handle this walk."

"I have to take twice the steps as all of you in order to not be left behind."

"Well, you have nothing to worry about. The loyal people of Nordfjord wouldn't dare to leave their queen behind and I won't dream of it to leave you behind, ever."

He whispered the last word against my ears and I couldn't stop the smile etched on my face at his kind words as he wraps his arm around my waist. I snuggled deep into him, as his scent enveloped me. I heard the neighing sound of the stallions, in all colours, from white, brown, multicoloured and a large black one with a shiny coat.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the black-coloured horse belonged to my one and only husband. As everyone grabbed a horse and saddled up, I looked quite lost. I still did not know how to ride a horse and there seemed to be none left.

"Ivan, where is my wife's horse?"

"On the journey here one of the horses stubbed a thorn and the wound bled badly, my king. If it isn't a problem, Princess Avani can use my horse to travel to the castle.


"How will you travel, Ivan?"

"Princess, wife of the great king Nathaniel, I am honoured to meet you."

Before answering Nathan's question, the horseman Ivan bowed down and greeted me. I greeted him back with a polite hello, still not accustomed to such formality. Ivan turned back to my husband and immediately gave an answer to his prior question.

"I will walk back to the castle, your highness."

"It will be nightfall by the time you reach the castle. Anything can be lurking in these forests. Please take the horse instead."

"But your highness, how will you travel."

"She will ride with me on my horse."

"Thank you, my King, Princess."

I nod my head, confused at why he referred to the King's wife as a princess instead of a queen. Ignoring that though I was pleased with how this problem got solved. This way the people would not yet know that I do not have the skill to ride a horse.

With the help of Nathaniel, I finally got up on the massive stallion, as Nathaniel followed right behind. His arm rolls around my waist before pulling me towards his back.

"Safety first."

He whispered sensually in my ear. The sparks returned and I felt a shiver go down my spine. I felt him kiss the nape of my neck before starting the horse, jolting me out of this strange but good feeling.

"I'm sure a little bit of space between us is safe."

"I am not taking any risks. Seeing you struggle to get on that horse, I cannot bear to imagine you falling down from it."

I huff in annoyance as he laughs at his own joke of an excuse. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face, hearing his charming laugh. I look out to see the end of the first and a large concrete gate.

As we approach it, the guards open the giant doors, as a swarm of people cheer. I look confused and turn to face Nathaniel, who has a pleasing smile.

The townspeople cheered for the arrival of their King and threw flowers in our direction as we walked down the path. I smiled nervously at them before the smile etched naturally in my face at the loyalty and love I witnessed from the people of Nordfjord.


There is another gate, a bit smaller than the first one, and it opens wildly to a large castle. Bushes grew everywhere, as a stream passes by the side of the castle. I look astonished at the sight of my new home.

"How do you like your new home?"

"It's truly gorgeous. I love it."

"I'm glad. This is where we get off."

Nathaniel gets off first, as he carries me down from the tall stallion. I pet it's neck slightly and run my fingers through the horse's shiny dark mane.

My husband grabs my hand as he walks me into the castle. We enter the throne room and I see several more guards, maids, and an older woman who I assume to be my mother in law.

Although I am nothing but nervous on the inside, I keep my calm composure and walk side by side with my husband. The women seemed to be wearing a similar dress as I, and I instantly missed the flowing dress and shawl from my culture over this heavy dress and tight corset.

"Mother, pleased to meet you again."

"I hope the journey wasn't too rough, Nathan. Now this is my daughter in law. I must say you look nothing like your mother."

"My mother?"

Something in my gut felt wrong and I knew a catastrophe was about to occur. I looked worriedly at Nathaniel and he responded with the same worried glance.

"The Queen of Alasia, Rita of course. She is my distant relative, although her family was banished after her grandfather caused humiliation to the family. I do feel pity for your mother, that she lived in Alasia, but luckily she married Shaffar. I can't bear to imagine my relative, distant or not living a commoner's life under the rule of such people."

"What is wrong with the people of Alasia? You make it sound like such a horrid place."

"Of course it is dear. I mean no offence, but the country, cultures, and people, none of it makes sense. It's quite alienating if you know what I mean. I'm just glad my son married one with the blood of a northerner."

"It seems that you have mistaken my wife for her stepsisters. This is my wife, Avani and soon to be Queen of Nordfjord."

"I am the proud daughter of King Leon Queen and Vila of Alasia."

Her face was frozen for a second before it contorted into one of disgust and anger. Her pale skin turned red and if possible, smoke would be coming out of her ears.

"How dare you trick my son into marrying you. Nathaniel what have you done by marrying a full-blooded Alasian! How can she be the Queen to Nordfjord!"

"Mother, are you questioning my decision? Whether you are my mother or not, I would advise you that it is not wise to challenge the King's choice and dishonour his wife."

The calmness in his voice truly scared me, there was a threatening edge to it. I knew his relationship with his parents was not the best, but I didn't want to be a reason to further damage it.

"Queen mother, Genevine, I would try to be the best wife to my husband, a proper mother to our children, and a fitting queen for Nordfjord. That is if you guide me and give me a chance."

I asked politely. The anger seemed to return for a moment before she replaced it with what seemed to be like a forced smile. Nonetheless, I returned it, ignoring the warning bells going off in my mind.

"Very well, welcome to the family, Avani."

It sounded very forced and she ended it with a laugh that truly sounded like a cackle. She reached out and hugged me as I looked at my husband. I expected him to be laughing at this awkward situation, but instead he looked tense.

"Well why don't we have a feast then. I have prepared one for the arrival of my son and his bride. Come this way."

The end tone in her voice scared me, as I looked at my husband for help. He placed his palm in the back of my back, never leaving my side for a moment. At that time I knew, my mother in law will do everything to make my life a living hell.


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